Friday, November 16, 2007


Published in
Catholic Digest
January 1992

The Mystery of the Magi

How Yeshu’a become Jesus

page 17


We usually don’t think about it, but our Lord’s name was not always Jesus. It was in fact originally the popular Aramaic name Yeshu’a.
In first century Judea and Galilee, the name Yeshu’a was very common and shared fifth place with Eleazar (Lazarus) in popularity as a name for Jewish men. The most popular male names at that time were Shime’on (Simon), Yosef (Joseph), Yehuda (Judah or Judas) and Yochanan (John).

In the Holy Land at the time of Christ, Aramaic had replaced Hebrew in everyday conversation, but Hebrew remained the holy language and was used in worship and daily prayers. The rabbis also used Hebrew when instructing their disciples. The two languages were closely related, however, as close as Italian is to Spanish, and both used the same alphabet.

Yeshu’a was the Aramaic version of the Hebrew name Yehoshu’a (Joshua), and means “Yahweh saves”.

Throughout Christ’s lifetime in Galilee, Samaria and Judea of course the name Yeshu’a presented no problem for those who spoke Aramaic and read the Bible and prayed in Hebrew. But outside the Holy Land it become a different story as Good News spread.

The Gentiles of the Roman Empire spoke Greek and Latin and simply could not pronounce Yeshu’a. It contained sounds that did not exist in their language. When the Gospels were written in Greek, therefore, the Evangelists had a real problem regarding how they might render our Lord’s name into acceptable Greek.

The initially ‘Y’ (Hebrew and Aramaic letter ‘yod’) was easy. The Evangelists could use the Greek letter ‘iota’, written ‘I,’ since it was pronounced like the ‘y’ in yet.

The next sound was a vowel, and that was a little more difficult. Unlike Greek, all the letters of the Aramaic-Hebrew alphabet are consonants. The marks for the vowels were not invented until some centuries after Christ and were simple dots and dashes, placed above or beneath the letters. At the time of Christ apparently, the first vowel in our Lord’s name was pronounced like the ‘a’ in gate. And the Evangelists believed they could approximate that sound by using the Greek letter ‘eta’. (The capital Greek letter looks just like our English letter H).

Then followed the first of two almost insurmountable problems with Hebrew and Aramaic pronunciation. There was no letter for the ‘sh’ sound in the Greek alphabet. Such a familiar name as Solomon was actually Sh’lomo in Hebrew, Samson was Shimson and Samuel was Sh’mu-El. Like the Greek translators of these Old Testament Hebrew names, the Evangelists used the Greek sigma (s) for the Hebrew shin (sh) when rendering Christ’s name.

The first three Greek letters ‘iota’, ‘eta’, and ‘sigma’, moreover came to be used in early Byzantine religious art as an abbreviation of Jesus name. As they look very much like the Latin letters HIS, the letters were adapted in Western European religious paintings and church architecture as a symbol for Christ’s name.

The next letter in the Aramaic name Yeshu’a was the Hebrew letter ‘waw’, which here represents the sound ‘oo’, as in too. It was easy for the Evangelists to duplicate this sound in Greek. It takes two letters, however, the omicron (o) and upsilon (u).

But that easy substitution was followed by the biggest problem of all: the final ‘a’ sound. In Greek, there was no substitute for the Hebrew letter ‘aiyin’. Though the ‘aiyin’ has no sound of its own, it causes the vowel that it controls to be pronounced deep in the throat. The Greek couldn’t do that, and neither could the Romans when speaking in Latin. Usually, a Greek or Roman would pronounce an ‘aiyin’-controlled ‘a’ like the ‘a’ in father.

A final ‘a’ on a name however was most commonly feminine in both Greek and Latin. Thus it was decided to drop the Hebrew ‘aiyin’ completely and replace it with the final Greek sigma (s) which most often indicates the masculine gender in nouns.

Throughout the Roman Empire then our Lord’s Aramaic name Yeshu’a, had become the Greek name Iesous, pronounced yeh-SOOS. And this remained Christ’s name throughout the Roman Empire as long as Greek remained the dominant language.

But after some centuries Greek lost its favored position and Latin took its place. In the last quarter of the fourth century, the Bible was translated from Greek into Latin by *St. Jerome who had no trouble rendering the Greek Iesous into Latin, it became Iesus. The accent, however, was moved to the first syllable and the name pronounced YAY-soos, since the Romans liked to accent the second from the last syllable.

In about 14th century, in the scriptoria of the monasteries where Bibles were copied by hand, Monks began to elongate the initial ‘I’ of the words into a ‘J’. (The pronounciation remained the same-like the ‘y’ in yet but the Monks thought a ‘J’ looked better). Probably the first Monks to do this were Germans because the letter ‘j’ in that language sounds the same as the ‘y’ in English. The name Iesus, consequently, evolved into the familiar written form of Jesus by the 17th century. Everyone still pronounced it YAY-soos, however, as it was in the official liturgical Latin.

Way back in the fifth and sixth centuries, some pagan Germanic tribes called the Angles and Saxons invaded England. St Augustine of Canterbury came to convert them to Christianity in A.D.396. Of course St. Augustine established Jerome’s Latin translation as England’s official Bible. The Anglo-Saxon learned that our Lord’s official Latin name was Iesus. Naturally the Germanic Anglo-Saxon converted the initial Latin ‘I’ into the German ‘J’. They pronounced the name, however, as YAY-zoos, since a single ‘s’ between two vowels is sounded like our ‘z’ in Germanic languages.

When the Normans invaded England in A.D.1066 they brought with them the French language. Since neither the Anglo-Saxons nor the Normans would surrender their language to the other, the two become wedded and eventually evolved into Modern English.

The Normans did influence the pronunciation of the first letter of Our Lord’s name, though, they brought the French pronunciation of ‘j’ (jh), which evolved into our English sound of ‘j’.

When King James commissioned the first official translation of the Bibles into English in the early 17th century, the Latin Jesus was carried over unchanged into the new English Bible. The average English citizen of the day probably pronounced the name JAY-zus which ultimately evolved into our modern English JEE-zus.

The long process was now complete. A name that began as the Aramaic Yeshu’a would remain written in English as it was in Medieval Latin, but now would be pronounced in English speaking countries as the familiar and loving name of the One who is our Savior, JESUS.

· Eusebius Hieronymus A.D.347 – A.D.419

The Mistaken J
Often heard in the churches of our land is the refrain sung about the Savior, “There’s something about that name…” In our English-speaking world we have been taught that the saving name of the Redeemer of Israel is “Jesus.” So accepted is this name that few stop to consider its authenticity.
But the truth is, there is indeed “something about that Name.” That “something” is the inescapable fact that the Savior’s name is not Jesus, and never was. What’s more, the Name of the Heavenly Father is not Jehovah, a designation that is only five centuries old.
Churchianity has so thoroughly immersed the world in the error of this tradition for the past 500 years that few even think to research the matter or to consider the consequences of calling on the wrong name. As a result, most continue believing that the Hebrew Savior is called by a Latinized Greek name that could not possibly have existed at the time He walked the earth. It’s a name that would have been completely foreign to Him.
Eminent French historian, scholar, and archaeologist Ernest Renan acknowledges that the Savior was never in His lifetime called “Jesus.” In his book, The Life of Jesus, Renan doubts that the Savior even spoke Greek (p.90). Greek was mostly the language of business and commerce in cosmopolitan circles.
As for the Father’s Name, the hybrid “Jehovah” came into existence through the ignorance of Christian writers who did not understand the Old Testament Hebrew. Credit for the error is given to Petrus Galatinus, confessor to Pope Leo X in the 16th century.
Modern scholarship recognizes “Yahshu’a” as the best rendition for the Name of the Savior, while “Yahweh” is the closest transliteration for the Name of the Creator as found in ancient Scriptural manuscripts. In returning as nearly as we can to the Bibles’ original language and meaning, we come to a deeper and more accurate understanding of the truths contained within it.
As we will learn, the Father and Son’s revealed, personal Names are the foundation on which other vital, salvation truths rest. It was not without reason that Yahweh established the foundation of the Ten Commandments with the clear declaration of His sacred Name: “I, Yahweh, am your Elohim…” Exodus 20:2. Our Savior, as well, opened His Model Prayer with the words, “hallowed be Thy Name.”
Yahweh devoted the Third Commandment to warn of the sin of taking His Name in vain (a meaning that includes bringing His Name to uselessness, as has been done for centuries), Exodus 20:2, 7. Our Redeemer’s Name is critically important as well, or else our Creator would not have inspired the writer of Acts to proclaim, “Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is none other name under heaven, given among men whereby we must be saved,” Acts 4:12.
Back to the Basic Truths of the Bible
It should be evident to anyone that through time and tradition, observances change, are added to, and also lose some of what they first had. This is especially true of the worship originally practiced in the Bible. Our primary goal as True Worshipers should be to return to fundamental truths, like His true Name, once known and taught by the early Assembly but that have been neglected or ignored through the centuries. Shouldn’t this be the desire of every sincere Bible believer—to worship in ALL truth? Why go only halfway, or put another way, why continue worshiping partly in error?
Jude 3 speaks directly to us: “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” This original faith as practiced in the early New Testament Assembly is being restored now, just before the Savior Yahshu’a returns to earth. Acts 3:21 say the heaven must receive the Savior until the time of restitution of all things. “Restitution” is the Greek apokatastasis and means re-establish from a state of ruin.
Foundational to this original truth being restored by believers in the Name of Almighty Yahweh is the identity of the One we worship. Nothing in existence is more holy than the Father and His personal, revealed Name Yahweh. Paul wrote that Yahweh has given His Son a Name that is above every name, Philippians 2:9. The prophet Malachi tells us that if we will not give glory unto the Name of Yahweh that He would send a curse upon us (2:2).
With a sense of gravity of the Sacred Name, let’s examine why any substitute name employing the letter J is erroneous on its face. We will look at the facts and the overwhelming evidence and carefully evaluate our findings, using numerous sources revealing the truth. Much of the information we cite here is readily available in your public library, or found in references you may even have at home. We urge you to look into this important issue and prove it for yourself.
The ‘J’: A Letter Come Lately
Among the many reasons that both “Jesus” and “Jehovah” are erroneous is the simple fact that they begin with the letter J, the most recent letter added to our English alphabet. The Savior’s name could not begin with the letter J because it did not exist when He was born –not even a thousand years later! All good dictionaries and encyclopedias show that the letter J and its sound are of late origin.
A chart on both the Hebrew and Greek alphabet is found on page 48 in this booklet. Take special note that there is no letter equivalent to J in either Hebrew or Greek even today. Here are what major references tell us about the J and its development:

The Encyclopedia Americana contains the following on the J:
“The form of J was unknown in any alphabet until the 14th century. Either symbol (J, I) used initially generally had the consonantal sound of Y as in year. Gradually, the two symbols (J, I) were differentiated, the J usually acquiring consonantal force and thus becoming regarded as a consonant, and the I becoming a vowel. It was not until 1630 that the differentiation became general in England.”

The New Book of Knowledge reads:
“J, the tenth letter of the English alphabet, is the youngest of the 26 letters. It is a descendant of the letter I and was not generally considered a separate letter until the 17th century. The early history of the letter J is the same as the history of the letter I. I is a descendant of the ancient Phoenician and Hebrew letter yod and the Greek letter iota” (Vol. 10, 1992 ed.).
The Random House Dictionary of the English Language says about the J:
“The tenth letter of the English alphabet developed as a variant form of I in Medieval Latin, and except for the preference for the J as an initial letter, the two were used interchangeably, both serving to represent the vowel (i) and the consonant (y). Later, through specialization, it came to be distinguished as a separate sign, acquiring its present phonetic value under the influence of the French.”
The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, under “J,” offers additional information:
“J, a letter of the alphabet which, as far as form is concerned, is only a modification of the Latin I and dates back with a separate value only to the 15th century. It was first used as a special form of initial I, the ordinary form being kept for use in other positions. As, however, in many cases initial i had the consonantal value of the English y in iugum (yoke), &c., the symbol came to be used for the value of y, a value which it still retains in German: Ja! Jung, & c. Initially it is pronounced in English as an affricate dzh. The great majority of English words beginning with j are of foreign (mostly French) origin, as ‘jaundice,’ ‘judge’”…(p.103).
Funk and Wagnall’s Encyclopedia (1979 edition), volume 14, page 94 under “J,” states:
“J, the tenth letter and seventh consonant in the English alphabet. It is the latest addition to the English script and has been inserted in the alphabet after I, from which it was developed, just as V and W follow U, the letter from which they arose. In form, J was originally merely a variation of I; J appeared first in Roman times, when it was used sometimes to indicate the long i vowel sound, but was often used interchangeably with I. The Romans pronounced I as a vowel in some words, such as iter, and as a semi-vowel in others, for example, iuvenis, spelled presently juvenis. The only difference in spelling, however, was the occasional use of double i for the y sound for example, in maiior, spelled presently major. In the Middle Ages the elongated form (j) was used as an ornamental device, most often initially and in numeral series; many old French manuscripts indicate the numeral 4 by the letter sequence iiij. The use of j as an initial led ultimately to its specialized use to indicate both the old semi-vowel sound y, found in German, and the new palatal consonant sounds (z) and (dz), found in French, Spanish and English. Not until the middle of the 17th century did this usage become universal in English books; in the King James Bible of 1611, for example, the words Jesus and judge are invariably Iesus and iudge. Long after the invention of printing, j thus became more than a mere calligraphic variation of i (which in Latin could be either vowel or semi-vowel), and, j became restricted to a consonantal function.
“In English, j has the composite sound of d + zh, as in journal. In French, on the other hand, the zh sound alone is given the letter, as in jour; German has retained the original y sound of the Latin i consonant, as in jahr; and Spanish has introduced a new sound resembling a guttural ch, as in Jerez. In Middle English, before the differentiation of i and j, the combination gi was sometimes used to represent the dzh sounds, such as in Giew for Jew, and in modern times the soft g is used for the same sound, as in general…”
Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary confirms how the J developed from the I and became a consonant only a few centuries ago:
“J, j (ja), n. 1. The tenth letter of the English alphabet: formerly a variant of I, i, in the seventeenth century it became established as a consonant only, as in Julius, originally spelled Iulius.”
The letter J was often used instead of the letter I, especially at the beginning of a word. This became common in the 1600s (World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, 1995 ed). Medieval scribes added a tail to the second I when two I’s appeared together. Because a beginning I almost always has a consonant sound, the long form, J, came to be used generally for the consonant sound of the letter (New Book of Knowledge).
It became necessary to distinguish between the J and the I when the dictionary came into being. In the seventeenth century, the dictionary’s appearance forced a consistent spelling. Using either I or J became mandatory to ensure proper alphabetical positioning. Owing to this close kinship with I, J was inserted immediately following I in our English alphabet.
Note the substantiating comments on the J from the Encyclopedia Americana:
“It is one of the few permanent additions to those alphabets, made in medieval or modern times. More exactly, it was not an addition, but a differentiation from an existing letter, I, which in Latin, besides being a vowel (as in index), had also the consonantal value of ‘Y’ (as in maior, pronounced ‘mayor’).
“At a later state, the symbol ‘J’ was used for the distinctive purposes, particularly when the ‘I’ had to be written initially (or in conjunction with another ‘I’). Either symbol used initially generally had the consonantal sound of ‘Y’ (as in Year) so that the Latin pronunciation of either Ianuarius or Januarius was as though the spelling was ‘Yanuarius.’ While in some words of Hebrew and other origin (such as Hallelujah or Junker), ‘J’ has the phonetic value of ‘Y.’”
We discover, then, that the letter J derived from the vowel letter I and originally had the same sound as the vowel I. That is why the lower case j still has a dot over it. The letter I represents the Greek iota (I), which usually corresponds to the Hebrew yothe (Y as in yes). The letter J has a Y sound (as in “hallelujah”) in Latin, German, and Scandinavian languages. In Spanish, J is an aspirate, having the sound of H.
The J was first pronounced as the I at the time of the introduction of the printing press. Dutch printers fostered utilizing the J, especially at the beginning of a word. The letter J eventually acquired its own sound. It was the French who gave the letter J the present sound of the soft letter g as in “large” or “purge.” In Latin, German, and other languages the J is pronounced more like Y with an “ee” sound. The Spanish J is more like an aspirant as in San Jose. Some old European maps still show the spelling of countries like Jugoslavia (Yugoslavia) or Sowjet (Soviet) Russia. It is only in the last century that the letter J has firmly taken on the French pronunciation as in joy or journal.
Webster’s Universal Dictionary (1936) reinforces the fact of the early relationship of the letter J to I:
“As a character it was formerly used interchangeably with ‘I,’ both letters having originally the same sound and after the ‘J’ sound came to be common in English, it was often written where this sound must have been pronounced. The separation of these two letters is of comparatively recent date, being brought about through the influence of the Dutch printers.”
First Letter of the Sacred Name is Y
As we have shown, the J came from the letter I. The New Book of Knowledge shows the letter I (hence the J as well) derived from the Hebrew yothe (y), which is the first letter of Yahweh’s Name (hwhy, YHWH, known as the Tetragrammaton or “four letters”; Hebrew is read from right to left). It is also the first letter of the name Yahshu’a. The letter I (yothe or yod) in Hebrew carries the sound of “ee” as in “police.”
The King James Version and other Bibles employ the Latinized-Greek “Jesus.” But the facts of etymology prove that this cannot be His true name. If the King James and other Bibles are in error in calling the Savior “Jesus,” how did the error come about? And how can we determine exactly what that precious Name is?
The fact is, the first copies of the 1611 King James Bible did not use the letter J (see production at top). And no evidence is found to show that the letter I had the consonantal sound of J. This has been shown in the New Funk and Wagnall’s Encyclopedia:
“Not until the middle of the 17th century did this usage become universal in English books; in the King James Bible of 1611 for example, the words Jesus and judge are invariably Iesus and iudge.”
Oscar Ogg’s books, The 26 Letters, which gives a history of each letter of the English alphabet, explains how the J, along with the U and W, were the last to be added to the alphabet:
“The three missing letters, J, U and W, were not used by the Romans at all. U and W developed from V about a thousand years ago, and J developed from the letter I about five hundred years ago,” p. 106.
As already confirmed, most of our American vocabulary employing the letter J stems from the French. Nearly all words containing the letter J in English are pronounced as in French, such as journal or major, although French has a considerably softer pronunciation of J than English. In Spanish the J is more of an h aspirate as in “San Jose.”
After development of the letter J, the Savior’s Name was changed by the translators to Jesus, but continued to be pronounced much like the letter Y. However, the pronunciation of the J soon changed completely from its former “yee” sound to our present “juh” through French influence.
In Latin the J was pronounced as a Y. Even today, the German tongue, among others, pronounces the J like a Y (July – Yulee; Ja = Ya; Major in German is pronounced as “mayor;” June is “Yunee”). Note the comments of author F.F. Bruce in his The Books and the Parchments: “In the English Bible, Hebrew proper names with yod are represented with j, which in modern English has quite a different sound from y. Thus ‘Jehovah-jireh’ would have been pronounced in Hebrew something like Yahweh yeereh” (footnote, p. 40).
In his book, Story of the Letters and Figures, Hubert M. Skinner provides an excellent summation of the discordant transformation inflicted on the Savior’s Name:
“In some way, various modern peoples who received the J from the Romans have lost the original sound, and have substituted something very different. We retain the former sound in our word ‘hallelujah,’ but we generally give the letter the disagreeable soft sound of G. Yod is the initial of the name Jesus. It is unfortunate that a name so dear and so sacred is pronounced in a manner so different from that of the original word. The latter sounded very much as if it were Yashoo-ah, and was agreeable to the ear. Our sounds of J and hard S are the most disagreeable in our language, and they are both found in our pronunciation of this short name, although they did not exist in its original,” pp. 122-123.
‘Jesus’: A Word Out of Place and Time
The Bible clearly reveals that salvation is available in only one name: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). The name the angel gave to Hebrew-speaking Mary and Joseph was Yahshua, meaning “Salvation of Yah.”
This original Name has been made a hybrid by translators and changed to the Latinized, Grecianized name Jesus – a name that came into our language about the time of Christopher Columbus. (For a detailed explanation, request the revealing ministudy, How the Savior’s Name Was Changed.)
The following Biblical study references clearly explain that “Jesus,” used in place of the Savior’s true Name Yahshua, is erroneous. (Some of these references correctly show the Y or I superior to the Mistaken J.)
Þ Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature: “Import of the Name. –There can be no doubt that Jesus is the Greek form of a Hebrew name…Its original and full form is Jehoshua (Num. 13:16). By contraction it became Joshua, or Jeshua; and when transferred into Greek, by taking the termination characteristics of that language, it assumed the form Jesus” (vol. 4, pp. 873-874).
Þ The Anchor Bible Dictionary: “Jesus [Gk. Iesous]. Several persons mentioned in the Bible bear this name, which is a Greek form of Joshua (Heb. Yehosua; cf. the Gk of Luke 3:29; Acts 7:45; Heb. 4:8)…’Jesus Christ’ is a composite name made up of the personal name ‘Jesus’ (from the Gk Iesous, which transliterates Heb/Aram yesu(a), a late form of Hebrew yehosua, the meaning of which is ‘YHWH is salvation’ or ‘YHWH saves/has saved’)…” (III, p. 773).
Þ The Anchor Bible (note on Matthew 1:1): “Jesus. The word is the Greek rendering of a well-known Hebrew name. It was Yahoshu first, then by inner Hebrew phonetic change it became Yoshua, and by a still northern dialectal shift, Yeshua. The first element, Yahu (=Yahweh) means ‘the Lord,’ while the second comes from shua ‘To help, save.’ The most probable meaning is ‘O Lord, save.’” (Vol. 26, p.2)
Þ The New International Dictionary of The Christian Church: “Jesus Christ, The Founder of Christianity bore ‘Jesus’ (the Greek form of Joshua or Jeshua) as His personal name; ‘Christ’ (Gk. Christos, ‘anointed’) is the title given Him by His followers…” (p.531).
Þ Mercer Dictionary of the Bible: “Jeshua: An Aramaic form of the name Joshua, meaning ‘Yahweh is salvation.’ It occurs only in postexilic biblical literature, which supports the later origin of the name. Joshua, the son of Nun, is referred to in one passage as Jeshua (Neh. 8:17)” (p.444).
Þ Newberry Reference Bible (on Matt. 1:24): “Jesus, Heb. Joshua, or Jehoshua. Compare Num. 13:8, 16, where ‘Oshea,’ verse 8, signifying ‘Salivation,’ is altered in v.16 to ‘Jehoshua,’ ‘the Salvation of Jehovah,’ or ‘Jehovah the Savior.’”
Þ The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia: “Jesus (Iesous) is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew ‘Joshua’ (ucwhy, Yehoshua) meaning ‘Jehovah is salvation.’ It stands therefore in the LXX and Apoc for ‘Joshua,’ and in Acts 7:45 and Heb. 4:8 likewise represents the OT ‘Joshua.’ In Mt. 1:21 the name is commanded by the angel to be given to the son of Mary, ‘for it is he that shall save his people from their sins…It is the personal name of the L-rd in the Gospels and in the Acts…’” (Vol. 3, p.1626).
Þ The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary: “The given name Jesus means ‘savior,’ it is the Greek equivalent of Jeshua (Heb. Yesua, from yehosua ‘Yahweh saves’ [=Joshua]. Christ is the title, indicating that he is the ‘anointed one,’ the Messiah from Hebrew masiah).” …”Jeshua (Heb. Yesua ‘Yahweh is salvation’)” (p.573).
Þ The Bible Almanac: “The name Jesus (which is identical with Joshua and means ‘God is Savior’) emphasizes His role as the Savior of His people (Mat. 1:21). Christ is the New Testament equivalent of Messiah, a Hebrew word meaning ‘anointed one’…” (p.522).
Þ Holman Bible Dictionary: “Jesus Christ: Greek form of Joshua and of title meaning ‘Yahweh is salvation’ and ‘the anointed one’ or ‘Messiah.’” (p.775).
Þ New International Dictionary of the New Testament Theology, “OT Iesous is the Gk. Form of the OT Jewish name Yesua, arrived at by transcribing the Heb. And adding an –s to the nominative to facilitate declension. Yesua (Joshua) seems to have come into general use about the time of the Babylonian exile in place of the older Yehosua. The LXX rendered both the ancient and more recent forms of the name uniformly as Iesous. Joshua the son of Nun, who according to the tradition was Moses’ successor and completed his work in the occupation of the promised land by the tribes of Israel, appears under this name…It is the oldest name containing the divine name Yahweh, and means ‘Yahweh is help’ or ‘Yahweh is salvation’ (cf. the verb yasa, help save). Joshua also appears in one post-exilic passage in the Heb. OT (Neh. 8:17) as Yesua the son of Nun, and not as in the older texts, Yehosua” (Vol. 2, pp.330-331).
Þ The Classic Bible Dictionary (Jay P. Green), page 633, under Jesus: “Jesus is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew ‘Joshua,’ meaning ‘Jehovah is salvation.’ It stands therefore in the LXX and Apocrypha for ‘Joshua,’ and in Acts 7:45 and Heb. 4:8 likewise represents the OT Joshua.”
Author Green also comments on the Greek word “Christ:” “Christ (Christos) is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Messiah, meaning anointed.”
Thus we see that the Savior’s name as well as the descriptive title “Messiah” have been undermined and appear in Greek in changed form. Our Savior has been stripped of His Israelite roots.
Þ The SDA Bible Dictionary, page 565: “Jesus Christ [Gr. Iesous] (a transliteration of the Aramaic Yeshua, from the Heb. Yehoshua, ‘Joshua,’ meaning ‘Yahweh is Salvation’), Christos (a translation of the Heb. Mashiach, ‘Messiah,’ meaning anointed or anointed One).] The English form ‘Jesus’ comes from the Latin.”
Þ In Strange Facts About the Bible, author Garrison notes on page 81: “In its English form, ‘Jesus’ goes back to church Latin Iesus which is a transliteration of the Greek Iesous. But in its original Hebrew form it was Y’hoshua (‘Yahweh saves’), frequently abbreviated to Joshua…”
Þ Ian Wilson’s Jesus: The Evidence, says on page 66; “’Yeshua’, as Jesus would actually have been addressed, means ‘God saves’, and is merely a shortened form of the more old fashioned ‘Yehoshua (‘Joshua’ of the Old Testament).”
Þ New Bible Dictionary (edited by J.D. Douglas) reads under Jesus: “The name Jesus is not strictly a title for the person who bore it. It is, however, a name with a meaning, being a Greek form of ‘Joshua’, i.e. ‘Yahweh is salvation’. The NT writers were well aware of this meaning (Mt. 1:21). The name thus indicated the function which was ascribed to Jesus, and this later found expression in the title Saviour…” (p.584).
Þ Alford’s Greek Testament, An Exegetical and Critical Commentary: “Jesus –The same name as Joshua, the former deliverer of Israel.”
Þ Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion: “Jesus (The Name) –Matthew’s Gospel explains it as symbolic of His mission, ‘For He will save His people from their sins.’ This agrees with its popular meaning as ‘Yahweh saves…’” p. 1886.
Þ A Dictionary of the Bible, by James Hastings: “Jesus –the Greek form (uoshIs) of the name Joshua (ucwhy) or Jeshua. Jeshua – Yahweh is salvation or Yahweh is opulence” (pp.603-602).
Þ New International Dictionary of the Christian Church: “Jesus Christ, The Founder of Christianity bore ‘Jesus’ (the Greek form of Joshua or Jeshua) as His personal name; ‘Christ’ (Gk. christos, ‘anointed’) is the title given Him by His followers…” (p. 531).
All of these authorities and scholars agree. His name is not the Latinized Grecianized name “Jesus,” but reflects His Hebrew heritage and the mission He was given to save His people through the Name of the Heavenly Father Yahweh.
So how did He end up with the name so many erroneously call on today?
Greek Not the Original New Testament Language Very early in history, even before the Messiah, Greek had become a world language. Alexander the Great conquered the lands east and south of Greece, establishing Hellenistic culture and society as far as the Indus River and south into Egypt.
The koine or common Greek dialect prevailed, becoming dominant in the wake of Alexander’s exploits. Greek survived the ravages of Roman persecution, as well as the crusades, and continued to be spoken up to the time of the Muslim conquest of the Mediterranean area.
Following the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E., Rome crushed the Bar Kochba rebellion in 135 C.E. The Roman army destroyed anything Jewish, especially religious scrolls and books, including their Torah. This was followed by the Catholic inquisitions in Europe, eradicating anything Jewish. The crusaders made fair game of the Jews, ruthlessly destroying any vestiges of Hebrew writings.
Thus, between the suppression carried out by the Romans and the later Crusades, any Hebrew copies of both Old and New Testament writings were lost. Only Greek copies survived. Neither are there any original Hebrew Old Testaments manuscripts, only copies of copies of copies.
An increasing number of competent Bible scholars now agree with scholar Charles Cutler Torrey (Documents of the Primitive Church) that the New Testament in whole or part was first written in Hebrew and only later translated into Greek. (Write us for a list of renowned Bible scholars who uphold an original Hebrew New Testament, as well as the ministudy, Was the New Testament Originally Greek?)
In the September 12, 1986 issue of The Washington Times, David Bivin notes that Yahshua, like His contemporaries, most likely spoke Hebrew, Bivin, the director for the Jerusalem School for the Study of the Gospels, also believes that the original account of Yahshua’s life was written in Hebrew, not Greek of Aramaic. In addition, he and his Jerusalem scholars agree that by considering the Evangels Hebraic, many textual difficulties are cleared up, strongly suggesting that the Evangels were first written in Hebrew.
Even Martin Luther recognized the Hebrew roots of the New Testament. He wrote in Tischreden, “Although the New Testament was written in Greek, it is full of Hebraisms and Hebrew expressions. It has therefore been aptly said that the Hebrews drink from the spring, the Greeks from the stream that flows from it, and the Latins from the downstream pool” (translated by Pinchas E. Lapide in Hebrew in the Church, p.10).
Where is the justification for changing the Savior’s Name? Even in a Greek context, there is no J or J sound in the Koine or in any Greek dialect known. The Greek New Testament of the Bible provides the basis for our present Latin and English translations. Obviously the J came from another source, as Greek has no phonetic equivalent of the letter J in its 24 characters of the alphabet. Neither does Hebrew. The words judge, journal, jack, jam, jet, jog, etc., likely would all be spelled beginning with the Greek iota (English I) and would be pronounced as “ee.” In English the letter j would be replaced by the letter i. We would read iudge, iournal, iack, iam, iet, iog, etc. Some orthographers would prefer that these examples begin with today’s letter y instead of i.
We cannot ignore the fact that there was no letter J in ANY language until around the 15th century, and therefore must conclude that the name “Jesus” never existed before 500 years ago. Let us not forget that we read from a Hebrew Bible. It is the account of Yahweh’s dealing with His people Israel. Yahweh spoke to a people who understood Hebrew. Yahweh is the Mighty One of the Hebrews. Remember also that there was no Jew before the time of Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. So the Sacred Name is not Jewish.
The seeker of truth must not shy from the Hebrew roots of true Biblical faith, for we are children of Abraham, a Hebrew (Gen. 14:13). Hebrew means to “cross over,” and we are to “cross over” the falsity and error of this world and join in pure worship of Yahweh and His Son Yahshua.

Savior’s Name Explained in Bible Versions
Inspired Scripture calls attention to a singular Name wherein rests our eternal salvation.
The following Bible versions have these footnote explanations on Matthew 1:21, the verse where the angel tells Joseph (Yowceph) what to name the Redeemer of mankind:
· “’Jesus’ (Hebr. Jehoshua) means ‘Yahweh saves’”—The Jerusalem Bible.
· “’Jesus’ is the Greek form of Joshua, which means ‘the Lord saves’” –New International Version.
· “’Jesus,’ from the Greek form of a common Hebrew name (Joshua) derived from yasha, ‘he saves’” –Harper Collins Study Bible
· “She will give birth to a son, and you are to name him Yeshua, [which means ‘Adonai saves’], because he will save his people from their sins” –Jewish New Testament, David Stern, translator.
· “Heb. Yoshia, reflected in the name Yeshua (Gr. Jesus)” –The Original New Testament, Hugh J. Schonfield.
· “Jesus: The Greek form of ‘Jeshua’….The full significance of the name ‘Jesus’ is seen in the original ‘Yehoshua,’ which means ‘Jehovah the Savior,’ and not merely ‘Savior,’ as the word in often explained” –Weymouth’s New Testament in Modern Speech.
· “Jesus Christ. The name ‘Jesus’ is from the Greek (and Latin) for the Hebrew ‘Jeshua’ (Joshua), which means ‘the Lord is salvation.’ ‘Christ’ is from the Greek for the Hebrew ‘Meshiah’ (Messiah), meaning ‘anointed one’”—Ryrie Study Bible
· “Jesus, Yeshua, meaning ‘Jehovah Is Salvation’” –The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures.
The following commentaries add their observations on the Savior’s Name:

¨ Matthew Henry’s Commentary (on Matthew 1:21): “Jesus is the same name with Joshua, the termination only being changed, for the sake of conforming it to the Greek.”
¨ Interpreter’s Bible (Note on Matthew 1:21): “Jesus for He shall save: The play on words (Yeshua, Jesus; yoshia, shall save) is possible in Hebrew but not in Aramaic. The name Joshua means “Yahweh is salvation.”
¨ Barnes’ Notes (Note on Matthew 1:21): “His name Jesus: The name Jesus is the same as Saviour. It is derived from the verb signifying to save. In Hebrew it is the same as Joshua. In two places [Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8] in the New Testament it is used where it means Joshua, the leader of the Jews [Israel] into Canaan, and in our translation the name Joshua should not have been retained.”

The prefix Yah is the short or poetic form of YAH-weh the Heavenly Father’s Name as found in HalleluYAH and in names of many Biblical personalities, as we will see. Thus, the Savior’s Name begins with the prefix “Yah” that begins Yahweh’s Name, as revealed in Psalm 68:4: “Sing unto Elohim, sing praises to his name: extol him that rides upon the heavens by his name JAH [YAH], and rejoice before him.” “Shua,” the last part of the Savior’s Name, carries the primary meaning of “salvation.” Thus, Yahshua means “the salvation of Yah.”
When Israel crossed over the Red Sea, Moses sang a song of thanks to Yahweh in Exodus 15. The saving name appears in verse 2, “Yah is become my salvation,” which was to be Yahshua!
The following reasons clearly show why the name Jesus could never have been the Savior’s Name:
Þ There is no letter J or equivalent in Hebrew.
Þ There is no letter J or equivalent in Greek.
Þ There was no letter J in English until about 500 years ago.
Þ “Jesus,” an etymological hybrid from Greek and Latin, has no inherent, etymological meaning in Greek or Latin, not to mention Hebrew or English.
Þ Joseph (“Yowceph” in Hebrew), a Hebrew and a Jew, was told by the angel Gabriel that Mary (Miriam), a Jewess, would give birth to One Who would “save His people Israel from their sins,” Matthew 1:21. Only the Hebrew name “Yahshua” means “Salvation of Yah” (“Yah”shua). He Himself said that He is come in His Father’s Name (“Yah”weh/”Yah”shua) and “you receive me not,” John 5:43.
Þ Mary, a Hebrew, was told the same thing that Joseph was, Luke 1:31.
Þ Would a celestial being announce the coming Savior to Jews who spoke Hebrew (or Aramaic), proclaiming a Romanized, Grecian name beginning with a letter J that did not exist, but would originate in a European tongue 1500 years later? Remember it was to Israel, a Semitic people who spoke and understood Hebrew, that His saving Name was first revealed.
Þ Would HEBREW parents give their baby a hybridized GREEK name devoid of any meaning – especially such an important name that would identify the very Savior of the world?
How Did ‘Yahshua’ Become ‘Jesus’?
It is necessary that we understand the prefix “YAH” has come to us in the form “YEH” (a type of which is found in “Yeshua” commonly used for Yahshua). It is also manifest in the names JEHovah and Jesus.
Almost any scholarly reference work will acknowledge that Rabbinic tradition has suppressed the true Name Yahweh centuries before the Messiah came at Bethlehem. Writing Yahweh’s Name in the Hebrew, Jewish scribes inserted a shewa (:) instead of the proper qamets (T), thus changing the vowel sound “ah” in “Yah” to “eh.” This was done to conceal the sacred Name, thus yielding the improper Yehovah and Yeshua.
This is practiced even today by such groups as the Jews for Jesus, who contend that “Y’shua’ is the Jewish way to say “Jesus.” This may have been done to avoid offending the Jews and their proscription against even the short form YAH.
Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary clearly shows the erroneous vowel pointing of YAH to YEH in the first column of page 48 where the resulting “YEH” is obvious. In every name in this column, a shewa (:) appears under the Hebrew letter yod (y:), and the pronunciation given following the Hebrew spelling begins with the prefix “YEH.”
Using the “e” instead of the proper “a” is another ploy of the Adversary to do away with the family Name YAH, the first syllable of both Yahweh’s and Yahshua’s Name.
This explains how the “e” came about in the name Jesus. The next letter in Jesus, s, results from the fact that Greek has no “sh” sound, only “s” (sigma) sound. This was incorporated into the Latin text. The “u” in Jesus comes from the u in Yahshua. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology explains, “Iesous is the Greek form of the Old Testament Jewish name Yesua [Yahshua], arrived at by transcribing the Hebrew and adding an s to the nom. to facilitate declension.”
The final “s” in “Jesus” is the Greek nominative masculine singular ending. Matthew 1:8-11 contains the genealogy of Joseph’s line, where we can find similar examples of “s” added to produce Greek-inflected Hebrew names: Uzziah becomes Ozias; Hezekiah becomes Ezekias; Jonah becomes Jonas, etc. The errors that we find among names in most versions can be traced to translators. The early Christian translators relied upon the Greek translation called the Septuagint as their source of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Is it not significant that even though these Hebrew names were Grecianized, that they still are recognizable? Why then in English versions does Yahweh’s Name become changed to a completely foreign “God,” while “Yahshua” mutates into “Jesus,” a substitute that is not even close to the original?
Why the change, when even the name of the Adversary – Satan – retains its original Hebrew form and close pronunciation? (Saw-tawn, Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary No. 7854).
Adam Clarke’s respected comments on the inferior early translations are informative: “Through the ignorance and carelessness of transcribers innumerable mistakes have been made in ancient names. These also have suffered very greatly in their transfusion from one language to another, till at last the original name is almost totally lost…Besides, neither the Greeks nor Romans could pronounce either the Hebrew or Persian names; and when engaged in the task of transcribing, they did it according to their own manner of pronunciation,” Clarke’s Commentary, vol. 3, pp. 393-394. Clearly, some over-zealous scribe tampered with the text of the King James Bible and what we have is a New Testament in which the Name of Yahshua has been adulterated and almost obscured.
For an example of this, look at Acts 7:45 in the King James Version. The sentence reads, “Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles whom [Elohim] drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David.” But the account is actually speaking of the Old Testament Joshua, the son of Nun!
Another example is found in Hebrews 4:8, “For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.” Many study Bibles will have notes on these two verses pointing out that the more correct name is JOSHUA the son of Nun.
Certain translations other than the King James have corrected this error and inserted “Joshua” in the text. Thus, we can see that this name is the same as that given by Moses to his successor in Numbers 13:16. It is also the name of the Savior (corrected with the “Yah”). This shows how the translators overzealously changed all the “Yahshua’s” to “Jesus”—even when it referred to someone in the Old Testament not the Savior.
Go to Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary and peruse page 47, taking special note of the second name from the top of the right column, No. 3050, YAHH. Notice this is the correct spelling and pronunciation of the short form YAH and includes the qametes under the yod: (3050. Yahh, yaw).
Although author James Strong is noted for his classic concordance, his understanding of the Name was lacking and he used the erroneous Jehovah. However, his is correct in listing No. 3050 YAHH, spelling it with the vowel a instead of e and the double hh to bring out the “ahh” sound.
The importance of the short form YAHH takes on additional significance when we read John 5:43, “I am come in my Father’s name….” We understand this to mean that He came in the authority and power of the Heavenly Father. Yet, we must understand that His Name Yahshua also included His Father’s Name, YAH. It is the short form, the prefix of the Name Yahshua! (Followers of Yahshua will be carrying that Name in the Kingdom, Eph. 3:14-15; Dan. 9:19).
The custom of reading a substitute name when the Tetragrammaton was encountered in the Hebrew Scriptures was carried over into the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, the LXX (Septuagint). The translation was said to have been made by seventy Hebrew translators for the King of Egypt who wanted a copy of this great book of the Hebrews for the grand library of Alexandria in Egypt. The letters LXX (meaning “70”) are often used as an abbreviation for the Greek Septuagint translation of the Old Testament.
In making the Greek translation, the copyists inserted the four characters of the Tetragrammaton in gold letters of the Hebrew, namely hwhy, wherever the name Yahweh was to appear. However, the pronunciation was pointed with the vowels of Adonai. After the death and resurrection of the Messiah, there arose a demand for a Latin version of the Hebrew Old Testament by the expanding church. These early translators were not skilled in the Hebrew language, and actually detested the Jews and refused to learn the Aramaic or Hebrew tongue. They were ignorant of Hebrew and were often ridiculed by the Jews for their ludicrous pronunciation of Hebrew. (See this booklet’s section, “Why the Terms ‘God’ and ‘Lord’?” on page 26).
And What About ‘Jehovah’? Scholars know that Jehovah could never be the name of the Heavenly Father. Aside from the error with the letter J, this word has other problems. Even the Catholics, who have been given the distinction of inventing the word “Jehovah,” know it is not the Father’s Name.Note what the New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967) says under “Yahweh”: “Judging from Greek transcriptions of the sacred name, YHWH ought to be pronounced Yahweh. The pronunciation Jehovah was unknown in ancient Jewish circles, and is based upon a later misunderstanding of the scribal practice of using the vowels of the word Adonai with the consonants of YHWH,” p. 1065.In the preface to the Revised Standard Version of the Bible is the following: “The form Jehovah is of late medieval origin; it is a combination of the consonants of the Divine Name and the vowels attached to it by the Masoretes but belonging to an entirely different word. The sound of Y is represented by J and the sound of W by V, as in Latin. The word ‘Jehovah’ does not accurately represent any form of the Name ever used in Hebrew,” pp. 6-7.In the introduction to The Emphasized Bible, editor Joseph Rotherham writes, “The pronunciation Jehovah was unknown until 1520, when it was introduced by Galatinus; but was contested by Le Mercier, J. Drusius, against grammatical and historical propriety.” Rotherham continues his analysis of this ghost word, “Erroneously written and pronounced Jehovah, which is merely a combination of the sacred Tetragrammaton and the vowel in the Hebrew word for Lord, substituted by the Jews for YHWH, because they shrank from pronouncing The Name…To give the name YHWH the vowels of the word for Lord (Heb. Adonai) and pronounce it Jehovah, is about as hybrid a combination as it would be to spell the name Germany with the vowels in the name Portugal –viz., Gormuna” (pp.24-25).Perhaps the best explanation of how the word Jehovah came about is made in the prestigious Oxford English Dictionary. A photocopy of its entry on “Jehovah” is shown at the top of the page.The sacred Name was deemed too holy to pronounce. Either because of this fact or because its four letters are also employed as vowels, the Masoretes did not vowel point the Tetragrammaton. Instead, the vowel points for “Adonai” were inserted, alerting the reader to say “Adonai” rather than blurting out the sacred Name Yahweh. Along came Christian scholars in late medieval times who didn’t realize what had been done. Not skilled in Hebrew, they mistakenly combined these added vowels with the Tetragrammaton and the result was the hybrid combination “Jehovah.”The Jewish Encyclopedia says about the name Jehovah, “This name is commonly represented in modern translations by the form ‘Jehovah,’ which, however, is the a philological impossibility…This form has arisen through attempting to pronounce the consonants of the name with the vowels of Adonai…” (p.160).The Jehovah’s Witnesses themselves admit that “Jehovah” is inferior to “Yahweh.” In their book, Let Your Name Be Sanctified (p.16), they quote the Roman Catholic translator of The Westminster Version of the Sacred Scriptures, saying, “I should have preferred to write ‘Yahwh,’ in which, although not certain, is admittedly superior to ‘Jehovah,’”On page 17 of this same book the Jehovah’s Witnesses write, “In harmony with the practice that had developed among the superstitious, the vowel signs for Elohim or for Adonay were inserted at the accustomed places in the text to warn the Hebrew reader to say those words instead of the divine name. By combining those warning vowel sings with the Tetragrammaton the pronunciation Yahowih and Yehowah were formed.” Then on page 20 they quote the Lexicon for the Books of the Old Testament, by Koehler and Baumgartner, under the Tetragrammaton: “’The wrong spelling Jehovah (Revised Version: The LORD) occurs since about 1100,’ and then it offers its arguments in favor of Yahweh as ‘the correct and original pronunciation.’”In the foreword of their Bible, The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures (published by the Jehovah’s Witness Watchtower Bible and Tract Society), they say on page 25:“While inclining to view the pronunciation ‘Yahweh’ as the more correct way, we have retained the form ‘Jehovah’ because of people’s familiarity with it since the 14th century. In our search for truth we must retrace our steps and boldly proclaim His true Name, and not follow tradition or erroneous understanding.
Biblical Names Reveal the Person
Our culture today looks on names as little more than labels, although we still talk about having a “good name” and speak of being “true to one’s name.” These expressions are carryovers from a time when a name expressed and conveyed a person’s attributes and character.In the Hebrew, Bible names all have meaning. At times Yahweh or Yahshua (or sometimes parents) changed the name of individuals, giving them a special name that had new meaning. For example, Abram means exalted father; later his name was changed to Abraham, which means “father of a multitude.” Isaac means “laughter” (because his mother laughed when promised a son in her old age). Jacob (Yacob) means “heel-grabber” or “supplanter,” because he supplanted his firstborn brother Esau. His name was changed to Israel, meaning “contender” or “perseveres with El,” when he wrestled with the angel in Genesis 32.An eye-opening study of the names of the 12 tribes of Israel appears in Genesis chapter 29-30. Situations surrounding the birth of each of these sons is reflected in their individual names. The Hebrew Dictionary found at the back of Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance provides a fascinating exercise in the meaning of names.In his book, Our Father Abraham, Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, Marvin R. Wilson writes: “In Hebrew thought, the name of an individual was considered to be more than a title or a label for identification. Rather, a name was believed to reveal the essence, character, reputation, or destiny of the one to whom it was given. This is why the moral law of Moses forbids defamation of another’s name by false witness (Ex. 20:16). Thus the name of every Hebrew sent out some sort of message with it.”The message of Yahweh’s Name throughout Scripture is that it is sacred, and one either accepts it or finds oneself in opposition to Him. The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary explains: “[Yahweh’s] name reveals his character and salvation in which people may take refuge (Ps. 20:1; cf. Isa. 25:1, 56:6); to treat [Yahweh’s] name as empty is to despise his person (Ex. 20:7),” p. 747.
Yahweh: The Most Sacred of All Names
Yahweh’s Name is high on a level all its own. No name is more important than the personal Name of the One we worship. Not only is this true because names have great significance in Hebrew, but also because Yahweh Himself tells us to revere His Name and not to bring it to obscurity through substitution and disuse, Exodus 20:7. The word “vain” in the Third Commandment –“Thou shalt not take the Name of Yahweh thy Elohim in vain” –is the Hebrew shoaw, meaning to rush over, bring to devastation, uselessness, ruin, and by implication, neglect.
The one attribute describing Yahweh’s Name more than any other is its holiness. His Name is not to be blasphemed (Lev. 24:16) or desecrated. It is to be treated with reverential awe, because it expresses the essence of Yahweh Himself.
We can bring His Name to ruin by falsifying it. If you remove an author’s name from the books he wrote and reprint them with another name in them you falsify his works. The same is true when translators take His Name from the Scriptures and insert generic titles in its place.
How can we presume to call upon Yahweh and His Son Yahshua with titles like “god” and “lord” that are used in the worship of other deities? Elijah (EliYah, “my El is Yah”) was calling the people’s attention to the same issue in 1Kings 18 –demonstrating that the True Heavenly Father has a personal Name and that they in their ignorance were calling on titles of Baal (“Baal Gad” = Lord God) in their worship (see Harper Collins Study Bible note on Hosea 2:16). Baal was the chief “deity” of the Canaanites.
Yahweh charged that they had forgotten His Name for Baal, Jeremiah 23:26-27. If Yahweh was displeased with the substitution “Baal,” why would He not be just as provoked with today’s substitution of an equivalent word, “Lord”?
Yahweh’s Name is so central to salvation that the Savior’s Name bears it as well. He is the Son, and the salvation Yahweh sent. You could say “Yah” is the family Name of the Heavenly Majesty.
Author Wilson notes,
“The fact that Jesus was a Jew by birth is crucial for understanding the nature and person of Jesus as presented in the Gospels. Jesus was given the Hebrew name Yeshua. (‘Jesus’ is the Latin form of ‘Iesous,’ the Greek transliteration of Yeshua.) The name Yeshua, derived from the Hebrew verb yashua, revealed the destiny he was to fulfill in his life and ministry on this earth” (Our Father Abraham, Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith).
All religions generally are known by the one they worship or give homage to. Anciently the god of the Akkadians was Marduk; the god of the Ammonites was Moloch; the god of the Greeks was Zeus; the god of the Romans was Jupiter; the god of the Moabites was Baal-peor; the god of the Hebrews was…God?! Using an all-inclusive, indefinite, impersonal title simply does not identify the One you worship! Capitalizing that title doesn’t help, either, no more than the title “mr.” suddenly becomes a name if we make it “Mr.”
Strange, isn’t it, that all the pagan “deities” have their own special names, yet we are expected to believe that the TRUE Mighty One of the Bible goes by general terms that can apply to any “deity”?
In fact, the Name Yahweh appears 6,823 times in the Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures, from which we ultimately derive all versions of the Old Testament. It should have appeared 100 times in the New Testament. But rarely does one hear the Name used or even mentioned in churches that supposedly honor those same Scriptures.
The majority of Bible versions have changed the holy Name to the titles God and Lord. You can restore it when you read the Scripture, however. In many King James Bibles, whenever you see the words LORD or LORD GOD in capital letters in the Old Testament, the Masoretic Hebrew Script has the Hebrew characters for Yahweh, hwhy. (To help when you read your Bible, request the bookmark, Correcting the Name in Your Bible.)
Yahshua: A Name Given in Hebrew to a Hebrew
Because there is no J sound in the Hebrew, the prefix “Je” does not exist in Hebrew. The combination word “Jesus” is not Greek, it’s not Hebrew. In fact, it is completely without philological meaning in any language. Yet, Gabriel told Mary and Joseph that the Messiah’s Name, being given from the very highest Authority in the heavens, was special. It had a specific connotation, a precise and very important MEANING. The angel said He would be given this Name because “He shall save His people from their sins.” Scholars acknowledge that the name given through Gabriel was the Hebrew Yahshua. (See any good study Bible with marginal notes on Matt. 1:21 and Luke 1:31, as well as the Biblical sources listed here.) “Yahshua” means “Yahweh is salvation.”
It must be noted that whenever a message was given from on high, it was to those who understood Hebrew, which is called by some the “heavenly language.” Thus, when the angel told Joseph, a Jew, that the Savior would be born of Mary, a Jewess, that he was to call the baby a specific name, this name would hardly have been a Latin-Greek name such as Jesus! How His name came to us as Jesus in our English Bible such as the King James instead of Yahshua is interesting.
The Savior’s true Name in Hebrew letters look like this: ucwhy. Read from right to left, as in all Semitic languages, His Name begins with a (y) (known in English Bibles as “jot,” Mat. 5:18, but in the Hebrew is the yothe or yod).
Yothe carries the sound of i as in machine. This “ee” sound is then followed by an a, which is much like an “ah” sound. This diphthong is pronounced “ee-ah” or “Yah,” which is the short form of the Heavenly Father’s name “Yah-weh.” We see it in the suffix “halleluYah” and in the names of many people of Scripture (IsaYah, JeremiYah, ObadiYah, ZechariYah, ZephaniYah, etc.).
Add the suffix “shua” (meaning “salvation”) and we have Yahshua, the “Salvation of Yah.”
That the language spoken was Hebrew is clear from Matthew 1:23, where the Savior is referred to as Emmanuel, a purely Hebrew word meaning “El with us,” and is so transliterated for us in that passage.
You can see for yourself that the name of your Savior was Yahshua by referring to Strong’s Concordance Greek Dictionary. Look up the name “Jesus” in Strong’s, which shows that it first appears in Matthew 1:1, with the reference No. 2424. Turn to the Greek Dictionary in the back of Strong’s (Greek, because it is in the New Testament) and note the following entry:
‘uoshIS Iesous, ee-ay-sooce’; of Hebrew origin [No.3091]; Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites:-Jesus.
We learn the Savior’s name is of Hebrew origin from No. 3091. In the Hebrew section of Strong’s, No. 3091 has the Hebrew characters that are transliterated into English as follows:
uwcwhy Yehowshuwa’, yeh-ho-shoo’-ah: or
ucwhy Yehowshu’a, ye-ho-shoo’-ah from No. 3068 and No. 3467; Jehovah-saved; Jehoshua (i.e. Joshua), the Jewish leader: -Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Joshua. Compare Nos. 1954, 3442.
By the time of Yahshua’s birth, the accepted form among the Jews was not Yahoshua, but the shortened form Yahshua. In the Old Testament this name is spelled Joshua and is found in Numbers 13:16 of the King James text where Moses changed the name of the Israelite general from Oshea (or Hosea) to Yahshua. That is, from salvation or savior to “Salvation of Yah.”
Most reference works agree with Kittle’s Theological Dictionary of the New Testament statement on page 284, which states that the name Yahoshua was shortened after the exile to the short form Yahshua.
The fact that the Greek Dictionary (No. 2424) refers the reader back to the Hebrew section of Strong’s Concordance clearly shows that the name Jesus stems from the Hebrew Yahshua.
It is rather doubtful the derivation of Jesus is from the pagan deity “Zeus” of the Greeks. However, some draw a relationship to the “salvation” or “healing” of Ea-Zeus. According to the Dictionary of Comparative Religion (p.622), “The Greeks generally identified the chief god of other peoples with Zeus (e.g. Amun, Hadad, Yahweh).” From Bux and Schone, Worterbuch der Antika, under “Jesus,” we find: “Jesus: really adapted from the Greek, possibly from the name of the Greek healing goddess Ieso (Iaso).”
Although some evidence could support a conclusion for a Greek deity connection, it is more likely that “Jesus” resulted from a crude attempt to transliterate (bring over the sound) from Hebrew to Greek to Latin and then to English, losing the true vocalization with each step.
Young’s Analytical Concordance has one line for Jesus which reads:
JE’-SUS, uoshIs, from Heb. uwcy savior.
As already noted, the early Christians were ignorant of Hebrew and cared less for the language of “those detestable Jews.” Therefore, they relied upon the Greek Septuagint (LXX) Old Testament as their source instead of going directly to the Hebrew texts.We are not free to reject the Name Yahshua, the very Name sent directly from Yahweh through the archangel Gabriel. Nor are we absolved to call Him by the man-made, Greco-Latin Jesus.We trust you will prayerfully act on this vital truth and prove to yourself that His true Name as given to mankind from the Highest Authority in the universe is Yahshua, “Yah’s salvation.” Realize that when you call on the Name Yahshua you are invoking the Father’s Name as well, and petitioning the only One who can give salvation.
‘Adonai’ Replaces Sacred Name
The early translators who gave us the English version of the Bible were not Hebrew scholars. They based their understanding mostly on the Greek texts, the Septuagint for the Old Testament and the extant Greek texts for the New Testament. Generally they were ignorant of Hebrew and sometimes lacked in their knowledge of Hebrew grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.
Because of the animosity between the Jews and their Roman rulers, it was a common practice for Roman soldiers to search for and destroy any religious Hebrew texts of the Jews and Messianic believers alike. Initially, the Romans made no distinction between Jews and converts of the early Assembly, for their worship appeared basically the same. Both worshiped on the weekly Saturday Sabbath and observed the annual festivals, both read from the same Old Testament Hebrew scrolls in their study and worship. It was not until the third century that a distinction was made between traditional Jewish worship and those who had gone on to accept Yahshua as the Messiah.
The admitted ignorance of the early Christian scholars of the Hebrew language lies at the root of the misspelling and variations of the sacred Name. The Jews often ridiculed and derided these Christians who claimed to be scholars, but stumbled in their efforts to pronounce Hebrew words.
By the time of the Messiah the custom of not pronouncing the sacred Name in public by the Jews became mandatory. This practice had apparently developed from the warning in Leviticus 24:16, “And he that blasphemes the name of Yahweh shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well as the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemes the name of Yahweh shall be put to death.” By not using the Sacred Name, one could not blaspheme it, and so it was not invoked except by the high priest on the Day of Atonement.
Thus came about the custom in the synagogue of reading “adonai” instead of the Sacred Name when the Tetragrammaton (hwhy) appeared in the texts. The logic being, by calling upon a substitute instead of invoking the Name, the Name could not be blasphemed.
In Jeremiah 44:26 we read another verse that stifled any public utterance of the Sacred Name, especially during the captivity. “Therefore hear you the word of Yahweh, all Judah that dwell in the land of Egypt; behold, I have sworn by My great name says Yahweh, that My name shall no more be names in the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, ‘Yahweh Elohim lives.’”
This became especially critical when the Jews were taken captive to Babylon. Psalm 137 relates that they refused to sing the songs of Zion (using Yahweh’s Name) in a strange land lest the Name and worship be subject to ridicule by the gentiles. Thus the ban on uttering the sacred Name became firmly entrenched and was the general practice by the time the Savior came to earth.
While the Jewish zealots would not invoke (vocalize) the sacred Name, it was their custom to write it in the sacred texts, carefully placing the vowels of Adonai over the Tetragrammaton to warn the reader not to utter the sacred Name, but to use “adonai.” The scribes did, however, place the Hebrew Tetragrammaton in the Greek Septuagint translation. Christian scholars did not understand these sacred four Hebrew letters (hwhy) and translated them into the Greek as pipi, thinking it was the doubling of two Greek letters – pi (ipip) --- read left to right rather than from right to left as in Hebrew. When the proper pronunciation was pointed out to them they inserted the Greek letters oaI, which closely corresponded to YHWH.
Kurios, Theos: Greek Substitutes for Name
Recent discoveries of Greek manuscripts of the Old Testaments reveal that the sacred Name was preserved in Hebrew or Aramaic letters in the first and second centuries B.C.E.
Writings in the Journal of Biblical Literature, professor George Howard observes, “From these findings we can now say with almost absolute certainty that the divine name hwhy was not rendered by oiruKs [Kurios] in the pre-Christian Greek Bible, as so often has been thought. Usually the Tetragram was written out in Aramaic or in paleo-Hebrew letters or was transliterated into Greek letters” (Vol. 96, 1977, p. 65).
The Greek translators later entirely eliminated the Hebrew Tetragram, a Greek word meaning “four letters,” substituting the Greek Kurios [Lord] or Theos [God] for the Hebrew Tetragrammaton, as they believed that the Greek text was as sacred as the Hebrew. However, neither Kurios nor Theos is a transliteration of the Hebrew hwhy. Kurios and Theos are not names. They do not represent the Tetragrammaton, nor do they have the same meaning.
Howard writes, “Toward the end of the first Christian century, when the church had become predominately Gentile, the motive for retaining the Hebrew name Yahweh was lost and the words kyrios and theos were substituted for it in Christian copies of Old Testament Septuagint’s…Before long the divine name was lost to the Gentile church except insofar as it was reflected in the contracted surrogates or remembered by scholar,” Biblical Archaeology Review, March 1978.
Thus, the sacred Name not only was obscured by zealous Jews, but also the Greek substitutes soon found their way into both the Old and New Testament translations.
Why the Terms ‘God’ and ‘Lord’?
It can readily be seen that if the Greek text was considered as sacred as the Hebrew, then the Greek replacements for the Tetragrammaton were thought to be on an equal footing with the Hebrew Name. When the Bible was translated into other languages, the Greek texts were used because translators had a better understanding of the Greek than they did the Hebrew.
Being that Kurios and Theos are Greek terms, a more familiar substitute was customarily used in each language in which the Scriptures were translated. Thus, “Kurios” was rendered “Lord” in English texts and “Theos” was replaced with “God.” These designations, however, should never have been used as surrogates for the sacred Name. Their connotations tell why.
Lord comes from the Old English hlaford, meaning “keeper of the loaf.” It refers to a person who feeds dependents, as in the head of a feudal estate (Webster’s New World Dictionary). The meaning of Lord corresponds almost precisely with the heathen deity Baal. “God” derives from the Old Teutonic root gheu, meaning to invoke and to pour, as in a molten image (“God,” Oxford English Dictionary). (See further explanations below.)
This base root for god, gheu, has another derivative – giddy—from the Old English gydig, and gidig, meaning “possessed, insane, from the Germanic gud-igaz, “possessed by a god” (American Heritage Dictionary under gheu). This source makes the remarkable statement, “Giddy can be traced back to the same Germanic root gud-that has given us the word God.”
Ancient Roots of ‘God’ and ‘Lord’
Many Bible references reveal that the Hebrew word “Baal” has the same meanings as our English word “Lord.” See the footnotes and center column references on Hosea 2:16 in various Bibles (for example: “Baali = My Lord” – Companion Bible note). Throughout the Book of Judges we find that Israel continually fell back into the worship of the Baalim (Lords). In 1Kings 16:29-17:1, Ahab became a king and plunged Israel into full-scale Baal worship. An interlinear version will show that in 1Kings 18:19 and 21 the word is “ha Baal,” meaning “the Lord.” For an apostate Israel, Yahweh had become the “ha Baal” (the Lord) of Israel. (See top of page 37, “Baal – Lord”.)
Rather than having a special, close relationship with Israel through His Name, Yahweh now found Israel worshiping in a common title used for the idols of the nations around them.
The prophet Isaiah excoriated Israel for their abominations in serving pagan idols. One of the most prominent was the Syrian god of fate or luck, otherwise known as Gad: “But you are they that forsake Yahweh, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number” (Isa. 65:11). “Troop” is translated from the Hebrew Gad, pronounced “God” (see Strong’s Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary, No. 1409, and note the phonetic Gawd in this reference.).
Our word “God” and its Germanic roots “Gott” and “Gut” are connected to the ancient Syrian idol “Baal Gad,” which Yahweh judged Israel for worshiping. The New Bible Dictionary says of Gad, “A pagan deity worshiped by the Canaanites as the God of Fortune for whom they ‘prepare a table’” (Isa. 65:11)
Read what The Anchor Bible Dictionary says about “Gad”: “A Deity (or spirit) of fortune mentioned in Isa. 65:11 as being worshiped, along with Meni (a god of fate or destiny), by apostate Jews, probably in postexilic Judah,” Vol. II, p. 863. Further, this resource tells us, “The place name Baal-gad (Josh. 11:17) could be interpreted as ‘Lord Gad’ or as involving an epithet (gad) joined to the divine name Baal” (Ibid.)
Do you grasp the significance of what you just read? The heathen nations that Joshua was directed to destroy had a place called Baal-gad, which is none other than “Lord-God,” a reference to Isaiah 65:11 and the worship of this “deity” by those who forsake Yahweh! As the Anchor Bible Dictionary affirms: “The apostates of Isa. 65:11 were looking to Gad [God], not Yahweh, as the source of well-being and prosperity” (Vol. II, p. 864).
In Hastings’ A Dictionary of the Bible, we find that the word Gad or God was “originally an appellative” and used as a divine name in pagan worship (see Gad, p. 76).
Lips Speaking Guile
A few who would contest the truth of the sacred Name will counter with an argument like, “You are saying that I need the exact Hebrew pronunciation of the Savior’s Name or I have no salvation. So anyone with a lisp and unable to form the exact Name as in Hebrew is lost.”
With this argument they summarily reject the ONLY NAME under heaven given to mankind for salvation by Yahweh Himself. Acts 4:12 says there is only ONE Name by which we are saved. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
Rest assured that He Who has created man’s tongue would not give us a Name we cannot pronounce! If a physical disability makes the Name difficult to pronounce, Yahweh would surely look with favor on one’s willingness to do so regardless of the success. Yahweh seeks a ready and compliant heart (2Cor. 9:7); that is what matters. We are to walk joyfully in all truth as Yahweh reveals it to us, growing in grace and knowledge, Ephesians 4:13.
Some may also ask whether those who never knew or called on His saving Name in their lifetimes would be relegated to the lake of fire. The teaching of Scripture is that we are judged by what we know, not by what we don’t know. If we don’t know something is wrong, we must first be taught that it is wrong before we can be held accountable. This is clear from Acts 17:30, in what Paul told the ignorant Athenians who were worshiping idols on Mars Hill:
“And the times of this ignorance Yahweh winked at; but now commands all men everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30). “Winked at” means overlooked. What constitutes sin for which we are held accountable is when we know the truth but reject it (James 4:17). (See Yahshua’s comment in Matt. 11:21-23.)
His People Will Revere His Name
Posing arguments to circumvent the Name is nothing but a futile attempt to spurn deeper truth. It amounts to sheer rebellion –a stubborn effort to absolve oneself of any responsibility to call upon the one and only revealed, saving Name.
The real test is whether one seeks to follow ALL truth without argument or polemics, and to do so as closely as one is able. As we demonstrate our complete desire to rid our worship of every error, Yahweh sees our dedication and adds His blessings to our obedience.
Yahshua said that the mark of His true Assembly is that it would not reject His true Name. He tells the true Philadelphia Assembly, “I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept my word, and HAVE NOT DENIED MY NAME” (Rev. 3:8).
We must revere and call upon His rightful Name with the deepest respect and reverence, because it belongs to our soon-coming King. We may choose to deny His Name now, but we will not DARE deny it as we prostrate ourselves before the King of the universe when He comes in His full, majestic glory and in His royal Name Yahshua!
For those who reject the Name and scorn those who hallow it, Yahweh issues some stern warnings. “Hear the word of Yahweh, you that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for MY NAME’S SAKE, said, Let Yahweh be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed” (Isa. 66:5).
Do YOU Break the Third Commandment?
To those who consider themselves sincere Bible students striving to please our Heavenly Father by keeping His Commandments, the following should prove most interesting. Many verses in the Bible teach that the truly converted who love Yahweh will keep His Commandments dealing with proper worship of the Heavenly Father (Deut. 6:5-6; John 14:15, 21; 1John 2:5; Rev. 22:14).
“For this is the love of Yahweh, that we keep His Commandments: and His Commandments are not grievous” (1John 5:3).
Sabbath-keeping groups, especially, strive to keep the Commandments, contending that they properly keep every one of the Ten. But the Third Commandment is the most overlooked or ignored of all the Ten! It is broken virtually every day.
The Third Commandment expressly deals with the holiness of Yahweh’s Name. “You shall not make wrong use of the name of Yahweh your Elohim: for Yahweh will not leave unpunished the man that misuses His name,” TSS. Ridiculing, disregarding, ignoring or denying His Name and using a substitute is certainly the wrong use of His Name, and is breaking the Third Commandment.
Many Called By His Name – Yesterday and Today
The short form “Yah” in the Name “Yahweh” is found in the King James Version in Psalm 68:4, where modern translators mistakenly rendered it “Jah.” As we know by now, the J should by a Y.
The poetic form “YAH” is found as the suffix in many Hebrew names such as IsaYAH, JeremiYAH, ZachariYAH, ZephaniYAH, HezekiYAH, and NehemiYAH. His Name is also found in the prefix of a number of Hebrew names such as YAHchobed (Jochobed, mother of Moses), YAHed (Joed), YAHel (Joel), YAHezer (Joezer), YAHha (Joha), and YAHnadab, (Jonadab). Most of these have also been disguised with the mistaken letter J.
Many of the Psalms command and encourage all to call upon Yahweh’s Name. Notice these examples, taken from The Sacred Scriptures, which instead of the title “L-rd,” has the proper names restored:
“I will give thanks to Yahweh according to His righteousness: and I will sing praise to the NAME of Yahweh most high.” (Psalm 7:17) “O, Yahweh, our Sovereign, how excellent is your NAME in all the earth. Who have set your glory above the heavens.” (Psalm 8:1)
“O Yahweh, our Sovereign, how excellent is your NAME in all the earth.” (Psalm 8:9)
“I will sing praise to your NAME, O you Most High,” (Psalm 9:2)
“And they that know your NAME will put their trust in you: For you, Yahweh, have not forsaken them that seek you,” (Psalm 9:10)
“Therefore I will give thanks to you, O Yahweh, among the nations and will sing praises to your Name.” (Psalm 18:49)
“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will make mention of the NAME of Yahweh our Elohim.” (Psalm 20:7)
“I will declare your NAME to my brethren; in the middle of the assembly I will praise you.” (Psalm 22:22)
“Save me, O Elohim, by your NAME, and judge me in your might.” (Psalm 54:1)
“Sing unto Elohim, sing praises to His NAME: cast a highway for Him that rides through the deserts; His NAME is Yah; and exult before Him.” (Psalm 68:4)
The Psalms are for everyone to read, as both the Savior and the New Testament writers frequently quoted from them. The Psalms are filled with admonitions calling our attention to the importance of Yahweh’s awesome and powerful name. They cannot be ignored.
The title of the Bible book following Deuteronomy properly should be “Yahshua,” not Joshua. It is the same Hebrew name as our Savior Yahshua. The question naturally arises, why do we not find Yahweh’s and Yahshua’s name in our Bibles? Certainly if the sacred Names are that important, then we should find the name of the Heavenly Father and His Son on almost every page. The Bible lays the blame at the feet o the scribes and translators:
“How do you say, we are wise, and the law of Yahweh is with us? But behold, the false pen of the scribes has worked falsely,” Jeremiah 8:8, TSS.
“Which think to cause My people to forget My NAME by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten My NAME for Baal.” (Jeremiah 23:27)
Through ignorance or by design the translators of the Bible were negligent in rendering the Mighty One of the Hebrews as Yahweh (His true Name) and that of His Son Yahshua and not Jesus. The true Name Yahweh was replaced by the common substitutes.
Common Questions Asked About the Name
Following are the questions and objections most often rise in regard to the personal Name of the Father and Son. Attempting to answer every objection the human mind may devise could prove an almost endless exercise with those who are just trying to avoid honoring their Creator as He commands us to. But for those with a genuine inquiry, we respond to the following.
Q. “There are no vowels in the Hebrew letters of the sacred Name YHWH, so how can we know how to pronounce it correctly?”
A. If the Hebrew cannot be properly deciphered because of lack of vowels, then our entire Old Testament translation – originally written in a Hebrew script without vowels – is unreliable!
Remarkably, of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, Yahweh preserved His Name with three of the four letters that in the Hebrew ARE used as vowels as well as consonants: yothe (y), hay (h), and waw (w). (The aleph, a, is also used as a vowel.) This fact can be verified in nearly any Hebrew grammar, including: A Beginner’s Handbook to Biblical Hebrew (Horowitz), p. 7 under “Vowel Letters”; The Berlitz Self-Teacher, p. 73 under “The Vanishing Dots”; Hebrew Primer and Grammar (Fagnani and Davidson) p. 10 under “The Quiescents and Mappiq,” and How the Hebrew Language Grew (Horowitz), p. 28. In addition, about the seventh century, Jewish scribes known as Masoretes preserved the pronunciation of the Hebrew with diacritical marks or vowel points added to Hebrew words (Eerdman’s Bible Dictionary, p. 699).
Three of these vowel-letters form the Tetragrammaton or Yahweh’s Name, why (the hay is repeated). But we need not rely solely on modern scholarship for this information. We can take the word of an eyewitness! The first century Jewish general, priest, and historian Flavius Josephus (37-100?) writes about the sacred Name engraved on the headpiece of the high priest: “A mitre also of fine linen encompassed his head, which was tied by a blue riband, about which there was another golden crown, in which was engraven the sacred name [of Yahweh:] it consists of FOUR VOWELS” (Wars of the Jews, Book 5, chapter 5, p. 556).
Q. “Hasn’t the pronunciation of the Name been lost?”
A. It is not unusual for some who reject the Name Yahweh to argue that because of the aversion of the Jews to using the Name or even to uttering it, that the correct pronunciation became lost. This is the same ineffectual argument put forth by those who reject the Sabbath, saying that the Sabbath has been lost so no one knows which day it is.
Would Yahweh command that all men call on His revealed, personal Name – an eternal Name that is His very memorial to all generations (Ex. 3:15), a name that is the only Name giving salvation – and then allow it to vanish in the midst of time?
Just as the Jews were given the sacred trust of preserving Yahweh’s Word and statues (Rom. 3:1-2), keeping and sustaining the Sabbath in its proper weekly sequence down through history, they also have preserved the proper pronunciation of the Name through the Hebrew language. Jewish history says that the priest spoke the sacred Name 10 times annually on the Day of Atonement down through the centuries. A Name so revered would never be lost on the priesthood. Ask most any Jew in Israel today whether “Yahweh” is the true pronunciation and he or she will acknowledge that it is. Scholarship also reveals the proper pronunciation. One does not even need to go beyond a standard encyclopedia for the facts.
The Encyclopedia Biblica tells us, “The controversy as to the correct pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton, whether as Yahwe, or Yahawe, Yahwa, or Yahawa…has been gradually brought to an end by the general adoption of the view, first propounded by Ewald, that the true form is Yahwe” (Divine Names, p. 3311).
The eminent Encyclopaedia Judaica confirms this, “The true pronunciation of the name YHWH [Yahweh] was never lost. Several early Greek writers of the Christian Church testify that the name was pronounced ‘Yahweh,’” Vol. 7, p.680.
This is validated in the Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th Edition: “Early Christian writers, such as Clement of Alexandria in the 2nd century, had used the form Yahweh, thus this pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton was never really lost. Greek transcriptions also indicated that YHWH should be pronounced Yahweh.” Vol. X, p. 786.
Other references substantiate proper pronunciation as “Yahweh.” The 15th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, volume 12, p. 995, makes the following comment under the heading “Jehovah”:
“The pronunciation ‘Jehovah’ is an error resulting among Christians from combining the consonants Yhwh (Jhvh) with the vowels of ‘adhonay, ‘Lord,’ which the Jews in reading the Scriptures substituted for the sacred name, commonly called the tetragrammaton as containing four consonants…The Rabbinic tradition that after the death of Simeon the Just (fl.290 B.C.) It was no longer pronounced even on these occasions, is contradicted by the well-attested statement that in the last generation before the fall of Jerusalem (A.D. 70) it was uttered so low that the sounds were lost in the chant of the priest. After that event the liturgical use of the name ceased, but the tradition was perpetuated in the Rabbinic schools; it continued also to be employed by healers, exorcists and magicians, and is found on many magical papyri. It is asserted by Philo that only priests might pronounce it and by Josephus that those who knew it were forbidden to divulge it. Finally the Samaritans shared the scruples of the Jews, except that they used it in judicial oaths….The early Christian scholars therefore easily learnt the true pronunciation.”
Another reference tells us, “The early Christian scholars therefore easily learnt the true pronunciation. Clement of Alexandria (d. 212) gives Iaove or Iaovai (or in one manuscript Iaov), Origen (d. 253-54) ‘Ian, and Epiphanius (d. 404) IaBe (or Iave in one manuscript); Theodoret (d. 457) says that the Samaritans pronounced it IaBe…” (Vol. 12). Samaritan poetry employs the Tetragrammaton and then rhymes it with words having the same sound as Yah-oo-ay (Journal of Biblical Literature, 25, p.50 and Jewish Encyclopedia, vol.9, p.161).
The following authorities also leave no doubt as to the proper and correct pronunciation of Yahweh’s Name:
¨ “The pronunciation Yahweh is indicated by transliteration of the name into Greek in early Christian literature, in the form iaoue (Clement of Alexandria) or iabe (Theodoret; by this time Gk. b had the pronunciation of v)…Strictly speaking, Yahweh is the only ‘name’ of God. In Genesis wherever the word sem (‘name’) is associated with the divine being that name is Yahweh,” Eerdman’s Bible Dictionary, 1979 page 478.
The Latin v spoken of here had the same sound as the English w, sharing a close affinity with the u (Harper’s Latin Dictionary). That is why the w (“double u”) is made up of two v’s. The v was used as a vowel, only later becoming a consonant. It came from the u, which it follows in the alphabet.
¨ “It is now held that the original name was IaHUe(H), i.e. Jahve(h, or with the English values of the letters, Yahweh(h, and one or other of these forms is now generally used by writers upon the religion of the Hebrews” (Oxford English Dictionary under “Jehovah”).
¨ “The saying of God, ‘I am who I am,’ is surely connected with His name that is written in the Hebrew consonantal text as Yhwh, the original pronunciation of which is well attested as Yahweh” (Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, Vol. 5, page 743).
¨ “Such a conclusion, giving ‘Yahweh’ as the pronunciation of the name, is confirmed by the testimony of the Fathers and gentile writers, where the forms IAO, Yaho, Yaou, Yahouai, and Yahoue appear. Especially important is the statement of Theodoret in relation to Ex. lvi., when he says: ‘the Samaritans call it [the tetragrammaton] ‘Yabe,’ the Jews call it ‘Aia’…” The New Schaff-Herzog Religious Encyclopedia, “Yahweh,” page 471.
¨ Writings in Biblical Archaeology Review, Professor Anson F. Rainey, professor of Semitic Linguistics at Tel Aviv University, confirms that “Yahweh” is the correct pronunciation: “I mentioned the evidence from Greek papyri found in Egypt. The best of these is Iaouee (London Papyri, xlvi, 446-483). Clement of Alexandria said, “The mystic name which is called the tetragrammaton…is pronounced Iaoue, which means, “Who is, and who shall be.”’
“The internal evidence from the Hebrew language is equally strong and confirms the accuracy of the Greek transcriptions. Yahweh is from a verbal root developed from the third person pronoun, *huwal *hiya. In Jewish tradition, it is forbidden to pronounce the Sacred Name and its true pronunciation is supposed to remain secret. The fact is that Jewish tridents (who put the vowel points in the Hebrew text) borrowed the vowels from another word, either adonai ‘my lord(s),’ or elohim ‘God.’ They avoided the very short a vowel in this borrowing because it might have led the synagogue reader to make a mistake and pronounce the correct first syllable of the Sacred Name, namely –ya. The vocalized form one finds in the Hebrew Bible is usually Yehowah, from which we get in English the form Jehovah. Yehowa/Jehovah is nothing but an artificial ghost word; it was never used in antiquity. The synagogue reader saw Yehowah in his text and read it adonai” (BAR, Sept.-Oct. 1994).
¨ Seventh-day Adventist and Hebrew scholar. Raymond F. Cottrell, writes, “The English spelling of Yahweh is now almost universally believed to reflect accurately the ancient, original pronunciation of YHWH. In keeping with the common practice today of pronouncing proper names translated from a foreign language with as nearly the original vocalization as possible, it would be altogether correct and proper for us to use the name Yahweh wherever the word YHWH (“Lord”) occurs in the Old Testament, and also whenever we are speaking of the true God in Old Testament times. This practice is becoming more and more common among Bible scholars and informed Christians,” Review and Herald, Feb. 9, 1967.

Q. “’Yahweh’ is Hebrew but I speak English. Why shouldn’t I use the English ‘God’?”
A. To this we ask, IS “God” English? Hardly. “God” traces back to the Dutch god, to the Germanic gott and back to the Teutonic guth. Names are transliterated, which means the sounds are carried across unchanged into another language. They are not translated into other languages. “But what about similar forms like John, Juan, and Johann? Or Peter and Pedro?” Some may ask. True, different languages have analogous version of certain names, but that does not change the fact that your given name remains the same no matter which country you travel to. (Notice, too, how closely these name versions RESEMBLE reach other, unlike “Yahweh” and the completely dissonant and unrelated “God.”)
Names simply don’t change from language to language. If a foreign head of state visits America, we don’t attempt to come up with an English version or translation for his or her name. For example, in English new reports Boris Yeltsin is still called “Boris Yeltsin.” Hosni Mubarak remains “Hosni Mubarak.” Trying to come up with an English equivalent of names would be an exercise in futility, because there would be none. Furthermore, doing so would change the person’s name and render the new name useless as a means of identification. The same is true of Yahweh’s Name – only one Name, Yahweh, expresses Him and defines who He is. Yahweh and ONLY Yahweh Himself can change His Name, if He so desires. Yet throughout Scripture we find that “Yahweh” is what He Himself demands to be called. “This is my Name forever,” He told Moses in explaining who He was, “and this is my memorial to all generations,” Exodus 3:15.
Israel also thought that any name commonly used in worship was suitable in the worship of Yahweh. What a grievous error! Because “Baal” was so popular with their pagan neighbors, they began to use it in calling on Yahweh. So Yahweh said in His wrath against Israel, “I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days, her new moons, and her Sabbaths, and all her solemn feasts…And I will visit her upon her days of Baalim, wherein she burned incense to them, and she decked herself with her earrings and her jewels, and she went after her lovers, and forgat me, says Yahweh…And it shall be that day, says Yahweh, that you shall call me Ishi; and shall call me no more Baali. For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name” (Hos. 2:11, 13, 16-17).

Q. “He has many names. Wouldn’t all worship go to Him anyway, no matter what name we use?”
A. This is the same logic the pagans used, which went something like this: “He is Bel-Merodach in Babylon, Baalzebub in Philistia, Zeus in Greece, and we Romans will just call Him Jupiter.” Never mind that each name meant a different way of worship. The prophet Micah brings this out in 4:5, revealing the false “walk” expressed by each different name.
“For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of Yahweh our Elohim for ever and ever.” His name is more than a label. It connotes a well-defined, specifically commanded way of worship that belongs only to Him who bears the Name Yahweh.
Saying Yahweh has many names is a misconception stemming from the practice of classifying Yahweh’s personal, revealed Name with generic titles, as if there were no difference. This false belief that He has “many names” traces to the Jews of the Middle Ages. In attempting to conceal the sacred Name, these Jews elevated generic terms and titles to the rank of His personal Name, then used them as substitutes for the Name.
His titles include: El, Eloah (singular, meaning mighty one) and Elohim (plural); These titles are sometimes combined with the other descriptive words: El Elyon (the most high Mighty One); El Shaddai (the all-powerful Mighty One); El Olam (“Mighty One of eternity”); El Dauth (“Mighty One of knowledge”); El Roi (“Mighty One of seeing”).
The New Bible Dictionary maintains, “Strictly speaking, Yahweh is the only ‘name’ of God. In Genesis wherever the word sem (‘name’) is associated with the divine being that name is Yahweh…Yahweh, therefore, in contrast with Elohim, is a proper noun, the name of a Person, though that Person is divine,” p. 478. Another reference says of “Yahweh,”: “This is a personal proper name par excellence of Israel’s God…” and “It is the personal name of God, as distinguished from such generic or essential names as ‘El, ‘Elohim, Shadday, etc.” (The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, pp. 1254, 1266).
Certain attributes are at times connected with His Name: Yahweh-Yireh (“Yahweh provides”); Yahweh-Nissi (“Yahweh is my banner”); Yahweh-Shalom (“Yahweh Send Peace”); Yahweh-Zidkenu (“Yahweh our Righteousness” – the name by which Yahshua shall be known, Jer. 23:6); Yahweh-Shammah (“Yahweh Is There”); Yahweh-Rapha (“Yahweh Our Healer”); Yahweh-Mekaddishkem (“Yahweh-Elyon (“Yahweh Most High”); Yahweh-Roi (“Yahweh my Shepherd”); Yahweh-Shua (“Yahweh is salvation”).
These adjuncts used with the sacred Name are descriptive designates and must not be confused with His personal Name. Even less, the title “god” cannot possibly contain the meaning that these special titles connote, let alone be used as a personal name for the Majesty of the heavens. “Mr.” is a title, not a name, as is “Sir,” “Dr.”, and “President.” Each defines a person’s standing, position or rank, but does not identify him or her apart from any others within the same title. “There are gods many and lords many,” Paul writes in 1Corinthians 8:5. So which “deity” do we mean when we use “God” and “Lord”? Capitalizing them does not make names of these common terms.
Yahweh inspired the prophet to write, “I am Yahweh: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images” (Isa. 42:8). Yahweh names Himself. This is what He expects to be called. In Exodus 23:13 He warns: “And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of your mouth.”
Psalm 83:18 tells us He has only one Name: “That men may know that you, whose name ALONE is Yahweh, are the most high over all the earth.”
In the New Testament, Acts 4:12 reads, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
Q. “But doesn’t He know who I mean no matter what I call Him?”
A. Suppose your name were Michael. Would you know I meant you if I called out, “Hey, Sam”? Habitually calling you by another name would deeply offend you and cause you to wonder why I stubbornly refused to use your name. Besides, the name Sam signifies someone else entirely. Yahweh also is offended when we refuse to get serious about His Name. He warns in Malachi 2:2, “If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, says Yahweh of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because you do not lay it to heart.”
John 4:24 tells us, “Yahweh is Spirit: and they that worship Him MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth.” His Name is part of that necessary truth.
It’s clear and simple. Yahweh tells us what His Name is. He commands us to call Him by that Name. We don’t have the option of calling the Mighty One of the entire universe whatever we wish.
We cannot rename Yahweh. Nowhere in the Bible is man given the authority to change His Creator’s Name. Never does the worshiper tell the one he worships how He will be worshiped! Yahweh tells us…we don’t tell Him. To bestow a name is the prerogative of a superior, as when Adam exercised his dominion over the animals by giving them names, or as when a parent names his or her children. It is always the prerogative of the superior to name the inferior, never vice versa.
Mankind was given dominion or stewardship over the earth (Gen. 1:28), and to show his responsibilities, Adam was allowed by Yahweh to name all the creatures (Gen. 2:19-20). Yahweh has control of the earth, heaven and the seas, and man has stewardship only over the creation on earth. We have no authority in heavenly things, such as calling our Creator what we wish.
Yahweh says I am “jealous for my holy Name,” Ezekiel 39:25. We must take those words to heart. If we do, He promises, “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of Yahweh shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as Yahweh has said, and in the remnant whom the Yahweh shall call” (Joel 2:32; see Rom. 10:13).
Knowing “who you mean” makes no difference to Him if you refuse to give him the honor and glory He demands. Even IF He knew who you meant, the point is, He COMMANDS His people to call on His revealed, personal, Covenant Name (Ex. 23:13). His Name represents Him and His truths. No other name, title or designation does that. No other title or substitute name reveals Him as the One who will be whatever His people want or need Him to be. That is the essence and meaning of the Name “Yahweh.”
We cannot say we know who He is and claim to worship Him according to that knowledge if we are using titles that miss the mark completely when it comes to identifying, describing, and defining the One we honor. Through the prophet Isaiah He said, “Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that does speak: behold it is I” (Isaiah 52:6).
Writing in a Seventh-day Adventist publication, Associate Editor Don F. Neufeld provides this insight: “’Yahweh’ is the name that identifies the God of the Hebrews. Where the Philistines worshiped Dagon, the Egyptians, Amon and the Ammonites, Milcom, the Hebrews worshiped Yahweh…When the voice said, ‘I am Yahweh,’ there was no doubt in any listener’s mind as to the identity of the speaker. He was the god of the Hebrews. So far as it is known, no other peoples called their god by this name” (The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, 1971).
If you would honor another human being’s wishes by using his or her personal name, how much more should you revere your Creator’s request by calling on Him by His Name? He’s the only One who can give salvation!
Consider: If names don’t really matter, does it matter to you whether Yahweh has YOURS right when it comes to His Book of Life? Consider what Yahshua says: “He that overcomes, the same shall be clothes in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels…And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Rev. 3:5, 20:15).

Q. “The sacred Name was not known before Moses, and therefore it was not a salvation Name for those who came before Moses, like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This being the case, why is it necessary for us?”
A. This argument stems from a serious misunderstanding of Exodus 6:3: “And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name El Shaddai, but by my name Yahweh was I not known to them.” As the Companion Bible explains, the word “known” means perceived and understood. “The name [Yahweh] was known as the covenant name; but was not known so as to be understood.” In other words, the patriarchs had not seen a dimension of Yahweh that Moses and those after him would see –they would soon understand fully what His Name meant by the acts of deliverance, sustenance, and love for His people that He was about to perform (Ex. 9:16; Ezek. 20:5, Amos 3:2). He would become whatever His people needed of Him, which is the intrinsic meaning of the Name Yahweh.
The following verses reveal the error of this argument and show that Yahweh’s Name was indeed known by the patriarchs and used before Moses:
Þ Eve called on His Name – Genesis 4:1
Þ Abraham called on the Name Yahweh – Genesis 12:8; 14:22; 15:2,
7; 21:33; 24:3;
Þ Abimelech used Yahweh’s Name – Genesis 20:4
Þ Isaac called upon Yahweh’s Name – Genesis 26:25
Þ Yahweh revealed His Name to Jacob – Genesis 28:13
Þ Anciently men “began to call on the Name Yahweh” – Genesis 4:26

Q. “Hanging on the torture stake, our Savior cried out to Yahweh, ‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani,’ that is to say, ‘My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?’ (Matt. 27:46). If He could use this title, what’s the problem if I use ‘God,’ too?”

A. It was recitation of Psalm 22:1. It also demonstrates that the one on the torture stake is speaking Greek word. Yahshu’a will not speak Greek (Acts 10:28 and Acts 26:14) . Please see Golgotha Conspiracy at the next research document.
Q. “Where is there any record that Yahshua ever spoke or taught His Father’s Name Yahweh, or that the Name is in the New Testament?”

A. In His prayer to Yahweh, Yahshua in John 17:26 specifically said that He had “declared unto them [the world] your name, and will declare it.” If He declared it then He spoke it.
Even though it may be somewhat hidden in our English text, we find ample examples where Yahshua called on His Father’s Name Yahweh and taught it as well. In Matthew 6:9, Yahshua opened His Model Prayer with the affirmation of the holiness of Yahweh’s Name: “Hallowed be Thy Name.” Yahweh’s Name is the only Name that is called holy in Scripture. Man’s names are not. (Thus, it is unnecessary to change other Biblical names to their Hebrew originals.)
Yahshua recognized Yahweh’s Name as sanctified, and even said He would proclaim it: “I will declare Your Name unto my brethren, in the midst of the Assembly will I sing praises unto you,” Hebrew 2:12.
In the many passages where our Savior quoted the Old Testament, He of necessity would use Yahweh’s Name. For instance, Luke 4:4, where He quoted Deuteronomy 8:3: “And Yahshua answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of Yahweh.”
Many other examples could be shown where Yahweh’s Name appears in the Old Testament text and where Yahshua quotes these same passages word for word. A few of these include: Matthew 4:10 (from Deut. 6:13); Matthew 21:42 (from Psalm 118:23); Mark 7:6 (from Isa. 29:13); Luke 20:37 (from Ex. 3:4-6) and John 6:45 (from Isa. 54:13). (For much more on this subject, request our ministudy, Our Savior Spoke the Sacred Name.)
In the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew, professor George Howard details the Hebrew text of the 14th century Jew, Sem-Tob ben-Isaac ben-Shaprut. Howard describes how the sacred Name occurs 19 times in the work, mostly where Kurios and Theos appear in the Greek, but in three places where no correspondent Greek word appears. Howard observes that the Shem-Tob Matthew cannot be a translation of a Greek text, as “no pious Jew of the Middle Ages would have dignified a Christian text by inserting the Divine Name.”
Howard adds, “The conclusion that seems inescapable is that Shem-Tob found the Divine Name already in his [Hebrew] gospel text, having received it from an earlier generation of Jewish tradents. He permitted the Divine Name to remain in the text perhaps because he was unsure himself about what to do with it,” pp. 230-231.

Q. “If it is so important, why isn’t there evidence of the Name outside of the Hebrew Scriptures?”

A. Yahweh gave His Name to the Hebrew peoples because they were His chosen. Those who would take hold of the promises given first to Abraham are grafted in to the trunk of Israel, as Romans 9 and 11 explain. Naturally we would find His Name most prominent among the Israelites and their Scriptures and records. But there indeed are other places where the Name Yahweh has been found.
As we have shown, the Tetragrammaton was discovered on the Moabite stone in 1868, erected by Moabite King Mesha in 900 B.C.E. (p. 25).
Also found in the 1930’s were a number of pottery fragments on which were written personal letters at the time of the Babylonian conquest of Judah (597-587 B.C.E.). Known as the Lachish Letters, one letter is to the commander of a garrison at Lachish, where the writer sends a greeting in “the name of Yahweh.” The fragments also contain about 20 proper names, most compounded with the name of Yahweh (The Dictionary of Bible and Religion, p. 594).
Surprisingly, extra-Biblical evidence for the Name is mounting even on this continent. Indications are that a connection existed between Native Americans and the Semitic peoples of the Middle East.
In Adair’s History of the American Indians, Frenchman James Adair in 1775 detailed many similarities in language, organization, and custom that the Indians of the southeast U.S. share with ancient Israelites. Having spent time among them, he noted that the Indians “frequently sing Hallelu-Yah Yo He Wah,” p. 32. He wrote on page 37, “The American Indians are so far from being Atheists, as some godless Europeans have flattered themselves, to excuse their own infidelity, that they have the great sacred name of God, that describes his divine essence, and by which he manifested himself to Moses…” On page 48 Adair continued, “They have another appellative, which with them is the mysterious, essential name of God – the Tetragrammaton, or great four-lettered name – which they never mention in common speech…” He also noted, “…the American Indians…say YAH at the beginning of their religious dances…” p. 50.
Writing in The Ancient American (March-April 1994), David Allen Deal discusses artifacts discovered between 1874 and 1920 in the state of Michigan. The artifacts bear Egyptians motifs and hieroglyphics, Deal observes. Mostly religious in nature, they contain drawings of the Genesis Creation, Garden of Eden, Noah’s flood and New Testament themes. He notes that three letters in a previously unknown cuneiform style are found on nearly every piece. He writes, “I felt the letters had to stand for the name YHW,” which he notes represents the sacred Name Yahweh. In his book, Discovery of Ancient America, Deal also writes about paleo-Hebrew Tetragrammaton discovered in New Mexico and Tennessee.

Q. “Yahweh confused all the languages at the Tower of Babel, and because Hebrew was extant at that time, how can we be sure that the original pronunciation of Yahweh’s Name wasn’t changed?”

A. Both Shem and Noah spoke the language of Adam and Eve. We have no evidence that this language was anything other than Hebrew, the language of the oldest Biblical manuscripts. (Shem was the great-grandfather of Eber, from whom we get the name “Hebrew.” He naturally would speak the same language as his great-grandson. Eber was the great-great-great-great-grandfather of Abraham.) Certainly neither of these righteous men had anything to do with building a pagan Tower of Babel. Not having been there and involved in this rebellion, their Hebrew language would not have been affected by the confounding of languages at Babel. We can trace the lineage of the patriarchs and see how their Hebrew language continued from the beginning.
Abraham lived to see his grandchild Jacob (Israel). Abraham was alive in the days of Shem, who was born before the flood. Obviously Abraham would have spoken the same language that his family line used before and after the flood: pure Hebrew.

Q. “Doesn’t Psalm 138:2 say His Word is magnified above His Name?”

A. In the King James this passage reads, “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.”
Other versions render this verse differently: “I bow down toward thy holy temple and give thanks to thy name for thy steadfast love and thy faithfulness; for thou hast exalted above everything thy name and thy Word” – Revised Standard Version.
”I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your Name and your Word” – The New International Bible.
“I prostrate myself toward thy holy temple; and give thanks to thy name for thy kindness and thy faithfulness; for thou hast magnified thy name over all” –Smith and Goodspeed.
“I will bow down toward thy holy temple, and give thanks to Thy name for Thy loving kindness and Thy truth; For Thou hast magnified Thy word according to all Thy name” – New American Standard.
None of these translations tells us that His Word is to be exalted over His Name. His Name gives weight to His Word and cannot be separated from it.
Had the translators added the right punctuation, because the Hebrew has none, the verse could just as easily have been rendered: “For You have magnified Your word, above all, Your Name.” This would give the passage the same meaning as is found in the New American Standard and Smith and Goodspeed versions, where His Name is the foundation for all other truth.

Q. “You spell the Heavenly Father’s Name ‘Yahweh,’ but I have also seen it spelled ‘Yahowah’ or ‘Yahuweh.’ Why is this?”

A. The Cairo Geneze, by Paul Kahle, published in London says, “Not before 1100 was an o added to the word hwhy and this seems to indicate the pronunciation [Adonay]” (The Translations of the Bible, chapter 3, pp. 172-173, footnote 4).
It was a vowel sign for the letter o that was put in the middle of the Tetragrammaton. This led to the erroneous “Jehovah.” The Lexicon for the Books of the Old Testament says: “The wrong spelling Jehovah occurs since about 1100.” It then offers arguments in favor of Yahweh as “the correct and original pronunciation” (Koehler and Baumgartner, 1951 ed., vol. 1, p. 369, col. 1).
Because early Christians were not Hebrew scholars, they did not understand that the Tetragrammaton was pointed with the vowels for AdOnAY. Scholars maintain that the letter o or u is a vestige of this Rabbinical practice.
This technique was popular where the name why formed the beginning of a personal name, for example ucwhy (Yahshua), which was altered to ( ) (Yehoshua) through the diacritical marks above and below the Hebrew letters (see page 14, subheading “How Did ‘Yahshua’ Become ‘Jesus?’” and request the ministudy, Spelling the Sacred Name: V or W?)

Q. “Doing or asking in Yahweh’s name merely means ‘by His authority.’ How can you say it means pronouncing a Hebrew Name?”

A. Attempting to sever Yahweh from His very being, nature, personality, and essence through calling on another name is nothing more than a feeble attempt to quiet one’s conscience about the importance of His revealed, personal Name. It is true to do something “in a name” can mean by the authority of that individual. But in the Bible it means so very much more.
What such reasoning cannot get around is the fact that Yahweh’s Name is definitive – it expresses the character and very personality of the Creator and Sustainer who bears it. His Name is nothing less than an extension of His being. It expresses His quintessence. Yahweh’s Name is composed of the very verb of existence – haYa. His Name is alive and active. It means He will be whatever His people need of Him. To call on a dead, generic term expecting the same results as calling on His dynamic Name is an insult, once we know that He has a personal, vigorous, life-giving, healing, and Covenant Name that embodies salvation itself to those who call on Him.

‘My People Shall Know My Name’
True Worshipers are identified by and worship under the saving Names Yahweh and Yahshua. No other Name can reveal the true Heavenly Father, and the truth of who He is, as His personal Name Yahweh does. This singular truth alone renders all arguments for using substitutes null and void.
Consider these passages that testify to the necessity of the sacred Name:
Salvation is strictly in Yahweh’s Name and in His Name alone.
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts. 4:12). “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of Yahweh shall be delivered…” (Joel 2:32) “The name of Yahweh is a strong tower: the righteous runs into it, and is safe” (Prov. 18:10)

We are commanded to call on Him in His Name when we pray or praise Him:
“From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same Yahweh’s Name is to be praised” (Ps. 113:3).

Those who revere and call on His Name are special to Yahweh:
“Because he has set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he has known my name” (Ps. 91:14). “Then they that feared Yahweh spoken often one to another: and Yahweh hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared Yahweh, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, says Yahweh of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spares his own son that serves him” (Mal. 3:16-17).

The saints will gather in His Name:
“And I will strengthen them in Yahweh: and they shall walk up and down in his name, says Yahweh” (Zech. 10:12). “And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, Yahweh is my Elohim” (Zech. 13:9).

His people have not denied His Name:
“I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept my word, and have not denied my name” (Rev. 3:8). “I know your works, and where you dwell, even where Satan’s seat is: and you hold fast my name, and have not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwells” (Rev. 2:13).

His people and His future city shall know and be called by His personal, revealed Name Yahweh:
“Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that does speak: behold, it is I” (Isa. 52:6). “O Yahweh, hear; O Yahweh, forgive, O Yahweh, hearken and do; defer not, for your own sake, O my Elohim: for your city and your people are called by your name” (Dan. 9:19). “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2Chron. 7:14). “That they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, says Yahweh that does this” (Amos 9:12). “Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him” (Isa. 43:7). “Why should you be as a man astonied, as a mighty man that cannot save? Yet you, O YAHWEH in the midst of us, and we are called by your name; leave us not” (Jer. 14:9). “Your words were found, and I did eat them; and your word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by your name, O YAHWEH Elohim of hosts” (Jer. 15:16).

The very Elect will be sealed in His Name:
“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads” (Rev. 14:1). “And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads” (Rev. 22:4).

His Name will be a test of our obedience:
“Pour out your fury upon the heathen that know you not, and upon the families that call not on your name…” (Jer. 10:25; Rev. 13:17 with 14:1).

His Name is the focus of those who rebel against Yahweh:
“A son honours his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? And I be a master, where is my fear? Says Yahweh of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye say, wherein have we despised thy name?” (Malachi 1:6) “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against Yahweh, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven” (Rev. 13:6). “And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of Yahweh, which has power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory” (Rev. 16:9).

Punishment awaits those who refuse and shun His Name and His worship:
“But cursed be the deceiver, which has in his flock a male, and vows, and sacrifices unto Yahweh a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, says Yahweh of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen” (Mal. 1:14). “Pour out your wrath upon the heathen that have not known you, and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon your name” (Ps. 79:6). “Pour out your fury upon that heathen that know you not, and upon the families that call not on your name…” (Jer. 10:25). “He that believes on him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of Yahweh” (John 3:18). “And the nations were angry, and your wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that you should give reward unto your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear your name, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth” (Rev. 11:18).

His Name Offers Protection, Salvation
The saving nature of Yahweh’s Name will be dramatically demonstrated when the age-ending plagues are unleashed on this world. Just as the four angels standing at the four corners of the earth are about to release their devastation, John in Revelation 7 notices another angel intervening. That angel issues a specific command to the four others: “Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our Elohim in their foreheads” (verse 3).
Just how are Yahweh’s servants “sealed”? We find that answer in Revelation 14:1: “And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s NAME written in their foreheads.”
His Name is an identifying mark and offers protection against the impending calamity from a wrathful Yahweh that will devastate this earth. How can He punish those who have His Name in their minds and hearts? In the ninth chapter we witness what happens to those without the protection of His Name: “And it was commanded them [locusts] that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of Elohim in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he strikes a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them” (Rev. 9:4-6).
Again, notice what exactly it is that Yahweh’s people, then saved and living in the Kingdom at New Jerusalem, have sealed in their foreheads: “And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of Elohim and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his Name shall be in their foreheads” (Rev. 22:3-4).
Imagine the shame of rebelling against His Name today, only to have it in one’s forehead in the Kingdom! This gives us serious doubts as to whether someone who deliberately rejects His Name will even BE in the Kingdom.
The prophet Ezekiel foretold what Yahweh would do in the Kingdom.
“So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am Yahweh, the Holy One in Israel” (39:7).
Join those who call upon Yahweh’s Name. The Book of Acts may yet have the final chapter, 29, written some day, and we hope you will join us in prayer that our names will be in that register book of Yahweh’s people and will not be blotted out!

His Name Is the Foundation for All Truth
Now that we have seen that Yahweh’s Name is basic to the truth of the Scriptures, we can also realize how it forms the foundation of True Worship, which shapes the spiritual temple.
When Yahweh says His people will know His Name, He means that through His revealed Name that He Himself is revealed. By telling His people His Name and then saving them, He manifests His innermost character and very nature. As the Concise Bible Handbook says, “’To know’ in the Old Testament goes beyond the mere possession of information, to the active enjoyment of fellowship with the person known,” p. 54. He is our Heavenly FATHER. We worship Him in an intimacy that no other name or title can possibly express. His Name binds His people in a Covenant relationship.
For the past 2,000 years churchianity has been constructing another building, which rests upon another cornerstone cut from a quarry of Greco-Roman teachings. These beliefs are cemented with paganistic practices, humanistic philosophies, Hellenistic and Latin customs, and include a Savior bearing a Latinized Greek name. This spiritual building does not rest upon the foundation of the true Redeemer of Israel. Our Bible is HEBREW, not Greek or Roman.
Scripture clearly reveals that salvation is available only in “the Stone which the builders have rejected,” Acts 4:12. That same verse also states, “There is no other Name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved,” NIV. Verse one reveals that those being spoken to were the priests and Sadducees, and Hebrew was the language of the Temple.
His Name is to be carried to all people as we follow Paul’s example: “But Yahshua said unto him, Go your way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel” (Acts 9:15). Yahweh promises that His Name shall be great among the gentiles. All the world will honor and offer prayers to His Name, Malachi 1:11:
“For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, says Yahweh of hosts.”
The last message to be given before the return of the Savior is the proclamation of Yahweh’s Name in the power and spirit of EliYAH: “Behold, I will send you EliYAH the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of YAHWEH: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse” (Mal. 4:5-6).
We are to believe in the Name, John 3:13, 1John 3:23. We are kept in His Name, John 17:11, Proverbs 18:10. We are justified in His Name, 1Corinthians 6:11. His Name dwells among us, Deuteronomy 12:5, 2Samuel 7:13. His Name influences and controls us in behavior and worship, Leviticus 18:21; Romans 15. Full worship is to be where Yahweh chose to place His Name, Deuteronomy 12:11. And one day ALL nations shall revere and call upon His Name, Revelation 15:4.
Turn back to the truth first given to the patriarchs, and come to KNOW your Heavenly Father by calling on His personal, revealed Name Yahweh.

Chapter 1

Kahalagahan ng Pangalan ng Lumikha
Joel 2:32

“At darating ang panahon na sinuman ang tumawag sa pangalan ni Yahweh ay maliligtas”.

Ang mga Arkaeologist ay natagpuan ang mga labi ng mga naganap sa istorya ng Biblia. Ang ilan dito ay ang Moabite Stone na natagpuan ni F. Klein noong 1869 A.D. sa Silangan ng Dead Sea na naka-ukit ang pangalan ng Lumikha at ito ay naglalaman ng naganap sa 2 Hari 1:1 at 3:4. Ang Hammurabi Code na natagpuan ni Woolley noong 1902 A.D. sa Kanluran ng Basra, Iraq at sa mga clay tablets ay nabasa ni Sayce na nakasulat ay ‘JAHWE is God’ Halley’s Bible Handbook. Noong 1935 hanggang 1938 A.D. ay natagpuan ang 21 paso na tinawag na Lachish Ostraca (Lachish Letters) na nakasulat ang 4 na letrang pangalan ng Lumikha. Ngunit ang pinaka-importanteng natagpuan ay ang Dead Sea Scroll na naglalaman ng lahat ng aklat ng lumang-tipan maliban lamang sa aklat ni Ester. Ang 4 na letrang pangalan ng Lumikha ay nakasulat ng 6,823 ulit sa mga natagpuang aklat ng lumang-tipan.

Ang Tanging Makababasa ng 4 na Letrang Pangalan ng Lumikha

Ang pagkakasulat ng 4 na letrang pangalan ng Lumikha ay sa Lumang-Hebreo at ito ay hindi mababasa ng mga Chinese dahil hindi ito Chinese letters, ganoon din hindi mababasa ng mga Japanese dahil hindi ito Japanese letters. Ito ay mababasa lamang ng mga Hebreo-scholars dahil letrang sina-unang Hebreo ang apat na letrang pangalan ng Lumikha. Ayon sa Jewish Encyclopedia ang pagbasa sa apat na letrang pangalan ng Makapangyarihan ng Israel ay binibigkas ito na ‘YAHWEH’. Wala ng higit pang may karapatan sa tamang pagbasa nito kundi ang mga Hebreo-scholars lamang, ngunit ang ‘Yahweh’ ay hindi nila binabanggit dahil itong pangalang ito ay ‘Napaka-Banal Bigkasin’ kaya imbis na ‘Yahweh’ kapag binabasa sa ngayon ng mga Israelita ay ipinapalit ang salitang ‘Adonai’ na ibig sabihin ay ‘Makapangyarihan’ (Lord), tignan ang photo copies ng Copy of Dead Sea Scroll, pahina 37.

Pagkakamali ng mga Translators

Ang Banal na Kasulatan o tinawag na Biblia ay orihinal na naisulat sa wikang Hebreo at ito ay naisalin sa wikang Aramaic nang ang Israel ay masakop ng mga Assyrian (2 Hari 18:26). Ang Assyrian ay nagsasalita ng Aramaic at nang sumunod na panahon ang Babylonia ay manaig sa kalahatang lupain ng Assyria kasama ang lipi ng Yahuwdah (Judah) at Benjamin, itong Banal na Kasulatan na nakasulat sa Aramaic ay naisalin sa Chaldean Hebrew (Babylonian Hebrew). Nang ang Persia (Iran) ay talunin ang mga Babylonian na makikita sa nakaukit na Behistun Rock sa Iran ay nanatili ang Persian-Aramaic na wika. Dumating naman ang panahon na ang mga Griyego sa pamumuno ni Alexander the Great ay talunin ang Persia ay ipinasalin itong Banal na Kasulatan sa wikang Griyego na tinawag na Septuagint old testament. Sa mga translations mula sa Aramaic-Hebreo ay naisalin ang Banal na Kasulatan sa ibat-ibang wika ngunit ang pangalan ng Lumikha na ‘Yahweh’ ang Makapangyarihan ng Israel ay pinalitan sa pagkakasalin ng titulong-salitang ‘Adonai’ sa Aramaic, ganoon din sa Griyego ay naging Kyrios at Theos na katumbas ng salitang English na Lord at God. Sa pagsasalin sa ibang wika ang pangalan ay hindi naisasalin sa ibang wika at pinananatili ang tunog nito sa ibang wika. Kagaya ng “Ang pangalan ng Makapangyarihan ng Israel ay ‘Yahweh’, kung isasalin natin sa wikang English ay “The name of the Mighty One of Israel is ‘Yahweh’. Mapapansin sa tamang pagkakasalin ay hindi pinapalitan ang pangalan, kung palitan ang pangalan ay mali ang pagkakasalin. Marami ang nagsabi na ang pangalan lamang ang mali sa pagkakasalin ngunit ang istorya na naganap sa Biblia ay tutuo at tama. Samakatwid sa ating pagbasa ay dapat tama ang pagkakabasa sa Biblia, sa pagbasa ay dapat na ibalik ang pangalang ‘Yahweh’ sa bawat nakasulat na Lord o God o Diyos sa Biblia dahil nag-iisa lamang ang pangalan ng Lumikha na si Yahweh sa ZechariYah 14:9.


Kahalagahan ng Pangalan ng lumabas na Messiah sa Nazareth
Gawa 4:12

“Walang tanging pangalan na ipinagkaloob sa silong ng langit na sukat nating ikaligtas”.

Ang pangalan ng Lumikha ay nag-iisa at ang Makapangyarihan ng Israel ay si Yahweh. Samakatwid ang tinutukoy na pangalan na tinatawag na ‘Ama’ ni Messiah ay si Yahweh. Sa YahYah (John) 5:43 ‘dumating ako sa pangalan ng aking ‘Ama’. Sa Awit 68:4 ‘ang pangalan na binanggit ay ang pina-ikling pangalan ng Makapangyarihan ng Israel ay “YAH” na idinudugtong naman sa mga pangalan ng mga Propeta, ZechariYah, JeremiYah, atb. Ayon naman sa Catholic Digest na ‘How Yeshu’a Become Jesus’ na ang pangalan ni Jesus ay Yeshu’a sa Aramaic. Ayon naman sa Jewish Encyclopedia na ang pangalan ng Messiah ay Yahshu’a sa Hebreo na naging Yeshu’a sa pagkakasalin nito sa wikang Aramaic. Ang Aramaic na Yeshu’a ay naisalin sa wikang Griyego na Yehsoos (Iesous) at sa Latin ay naging Yaysus (Iesus) at ng maimbento ang letrang ‘J’ ay ang Iesus ay naging ‘Jesus’ (Dyezeus). Sa dami ng pangalan ay kontradiksyon na sa nakasulat sa Gawa 4:12 na “nag-iisang pangalan na ibinigay sa silong ng langit na sukat nating ikaligtas”. Anong pangalan ito na sukat nating ikaligtas? Sa paglalakad dito sa mundo ng Messiah 2,000 taon na ang nakakalipas ay ang pangalan niya ay Yahshu’a dahil hindi pa naiimbento ang pangalan niya sa Griyego na Yehsous at sa Latin na Yaysus at ang Jesus o Hesus.

YahYah (John) 14:26

“Ipadadala ng Ama ang Banal na Ispiritu sa pamamagitan ng aking pangalan, na siyang Banal na Ispiritung iyan ang magtuturo sa inyo ng lahat ng katotohanan at magpapa-alala sa inyo ng mga itinuro ko”.

Samakatwid ang nagsasalita noon ay si Yahshu’a at hindi si Jesus, samakatwid sa pangalang Yahshu’a ipadadala ang Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh na magtuturo sa atin ng lahat ng katotohanan at magpapaalala sa atin ng mga itinuro ni Yahshu’a.

I YahYah (John) 4:1-4

“Mga minamahal, huwag kayong maniwala sa bawat ispiritu, ngunit subukin muna ninyo ang mga ispiritu dahil maraming mga bulaang propeta ang nasa mundo. Sa ganito ninyo malalaman ang Ispiritu ni Yahweh: Bawat Ispiritu na sumusumpa na si Yahshu’a ay dumating sa laman ay kay Yahweh. At bawat Ispiritu na Hindi sumusumpa na si Yahshu’a ay dumating sa laman ay Hindi kay Yahweh at ito ang Ispiritu na ‘Kalaban ni Messiah, na narinig ninyo na darating na kagaya ngayon ay nasa mundo na”.

Subukin ninyo sa inyong kapaligiran at magtanong kung sino ang dumating sa laman, ang isasagot ay si Jesus, sa ganoon ay malalaman na ninyo ang kalaban ng Messiah ay ang mga aral ng mga Bulaang Propeta.


Ang Tamang Pagbasa ng Biblia

Dahil ang Banal na Pangalan ng Makapangyarihan ng Israel ay mahalaga at ganoon din ang pangalan ng Messiah ng Nazareth ay mahalaga upang ipadala ang Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh ay dapat na ibinabalik ang pangalan ni Yahweh at pangalan ni Yahshu’a sa bawat pagbasa ng Biblia upang ang Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh ay sumaatin at siyang Banal na Ispiritung iyan ni Yahweh ang magtuturo sa atin at magpapaunawa sa atin ng mga nilalaman ng Banal na Kasulatan na tinawag na Biblia. Ang Biblia ay isinulat ng mga tao na puspos ng Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh kaya ang makaka-unawa lamang nito ay ang may Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh, 2 Pedro 1:20-21. Sa bawat nakasulat na Diyos o Lord o God sa lumang-tipan ay ibalik na natin ang pangalan ni Yahweh, ganoon din sa pagbasa ng nakasulat sa bagong-tipan na pangalang Jesus ay ibalik na natin ang tamang pangalan na Yahshu’a ang tunay na Messiah ng Nazareth. Sa ganoon ay makaka-iwas tayo sa mga Sumpa na nakasaad sa Revelation 22:18-19 na ang sinuman na mag-alis ay aalisan ng karapatan sa parte ng Aklat ng Buhay, Awit 69:28-29, at ang sinuman na magdagdag ay daragdagan ng salot na nakasaad sa Banal na Kasulatan na tinawag na Biblia. Sa ganoon ay tiwasay tayo na malayo tayo sa mga aksidente at sa mga salot na sakit at manatili sa parte ng Aklat ng Buhay upang magkaroon ng Buhay na Walang hanggan.

Dahilan sa orihinal na pagkakasulat ang mga pangalan ay pinalitan ng mga translators ay kailangan na ating ibalik ang mga orihinal na pangalan lalong-lalo na ang mahahalagang pangalan na kasama ang pina-ikling pangalan ni Yahweh na ‘Yah’ at ang pangalan ni Yahshu’a ang Messiah ng Nazareth. Ang English na Mighty One ay mas tamang isalin sa salitang Tagalog na ‘Makapangyarihan’, dahil ang salitang ‘panginoon’ ay nagmula sa salitang ‘Adonai’ na istatwa ng Palestino.

Lumang Tipan:

Exodus 3:15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

Tamang pagbasa:

Exodus 3:15 And Yahweh said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The Yahweh Mighty One of your fathers, the Mighty One of Abraham, the Mighty One of Isaac, and the Mighty One of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

Lumang Tipan:

Genesis 2:3 “Pinagpala ng Diyos ang ikapitong araw at itinalaga, sapagkat sa araw na ito ay nagpahinga ang Diyos ng likhain ang lahat.

Tamang pagbasa:

Genesis 2:3 “Pinagpala ni Yahweh ang ikapitong araw at itinalaga, sapagkat sa araw na ito ay nagpahinga si Yahweh ng likhain ang lahat.

Bagong Tipan:

Mateo 3:14-15 “sinansala siya ni Juan na ang wika “Ako po ang kailangang bautismuhan ninyo, at kayo pa ang lumapit sa akin? Ngunit tinugon siya ni Jesus ‘Hayaan mo itong mangyari ngayon sapagkat ito ang nararapat nating gawin upang matupad ang kalooban ng Diyos. At pumayag si Juan.

Tamang pagbasa:

Mateo 3:14-15 “sinansala siya ni YahYah na ang wika “Ako po ang kailangang bautismuhan ninyo, at kayo pa ang lumapit sa akin? Ngunit tinugon siya ni Yahshu’a ‘Hayaan mo itong mangyari ngayon sapagkat ito ang nararapat nating gawin upang matupad ang kalooban ni Yahweh. At pumayag si YahYah.

Ang Salitang Christo ay Wala sa Orihinal na Biblia
YahYah (John)1:41

“Una niyang natagpuan ang kanyang kapatid na si Simon at sinabi niya ‘Natagpuan namin ang ‘Messiah’ (sa interpretasyon ay Christo).

2 Peter 1:20-21

“Ating unang alamin na walang nakasulat sa Banal na Kasulatan sa kanyang sariling interpretasyon. Dahil isinulat ito ng mga tao noong panahong iyon hindi sa kagustuhan ng tao kundi mga taong pinabanal ni Yahweh na nagsalita at pinakilos ng Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh”.

Christo ay interpretasyon lamang ng mga translators na mga Griyego, ngunit ang Christo ay wala sa wikang Griyego. Maari nang masakop ng Griyego ang mga sakop ng Persia sa Ester 1:1 ay nasakop nila ang bansang India na pinanggalingan ng istatwang si Chrishna na may hawak na sibat at dinudurog ang ulo ng ahas na kagaya ng naihula sa darating na Messiah sa Genesis 3:15.

Exodus 23:13

“Huwag babanggitin ni mamutawi sa ating mga labi ang mga pangalan ng mga sinasamba ng taga ibang bansa”. Ang bansang Israel ay ang sinasamba ay si Yahweh lamang, ang ibang bansa kagaya ng Canaan (Palestino) ang sinasamba ay si Baal (nasalin na Adonai at nasalin bilang Lord, Hosea 2:16). Sa katabing bansa ng Israel ay ang bawat bansa ay may kanya-kanyang Elohim (nasalin na God). Ang bansang Griyego ang sinasamba ay si Theos (nasalin na Diyos), ang bansang India ay maraming istatwa at isa na dito si Chrishna. Ang Syria naman ang sinasamba ay si Gowd (nasalin na God) at sinasamba naman ng mga teutonic–Germans. Si Zeus (pagbasa ay ‘sus’ ay isa sa Greek Mythology God) ay idinugtong sa pangalan ng Messiah kaya naging Yehsoos (Yeh-sus) sa Griyego at Latin.

Bagong Tipan:

Revelation 1:1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Tamang pagbasa:

Revelation 1:1 The revelation of Yahshu’a Messiah, which Yahweh gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant YahYah:

Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh
YahYah (John) 14:26

“Ang Mang-aaliw na siyang Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh na ipadadala ng Ama sa aking pangalan, siyang magtuturo sa inyo ng lahat ng mga bagay at ipa-aalala sa inyo ang bawat nasabi ko sa inyo”.

Tanging sa nag-iisang pangalan ni Yahshu’a ipadadala ang Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh at iyang Banal na Ispiritung iyan ang magtuturo sa atin ng mga katotohanan at magpapa-alala sa atin ng mga iniaral ni Yahshu’a Messiah.

2 Peter 1:20-21

“Ating unang alamin na walang nakasulat sa Banal na Kasulatan sa kanyang sariling interpretasyon. Dahil isinulat ito ng mga tao noong panahong iyon hindi sa kagustuhan ng tao kundi mga taong pinabanal ni Yahweh na nagsalita at pinakilos ng Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh”.

Ang Banal na Kasulatan ay isinulat ng mga tao na kinasihan ng Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh, samakatwid ay tanging ang may Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh lamang ang makakaunawa ng Banal na Kasulatan at ito ay sa pamamagitan ng pangalan ni Yahshu’a ay ipadadala ang Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh.

Awit 78:2

“Magsasalita ako sa pamamagitan ng Talinghaga, aking sasalitain ang mga nakatagong salita noong una”.

Markos 4:2

“At nagturo si Yahshu’a ng maraming bagay sa pamamagitan ng Talinghaga”

Markos 4:11

“Sa inyo ay ipinagkaloob na maunawaan ang mga Talinghaga, ngunit sa iba ay hindi, kundi pawang talinghaga”. Ang mga Talinghaga ay hindi mauunawaan ng mga taong walang Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh, at ang Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh ay Ipadadala sa papamamagitan ng pangalan ni Yahshu’a.

Ang Anak ng Tao ay Iba sa Anak ni Yahweh
Genesis 6:2

“Ang mga Anak ni Yahweh ay nakita ang mga babaeng Anak ng Tao na magaganda, kaya pumili sila ng kani-kanilang mapapangasawa”.

Anak ng Tao
Genesis 11:5

“Bumaba si Yahweh upang tingnan ang Lungsod at ang toreng itinatayo ng mga Anak ng Tao”.

Si Adan at mga Anak ng kanyang anak Hangang kay Yahshu’a ay mga Anak ni Yahweh
Lukas 3:23-38

Si Cainan na anak ni Enos na anak ni Set, at si Set ay anak ni Adan na Anak ni Yahweh”.

Nagpakilala si Yahshu’a na “Anak ni Yahweh”
YahYah 10:36

“Ako’y hinirang at sinugo ng Ama, paano ninyong masasabi ngayon na nilalapastangan ko si Yahweh sa sinabi kong “Ako ay Anak ni Yahweh”.

Kinilala si Yahshu’a
Mateo 3:17

“Ito ang minamahal kong Anak na lubos kong kinalulugdan”.

Sino ang Anak ng Tao, Sino ako ?
Mateo 16:13-17

Nang dumating si Yahshu’a sa lupain ng Caesaria ng Filipos, tinanong niya ang kanyang mga Alagad. “Sino raw ang Anak ng Tao ayon sa mga tao ? At sumagot sila na sabi po ng ilan ay si YahYah (Juan Bautista), sabi naman ng iba ay si EliYah, at may nagsabi pang si JeremiYah o isa sa mga Propeta”. Kayo naman ano ang sabi ninyo ? sino ako ? tanong niya sa kanila. Sumagot si Simon Pedro, “Kayo po ang Messiah, ang Anak ni Yahweh na buhay”. Sinabi sa kanya ni Yahshu’a “mapalad ka Simon na Anak ni Jonas sapagkat ang KATOTOHANANG ITO’Y hindi inihayag sa iyo ng sinumang tao kundi nang aking Ama na nasa langit”.

Maling Akala ng Tigapagsalin ng Bagong Tipan na Tinatawag din siyang Anak ng Tao
YahYah 12:32-34

‘At kung ako’y maitaas na, ilalapit ko sa akin ang lahat ng tao’. Sumagot ang mga tao, ‘Sinasabi ng Kautusan na ang Messiah ay mananatili Magpakailanman, sino ba itong Anak ng Tao ?

Samakatwid ay ang binanggit ni Yahshu’a na “At kung Ako’y maitaas na” ay ang mas tamang pagkakasulat ay “At kung ang ANAK NG TAO ay maitaas na” Ito ay mapapansin sa kasagutan ng mga tao na nagtatanong ng “Sino ba itong ANAK NG TAO ?

Tinatawag din siyang EMMANUEL

Ang Emmanuel ay hindi “God with us” o sumasaatin ang Maykapal. Ang ibig sabihin ng Emmanuel ay ‘Pillar’ o poste. Tingnan ang Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Hebrew-Greek Dictionary, sa Greek no. 1694 na katumbas ng Hebrew no. 6005 at no. 5973, at no. 6004, at no. 5978, at no. 5982 ‘Ammud’ ay Pillar. Sa Isaiah 7:14 hindi sa Isaiah 8:10 na maling interpretasyon na naisalin sa pagsalin ng sulat ni Mateo sa Mateo 1:23.

Tinatawag din siyang Anak ni David
Mateo 22:42-45

Habang nagkakatipon ang mga Pariseo, tinanong sila ni Yahshu’a, “Ano ang pagkaka-alam ninyo tungkol sa Messiah, SINO ANG MAY ANAK SA KANYA ? Si David po ang sagot nila. Kung gayon sabi ni Yahshu’a, Bakit Tumawag sa Kanya ng MAKAPANGYARIHAN si David ng kasihan siya ng Banal na Espiritu ? Ang sabi niya, “sinabi ni YAHWEH sa aking MAKAPANGYARIHAN, umupo ka sa aking kanan hanggang lubusan kong mapasuko sa iyo ang mga kaaway mo. Gayon si David narin ang tumawag sa kanya ng MAKAPANGYARIHAN, paanong masasabing Anak ni David ang Messiah ? (Ito ay naganap sa pagtitipon ng mga Pariseo).

Markos 12:35-37

“Samantalang nagtuturo si Yahshu’a sa Templo, sinabi niya, “Paanong masasabi ng mga Eskriba na ang Messiah ay Anak ni David ? Si David narin ng kasihan ng Banal na Espiritu ang nagpahayag ng ganito “Sinabi ni YAHWEH sa aking MAKAPANGYARIHAN, umupo ka sa aking kanan hanggang lubusan kong mapasuko sa iyo ang mga kaaway mo” Si David narin ang tumawag sa kanya ng MAKAPANGYARIHAN paanong magiging Anak ni David ang Messiah ? (Ito ay sinasabi ng mga Eskriba na ang Messiah ay Anak ni David na makikita sa Awit 110:1)

Lahi na Pinagmulan ni Yahshu’a Messiah

Si Mirriam na ina ni Yahshu’a ay pinsan ni Elizabeth na apo ng Levitang si Aaron na mababasa sa Lukas 1:5 at 1:36.

Exodus 29:1

“Ganito ang gagawin ninyo sa pagtatalaga kay Aaron at sa kanyang mga anak na lalaki bilang Seserdote”. Si Aaron at ang tanging anak na lalaki lamang ang itinalaga ni YAHWEH na maging Seserdote.

Mateo 1:24-25

“Nang magising si Jose, sinunod niya ang utos ng Anghel ni YAHWEH, pinakasalan niya si Mirriam, ngunit hindi ginalaw ni Jose si Mirriam hanggang sa maipanganak ang isang sanggol na lalaki na pinangalanan niyang Yahshu’a”.

Samakatwid ang dumadaloy na dugo kay Yahshu’a ay dugo ng Lahing Levita na si Aaron na itinalagang maging Seserdote Magpakailanman. Si Yahshu’a ay dugo ni Aaron na Levita at hindi siya dugo ni Jose na Yahuwdah (Hudyo), Sirac 45:23-25 samakatwid si Yahshu’a ay hindi dugo ni David, dahil si David ay Lahing Yahuwdah. Paanong masasabi ng mga Eskriba at mga Pariseo na ang Messiah ay Anak ni David ? Ang Aral na ang Messiah ay anak ni David ay aral ng mga Eskriba at mga Pariseo. Katunayan noong panahon ng mga Pariseo ay ang pagkakakilala sa Messiah ay Anak ni David sa Lukas 18:35-42

Nagdaraan si Yahshu’a na taga Nazareth sabi nila at siya ay sumigaw “Anak ni David mahabag po kayo sa akin”. Kaya tumigil si Yahshu’a at iniutos na dalhin sa kanya ang bulag. Inilapit nga ito at tinanong ni Yahshu’a, “Ano ang ibig mong gawin ko sa iyo ?” “Ibig ko po sana na MANUMBALIK ANG AKING PANINGIN”, sagot niya. “Mangyari ang ibig mo, pinagaling ka dahil sa iyong PANANALIG”. Noon din ay nakakita siya at sumunod kay Yahshu’a at nagpasalamat kay YAHWEH. Nang Makita ito ng mga tao silang lahat ay nagpuri kay YAHWEH.

Samakatwid ay ipinaliwanag ni Yahshu’a sa taong bulag na siya ay isang dugong Levita mula kay Aaron at hindi Anak ni David at muli siyang nakakita. Pinagaling siya dahil sa kanyang PANANALIG at ang pananalig na ito ay ang TAMANG PANANALIG na ang Messiah ay ANAK NG LEVITANG SI AARON na Lahi na pinagmulan ng mga Seserdote na mababasa sa Hebrew 5:5.

Unang iniaral ni Apostol Saul (Pablo) at Felipe
Gawa 9:20

Una niyang itinuro na si Yahshu’a ay Anak ni Yahweh”. Ang Desipolo namang si Felipe ay iniaral na si Yahshu’a ay Anak ni Yahweh bago niya bautismuhan ang Eunuko mula sa Eitopia sa Gawa 8:37.

Lahi Na Nagmula Kay Abraham

Mula kay Abraham ay nagkaroon siya ng anak kay Hagar na pinangalanan niyang Ismael nang hindi pa siya ‘tuli’. Nakipagtipan kay Abraham si Yahweh na ang tanging palatandaan ng kanilang Tipan ay ang pagtutuli, kaya si Abraham ay nagpatuli kasama ang kanyang anak na si Ismael at ang buong sambahayan. Pagkatapos niyang ‘matuli’ ay nagkaroon siyang muli ng anak ito naman ay kay Sarah na pinangalanan niyang Isaac. Si Ismael ay dinala ni Hagar sa Egypto at doon nakapag-asawa, samantalang si Isaac naman ay nagkaroon ng kambal na anak kay Rebekah na pinangalanan niyang Esau ang una at Yahcob ang sumunod. Si Yahcob ang tinipan ni Yahweh at tinawag siyang Yahshurun. Nagkaroon si Yahshurun ng 12 anak na lalaki at isang anak na babae sa kanyang dalawang asawa at dalawang katulong. Ang 12 anak ni Yahshurun ay tinawag na 12 Tribo na sina Ruben, Simon, Levi, Yahuwdah, Isachar, Zabulon, Dan, Gad, Aser, Nepthali, BenYahmin at Yahsep.

Si Yahsep ay ipinagbili ng kanyang mga kapatid sa mga dumadaang Ismaelita at dinala sa Egypto na sa paglipas ng panahon ay naging Gobernador ng Egypto sa panahong naghihirap ang buong mundo at tanging sa Egypto lamang ang may mabibiling pagkain. Lumipas ang 30 taon ay ang mga kapatid ni Yahsep at ang kanyang ama na si Yahshurun ay muli niyang nakasama sa Egypto kung saan ay nanirahan na sila. Nang makita ni Yahshurun ang dalawang anak ni Yahsep ay ibinilang niya ito bilang kanyang mga anak kapalit ni Yahsep, samakatwid ang 12 Tribo ay inalis si Yahsep at ipinalit ang dalawang anak nito na si Efraim at Manase ay lumalabas na 13 Tribo lahat sila ng inilabas sila ni Moses sa Egypto paglipas ng 400 taon. Si Yahshurun ay tinawag na Yisrawale (Israel) sa Egypto na ibig sabihin ay ‘Prinsipe ni Sarah’ upang maiba sa Ismael na ang ibig sabihin ay ‘Sa Pangalan ni Sarah’. Si Moses ay inutusan ni Yahweh na italaga ang Tribo ng Levi na maging Seserdote sa 12 Tribo ng Yahshurun, samakatwid sa bawat Tribo ay may Levita na Seserdote.

Lumipas pa ang panahon ay nagkaroon sila ng hari at ang unang Hari ay si Saul mula sa Tribo ng BenYahmin. Ang sumunod na naging Hari ay si David na mula sa Tribo ng Yahuwdah at ang pumalit sa kanya ay ang kanyang anak na si Haring Solomon. Pagkatapos ni Haring Solomon ay nahati ang Kaharian sa kanyang Anak na si Haring Rehoboam at sa kanyang Katiwala mula sa Tribo ni Efraim na si Haring Jeroboam. Sampung tribo ang sumama kay Jeroboam at dalawang tribo ang sumama kay Rehoboam ang tribo ng Yahuwdah at BenYahmin. Si Haring Jeroboam ay naglagay ng mga Seserdote na hindi galing sa Lipi ng Levita at iniba ang mga kapistahang itinakda ni Amang YAHWEH kaya ang 10 Tribo ay pinalitan sa lupain ng Israel ng mga tao mula sa Abba, Cutha, Separvaim, Hammath at mga taga Babylonia at ipinatapon ang 10 Tribo sa Assyria ni Haring Shalmanaser ng Assyria.

Paglipas ng 114 taon ang dalawang tribo naman ang Yahuwdah at BenYahmin ay ipinatapon naman sa Babylonia ni Nebuchadnessar Hari ng Babylonia. Ang mga natira sa lupain ng Yahuwdah sa Yahrusalem ay ang mga mahihirap lamang kaya ang Hari ng Babylonia ay itinalaga si Gedalia na mamahala sa mga natirang Yahuwdah sa Yahrusalem. Ngunit si Gedalia ay pinatay ni Ismael at si Ismael naman ay pinatay ni Yohanan kaya natakot ang mga taong natira na sila naman ay patayin ng Hari ng Babylonia kaya sila ay tumakas patungong Egypto kasama ang Propetang si YahremiYah. Silang lahat ay nangamatay sa Egypto at kakaunti lamang ang nakabalik sa Yahrusalem.

Ang Kaharian ng Babylonia naman ay tinalo ng Kaharian ng Persia na naitala sa nakaukit na Behistun Rock sa kabundukan ng Iran. Ang mga Kaharian ng Persian mula sa Eitopia hanggang sa India ay sinakop naman ng mga Griego sa pangunguna ni Alexander the Great . Ang Griego naman ay unti-unting tinalo ng mga Romano hanggang sa kapanahunan ng paglabas ng Messiah sa Bethlehem Israel.

Tatlong Grupo ang Pinuntahan ng Mga Apo ni Abraham

Unang Grupo na nagmula sa Assyria: Mababasa sa 2 Hari 17:24 at Isaiah 10:19-22 ang kanilang kinasapitan. Ngunit may mga Nalabing Nakatakas sa Sambahayan ng Yahshurun sa Isaiah 11:11 at ang kahuli-hulihang lugar na pinuntahan ay ang ‘mga isla sa karagatan’.

Ikalawang Grupo na nagmula sa Babylonia: Mababasa sa 2 Chronicles 36:20 at Isaiah 14:22 ang kanilang kinasapitan. Ngunit may mga Nalabing Nakatakas sa Sambahayan ni Yahuwdah sa Isaiah 66:19 ay ang kahuli-hulihang lugar na pinuntahan ay ang Javan at ‘mga pulo sa malayu’.

Ikatlong Grupo sa mga natira sa Yahrusalem na pumunta sa Egypto:Jeremiah 44:1-14 tanging Nakalat na Nakatakas ang nakabalik na siyang dinatnan ni Yahshu’a Messiah kaya inutusan niya ang kanyang 12 desipolo na hanapin ang mga nawawalang sambahayan ng Israel mababasa sa Mateo 10:5-6 at sa Gawa 13:47.

Naitala na ang desipolo ni Yahshu’a na si Tomas ay sinibat hanggang sa mamatay ni Haring Misdeus ng India. Ang huling Kahariang sumakop sa kanila ay ang mga Griego at naitala sa Ester 1:1 na ang India ay nasasakupan ng Kaharian ng Persia na sinakop ng Emperyo ng Griego kaya sa India huling natagpuan ang desipolo ni Yahshu’a sa paghahanap sa mga Nawawalang Tribo ng Israel.

Nasaan sa Ngayon ang Una at Ikalawang Grupo ?

Ang karakteristik ng dalawang grupong ito ay sila’y nagsasalita ng Lumang Wikang Hebreo dahil sila ay nakatakas bago maimpluwensiya ng wika ng mga Assyrian na wikang Aramaic at wika ng mga Babylonian na Chaldean. Mapapansin na ang mga naiwan sa Yahrusalem ay nagsasalita ng Chaldean-Hebrew o Modern-Hebrew na wika nila hanggang sa kasalukuyan.

Ang pangalan ng kanilang sinasamba ay kapangalan ng sinasamba ni Abraham. Ngunit dahil sa sila ay tumatakas ay itinago ang kanilang pagkakakilanlan na pangalan na sinasamba ni Abraham na si YAHWEH ay itinago nila ito bilang ‘SUSI” na mababasa sa Lukas 11:52. Ang ‘Susi’ ay si Yahweh.

Ang karakteristik ng dalawang grupong ito ay ang lahi ay mga ‘Tuli’ kagaya ng Magpakailanmang-Tipan ni Abraham kay Yahweh.

Ang karakteristik ng dalawang grupong ito ay ang lahi ay mga ‘Kayumanggi’ na naitala sa Awit ni Solomon 1:5.

Daratnan ni Yahshu’a ang pangalan ng desipolo niyang si Juan na nakatala sa Juan 21:22-23. Si Juan na desipolo ni Yahshu’a ay ang pangalan ay YahYah na makikita sa Holy Koran.

Ang karakteristik ng dalawang grupong ito ay sila ay labingdalawang tribo at mayroon silang mga Datu na Seserdoteng Banal na nagtuturo at Sultan na namamahala. Sila ay taimtim na naghihintay sa pagdating ng ipinangakong Messiah na tutubos sa kanila dahil ng sila ay nakatakas ay inihula na sa kanila ng mga Propeta ang pagdating ng Messiah. Mayroon silang katangiang-galing sa mga bagay na kanilang ginagawa at pinagpapala sila ni Yahweh sa kanilang gawaing kamay.


Panahon ni Moses Hanggang sa Ngayon ay Nagmula sa Panahon ni Yahshu’a

Sa Leviticus 25 ay naitala ang Jubilee year na ika-50 taon at unang taon ng 49 year cycle. Nagmula sa ika-14 na araw sa unang buwan ng taon ay ang Passover na araw na ibinayubay ang ‘Anak ng Tao’ ay mabibilang na lumipas ang sampung (10) Jubilee Years mula sa kapanahunan ng Babylonian Captivity. Mula naman sa Babylonian Captivity hanggang sa Exodus sa panahon ni Moses ay naganap ang 19 na Jubilee years. Samakatwid ay naganap ang 29 Jubilee years mula sa Exodus ni Moses hanggang sa paglabas ng Messiah. Ang sampung (10) Jubilee years mula sa Babylonian captivity hanggang sa paglabas ni Yahshu’a Messiah ay naihula ni Propeta Daniel sa Daniel 9:24-27. Ito ay nagmula sa naisulat ni Propeta JeremiYah sa JeremiYah 29:10 na magkakaroon ng 70 taon na pagkakapiit sa Babylonia. Si Propeta Daniel ay nagtanong kay Yahweh sa ibig sabihin ng 70 taon (Dan.9:2-27) at siya ay sinagot na “70 at 7 ang itinalaga sa pagkawasak at sa paglipas nito ay ang pagpapatawad ng mga kasalanan na simbolo ng Jubilee year. Mula sa Sabbathical year ay lilipas ang 3 taon at 14 na araw na simbolo ng Passover day sa ika-4 na taon mula sa Sabbathical year, at sa kalagitnaan ng isang linggo ang Messiah ay mapipigil ngunit hindi sa kanyang sarili. Ito ay naganap noong taon 0031 A.D. Passover.

Daniel 9:24-27

“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in trouble times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary, and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”

490 years mula sa Babylonian Captivity (70 x 7 = 490 years)( Sabbathical year)
Sa taon 0027-0028 A.D. Sabbathical year o 49th year (seven weeks Sabbathical year)
Sa taon 0028-0029 A.D. Jubilee year o unang taon o 50th year
Sa taon 0029-0030 A.D. ika-dalawang taon
Sa taon 0030-0031 A.D. ika-tatlong taon ( and three)
Sa taon 0031-0032 A.D. ika-apat na taon, sa ika-14 na araw ay ang Passover day (two weeks)

Ang unang buwan ng Israel ay tinatawag na Abib na kung saan ang unang uway ng Barley ay lumalabas at ito ay sa panahon malapit sa Vernal Equinox na pagkakapareho ng oras ng araw at ng gabi sa bawat buwan ng Marso. Ating ibabalik ang panahon mula sa Total Solar Eclipse noong Marso 18,1988 na araw ng Biyernes na naganap sa Pilipinas sa oras na ika-9:00 ng umaga at sa Israel ay ika-3:00 ng umaga Marso 18,1988.


1988-0031 = 1957 taon / 4 (leap year) = 489 days for leap years

Mar.18,0031 to Dec.31 0031=288 days

Jan.01, 0032 to Dec.31, 1987 = 714429 days (1987-32=1955 +1 (full year of 1987)=1956 x 365=713940 days + 489 =714429)

Jan.01,1988 to Mar.18,1988 = 77 days (one day for leap year not included because included already in 489 days of leap years)

288 + 714429 + 77 = 714,794 days

One Lunar Month is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2.8 seconds is the average one lunar month in one solar year. In numerical it will be 29.530588715 days.

1957 x 365 days = 714,305 + 489 days leap year = 714,794 days

714,794 days /29.530588715 days = 24,205 lunar mo. And 6 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes and 13 seconds

714794/29.530588715 days (one lunar mo) =24205. 20657066758379 lunar months

0. 20657066758379 x 29.530588715 = 6.100153425 days

0.100153425 x 24 =2.4036822 hours

0.4036822 x 60 = 24.220932 minutes

March 18,1988 A.D. sa ganap na ika- 03:00 ng umaga Israel time
-minus 6 days 2:24
March 12,0031 A.D. 00:36 ng umaga
+ plus (18 hours to see crescent of New Moon in Israel) 18:00
March 12,0031 A.D. 18:36 ng gabi ang sunset ay nakalipas na kaya makikita sa Israel ang New Crescent ng Bagong Buwan. Unang araw ay magsisimula sa paglubog ng araw ay makikita ang New moon sa araw ng Marso 12,0031. Samakatwid ang unang araw ay nag-umpisa sa paglubog ng araw ng Marso 12,0031 hanggang sa paglubog ng araw sa Marso 13,0031.

Anong araw ang Marso 18,0031 A.D.?

Marso 0031 A.D.


714,794 days / 7 days = 102,113 weeks and 3 days, ang umpisa ng pagbilang ay Marso 18,1988 ay araw ng Biyernes, samakatwid ang Marso 18,0031 ay araw ng Martes. Ang Passover na ginanap ni Yahshu’a ay tumapat sa ika–26 ng Marso araw ng Miyerkules, samakatwid sa paglubog ng araw ng Marso 25,0031. Pagkatapos ni Yahshu’a na mag-passover ay hinuli siya sa Getsemani ng gabing iyon at sa kina-umagahan ng Miyerkules ay ipinadala kay Gobernador Pilato at kay Herodes at ibinalik kay Pilato at ipinarada ng araw ng Miyerkules at ang ‘Anak ng Tao ay ibinayubay. Mapapansin na kailangang ibaba ang bangkay dahil gaganapin ang Passover ng mga Hudyo sa kinagabihan YahYah (John)19:31. Ganoon din hindi pumasok sa tahanan ni Pilato ang mga Hudyo dahil sila ay marurumihan sa kanilang pagtatalaga sa araw na iyon na araw ng paglilinis, YahYah (John) 18:28, YahYah (John) 19:14. Ang Passover at unang araw ng Pista ng Tinapay na Walang Lebadura ay sabay na ginaganap ng mga Hudyo sa ika-15 araw ng Abib ay araw ng Huwebes Marso 27,0031, Lukas 22:1. Ang Messiah ay mapuputol sa kalagitnaan ng isang linggo at ito ay Miyerkules ayon kay Propeta Daniel sa Daniel 9:24-27.

Mula naman sa taon 0031 A.D. ay lumipas ang 1957 taon hanggang sa Marso 18,1988 na naganap ang solar eclipse, samakatwid ang taon 1987-1988 ay ang ika-49 na taon ay Sabbathical year at ang 1988-1989 ay ang unang taon o Jubilee year na ika-50 taon.

Ang 19 Years Metonic Cycle Calendar ni Hillel II noong 359 A.D.

Ang 19 Years cycle ni Hillel II noong 359 A.D. ay sumusobra ng 2 oras at 4 na minuto sa bawat katapusan ng 19 years Metonic cycle at ang 13th month sa 6th year ay dapat idagdag sa 5th year at sa 17th year ay dapat sa 16th year, ngunit hindi ito dahilan upang malayu sa pagkakalkula ng tamang unang buwan ng Abib. Ang tanging palatandaan lamang ay ang Passover ay dapat hindi gaganapin bago mag-Vernal Equinox, (Flavius Josephus, Antiquities, Book II, ch. X,5). Ang Vernal Equinox ay nagaganap sa araw ng Marso 18 hanggang Marso 21 taon-taon. Mula sa 359 A.D. ang 1993-1994 ay ang unang taon sa 19 years cycle, samakatwid ang taon 2004-2005 ay pang 12 taon ng 19 years cycle. Nagdaragdag ng 13th lunar month sa bawat taon ng 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th at 19th na taon sa 19 years Metonic cycle. Ang fixed point sa kalkulasyon ng Kapistahan ni Yahweh sa panahon ngayon ay ang Total Solar eclipse noong Marso 18,1988 sa ganap na ika-9:00 ng umaga sa Pilipinas, dahil ang Conjunction-time ay ang Solar-Eclipse-time din. Sa conjunction-time ay pantay-pantay ang Mundo-Buwan-Araw sa isang imaginary straight line at kailangang umidad ng 18 oras ang Buwan paglagpas sa conjunction-time upang magkaroon ng ‘angle’ na makikita sa sunset point ng Mundo ang unang bumanda sa Buwan na sinag ng Araw na tinatawag na ‘First Crescent’ ng Bagong Buwan. Sa tabing dagat at karagatan ay 18 oras ang hihintayin upang Makita ang New crescent ng Bagong Buwan, samantalang sa lupain at bulubunduking lugar ay 22 oras ang hihintayin.


Paanong nasa Biblia ang mga Pilipino
(Hango sa Si-Kabayan Yahshu’a)

The Filipino People in the Bible

Modern scholars of the 20th century re-discovered the Sri-Visjaya kingdom and revealed traces of the ancient origins of the Filipinos especially the Visaya and Tagalog, please see photo copies, copy of Colliers Encyclopedia, page 49.

This Sri-Visjaya Kingdom is one of the greatest trade empires of Asia. The Sri-Visjaya on the 7th century when China was reunited under the T’ang Dynasty, the Sri-Visjaya become known to the Chinese as the sole state with which they could trade. Several extant inscriptions from the late seventh century-royal edicts carved on stones – attest to the absolute loyalty demanded by the king of Sri-Visjaya of his servants, subjects, and vassals. Passing traders were forced to stop at Sri-Visjaya, where they have to pay tolls demanded by the king of Sri-Visjaya for passage through the straits of Malacca. Sri-Visjaya controlled one of the key points in the whole Asian trade system.

Sri-Visjaya’s religious scholarship was internationally so highly valued that Chinese Buddhist pilgrims making the long journey to India would spend several years in Sri-Visjaya, there they studied the scriptures and rules for monks before going to India. This may think that Sri-Visjaya’s religion is a Buddhist religion. That happened when the original 7th century Sri-Visjaya king and royal families and traders moved across the straits to Malaya on the 8th century where they established the port of Malacca in about 1400 and they have trade in Borneo and Sulu.

A great kingdom emerged beginning in about 8th century the Kingdom of Mataram in central Java. The dynasty that founded Mataram took the Sanskrit name Sailendra – the king of the mountains – and the title Maharaja, they were Mahayana Buddhists. They left behind many famous temples, which their contemporaries, the kings of Sri-Visjaya seem not to have done. Among the most famous Mataram temples is Burabudur, which was built about 800. At the nearby temple of Merdut are large stone statues of the Buddha and two Bodhisattvas, which are the most exquisite in all of Asia. A rival royal line that was not Buddhists but followers of the Hindu god Shiva challenged Sailendra power in Mataram. In 856 there was a battle between the two rivals, which the Sailendra lost and the last surviving Sailendra prince fled from Java to Sumatra, where, for reasons that are not known, he become the king of Sri-Visjaya in Sumatra. Therefore become the new king of Sri-Visjaya in Sumatra is Sailendra.

The original 7th century Sri-Visjaya king and royal families and traders moved across the straits to Malaya on the 8th century where they established the port of Malacca made trade in Borneo and Sulu. The second Sri-Visjaya of 8th century was ruled by Sailendra a Buddhist was finally destroyed by the Javanese in the 14th century and this people of Sri-Visjaya were different religion than the original first Sri-Visjaya of 7th century. In fact the kingdom of Sailendra who become king of Sri-Visjaya were Mahayana Buddhist that this Mahayana Buddhists left behind many famous temples, which their contemporaries the king of original 7th century Sri-Visjaya seem not to have done. Therefore the Sri-Visjaya that was defeated by the Javanese in the 14th century was the second Sri-Visjaya of 8th century who become Buddhists and ruled by king Sailendra a Mahayana Buddhists. The first Sri-Visjaya of 7th century did not make any temples of worship and were not Buddhists and they fled to Malacca and trade with Borneo and Sulu. The historian claiming that Sri-Visjaya is a Buddhists kingdom is referring to the second Sri-Visjaya of 8th century that was ruled by Sailendra and not the original Sri-Visjaya of the 7th century.

At the same period the well-known Maragtas in Visaya’s history claimed that ten (10) Datu lead by Datu Puti arrived in Panay and bought the plain land of Panay island. This people were called “VISAYA” the descendant of original Sri-Visjaya of 7th century from Borneo and Sulu. They carried the word “ya-we” in Visaya which means “key”, this was mentioned in Luke 11:52 “woe unto you, lawyers, for ye have taken away the “key of knowledge”, (remember the scribes took away the name Yahweh and replaced it with other name Adonai, the key is the name Yahweh, please see page 37). Another two (2) Datu, Datu Dumangsil and Datu Balensusa reached Taal (Batangas) where the language of the two Datu believed to be the origin of Tagalog language. The word Datu in Hebrew language means royal edict or statute, commandment, decree, law, manner. The Datu is the one who ruled and make decree, law and a royal family in Filipino history.

According to Merriam-Webster International Unabridged dictionary that the Tagalog language and Visaya language comes from one group of language called Tagala that is branch-language of ancient Malay-Javanese language called Kawi which is now instinct. The Tagalog language has 30,000 root words, 700 affixes, and the root words which are famous about 5,000 words from Spanish, 3,200 from Malay-Indonesia, 1,500 words from Hebrew, 1,300 words from English, 300 from Sanskrit, 250 words from Arabic and very few words from Persian, Japanese, Russian. The Latin language was influenced from Spanish and English. The language of Visaya and Tagalog has many similarities about 3,800 well known words are the same and similar in usage. The Hiligaynon is the language of Visaya is also like the Higaynon in Hebrew word means “solemn sound”. The word “ya-wa” means a cursing word means evil, while “wa” means “not in you” in Visayan language. The word ‘ya” in Hebrew means “Yah” the short form of the name of the Mighty One of Yahshurunites (Israelites). Therefore the meaning of “ya-wa” means “Yahweh is not in you” or “evil” which is also a curse word in Hebrew language. The word ‘po’ derived from ‘ho’ is an ancient primitive Hebrew words are being mentioned in all dialects of the Philippines.

When the first European set their foot in the land of Mortar (translated by Fernando Magallanes as Luzones means mortar), it was written by historian Gregorio F. Zaide in page 2 and page 24 of History of the Filipino People, that Padre Chirino an eminent Jesuit historian found in Tagalog language that “it has the Mystery and obscurities of the Hebrew language”.

The word “Sri” comes from Indian language means Prince, Holiness and a word of praise and respect to respectable and honorable person in India. The word “Vis” means Spirit in Samsi English Dictionary. Therefore the meaning of Sri-Vis-Jaya is “Prince or Holiness Spirit of Jaya”.

In the Philippine History when Fernando Magallanes (Ferdinand Magellan) reached the soil of now the Philippines he met for blood-compact the brother of Raja Kulambo of Limasawa and that person is called “Si”- Agu (Siagu). Notice also the name Si-Malakas, Raja Si-Lapulapu. This was written by Historian Teodoro A. Agoncillo 1974 edition page 35 and 36 Filipino History. “Si” is the same as the “Sri” in Sri-Visjaya is a title of honorable person, which means Prince or Holiness, please see page 48.

Way back before the 7th century when Sri-Visjaya become one of the greatest trade empire in Asia, the Sri-Visjaya people came from India as traces of the name “Sri” and many of the ancient Pilipino words believed to be originated from Indian language.

In Holy Koran the name of John the son of ZechariYah the priest is called Yahya (please see photo copy of Sura: Mary page 50 ). In Medina the city of Yathrib where residing the tribe of Judah called “Ansar”. This was about before 622 AD. The Prophet of Islam religion Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon Him) married KhadiYah a widow from Syria and they reside together with the Ansar people in Medina the city of Yathrib. The name Yahya was famous and it was a name of a Jewish person and the name of the son of the Priest ZechariYah and Elizabeth the great granddaughter of Aaron the High Priest-the elder brother of Moses. At that time the Arab people were not yet converted into Mohammed religion and therefore the name YahYa is a Hebrew name not an Arabic name.

In the New Testament of the Bible a person with a name John (Yahya) is the same name whom the Messiah of Nazareth says that person will not die until Yahshu’a Messiah comes again, John 21:21-23 “Peter seeing him saith to Yahshu’a, ‘Yahshu’a and what shall this man do’? Yahshu’a saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me” Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Yahshu’a said not unto him, he shall not die; but, if I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?

The letter J was invented in 1633 AD about 371 years ago there is no letter “J”, and the letter J comes from letter Y and read as ‘y’. If the name of John is YahYa whom Yahshu’a Messiah said will be alive until Yahshu’a comes back, the name Sri-Vis-Jaya is supposed to be Sri-Vis YahYa.

What the Bible and History says About the Origin of the Filipinos

The western writers garlanded the Philippine land with more names such as Maniolas, Ophir, Islas del Oriente, Islas del Poniente, Archipelago de San Lazaro, Islas de Luzones (Island of Mortars), Archipelago de Magallanes and Archipelago de Legaspi. The western writers called the Philippines before in the name Ophir which is written in the Old Testament of the Bible 1 Kings 22:48, 9:28 and 22:49, Psalms 45:9, Isaiah 13:12, Job 22:24, 28:16, 1Chron. 24:4, 1:23, Genesis 10:25-26, pls. see pages 46 & 58.

In Genesis 10:25-30 “ And Heber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg, for his days was the earth divided and his brother’s name was Joktan. And Joktan begat Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah, and Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah, and Obal, and Abimael, and Sheba, and OPHIR, and Havilah, and Jobab; all these were the sons of Joktan. And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephar a mount of the EAST”.

The language of Heber is the same language of Adam and when the language was confused, only Heber retained the original language of Adam and was called Hebrew from Heber’s name and therefore the language of his sons Peleg and Joktan will be Hebrew and the language of Joktan son Ophir will be Hebrew also.

The language of Heber is called Ancient-Hebrew (paleo-Hebrew) and later the language of the descendant of Heber by Peleg the Israelites was intermarriage with Aramaic language and when they were in Babylonian Captivity called Chaldean-Hebrew. Evidence is that the first month in ancient paleo-Hebrew is Abib but substituted by Chaldean-Hebrew name Nissan and the stroke of writing was changed from paleo-Hebrew to Chaldean-Hebrew now called Modern Hebrew.

If the descendant of Ophir is the people in the Philippines before the western historian arrived, the people are supposed to be speaking and writing the ancient-Hebrew languages and not the modern-Hebrew. During the Centennial year of Philippine Independence in 1998 the Shell Calendar “Pride in Literature” published July – August Calendar picture of an old bamboo with inscription of ancient-Hebrew writings found in the Philippines. Also the Laguna Copperplate Inscription (LCI) the writings in copper plate found in Laguna with the same stroke of writing of the present Indian language, please see page 51.

The descendant of Ophir speaks and write ancient-Hebrew and can be found in the land of the Philippines as described by historians Gregorio F. Zaide by Padre Chirino’s historical writings. How it happened that the Filipinos before the arrival of Spaniards they speak and write ancient-Hebrew language?

Escaped Remnant

Concerning Yahuwdah (Jews) and Yahrusalem the prophet Isaiah saw vision during the days of Uzziah, Jotham and Hezekiah the kings of Yahuwdah that Yisrawale (Israel) does not know and does not consider Yahweh, they become sinful nation. Only except Yahweh of Hosts had left a VERY SMALL REMNANT (Isaiah 1:9) Israel should have been like Sodom and Gomorrah.

During the time when Yahshurunites (Israelites) was deported to Assyria, prophet Isaiah prophesied the Escaped Remnant from Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hammath, and Islands of the sea, Isaiah 11:11. Also another wave of Escaped Remnant from Babylonian Captivity was prophesied by prophet Isaiah the Escaped Remnant from Tarshish, Pul, Lud, Tubal, JAVAN, Islands far off, Isaiah 66:19. Noticed that the second to the last place is JAVAN. This Javan is the Old Javan Kingdom of Mataram is in Indonesia the place of Sri-Visjaya Kingdom before. From there they travel to the islands far off now called the islands of the Philippines. The Philippine history says that their were two waves of Malay immigration into the Philippines islands. The Messiah of Nazareth whose original name is Yahshu’a gave instruction to his 12 disciples in Matthew 10:5-6 “These twelve Yahshu’a sent fort, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles (uncircumcised), and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. In Bible Dictionary of the Holy Bible of 1864 the Apostle Thomas was in India and mentioned that he was speared to death by King Misdeus of India. This is an evidence that the Apostles were looking for the lost tribe of Israel in India, please see page 59.

The Messiah also gave instruction in Acts 13:47 “For so hath Yahshu’a commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth”. To Apostle Saul (later called Paul) and Apostle Barabba (called Barnabas) that they should be the light of the Gentiles (uncircumcised) and be the ‘Salvation”into the ends of the earth. The salvation is Yahshu’a Messiah, that name was corrupted into Yehsoos, into Yaysus, Issa and Iesus and become now called Jesus. The instruction is to preach Yahshu’a the salvation into the ‘end of the earth. There are no edges in the earth, but this may means the end-place where the Escaped Remnant settled is to preach the salvation Yahshu’a Messiah. The two Apostles wrote books and their books reached the end of the earth or the end of the place of the Escaped Remnant the Islands far off now called the Philippines. When Muslim arrived in Philippines they carry the teaching of Apostle Barnaba and later came the Spanish Roman Catholic they brought the book of Apostle Paul in Christian Bible. The Sri-Visjaya comes from India and they brought the word ‘Ya-we’ meaning as ‘key’. They named places in Manila called Pasay from Hebrew word Passach which means Passover, Cubao a hiding place, Kabayan means Yahweh has hidden, Kabaloan the Pangasinan, camote, karit, Tekla and many ancient-Hebrew names, please see page 53.

The name Philippines was named by Ruy Lopez de Villalobos in honor of the future king Prince Felipe II of Spain who become king of Spain. The name Felipe was derived from the name of one of the disciples of Yahshu’a Messiah named Felipe. And in the whole world the Philippines is the only country being called in the name of one of the disciples of Yahshu’a Messiah that appeared on this earth 2,000 years ago in the land of Israel. The Israelites has 12 tribes, like the Philippines with 12 regions and the 13th is the NCR (National Capital Region the Metro Manila). All Israelites were circumcised like the Filipinos were circumcised also and it is a big shame for a Filipino who is not circumcised. In Isaiah 14:2 “And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place, and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of Yahweh for servants and handmaids, and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were, and they shall rule over their oppressors”. The Filipino OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers) were called servants and the Filipina were called maid, and well known today to be servants of the world.

The Israelite was used to serve as soldiers of Assyrian army during Assyrian captivity (II Kings 18:26) is the same during the first and second world wars that the Filipinos served as soldiers of Americans. In fact when the decorated Five Star General Douglas McArthur quoted about Filipino soldiers during the Korean conflicts in 1951, he quoted:“give me 30,000 Filipino soldiers and I will conquer the whole world”. Another significant events at the Battle of Bataan took four months before it fall in the hand of invading Japanese Imperial Army. The Japanese was continuously advancing to the South East Asia into Singapore and Indonesia but still Bataan they cannot conquered, and according to some residence in Bataan that many Japanese Officer committed hara-kiri when they were not able to conquered Bataan in their promised day. The significance of Bataan was the Japanese Imperial Army was delayed in their advancement and caused a great delays that Gen. Mc Arthur was able to trained Filipino soldiers with Australian in Australia and that same trained group was the one who liberated the Philippines from the hands of Japanese. This marks also the downfall of Japanese Imperial army in the Pacific region. By this success of the Americans with Filipino soldiers they liberated Europe until the Second World War is over, until the present time the soldiers of Americans were Filipinos mentioned in Gulf War and Iraq war.

The Only Country that Calls on the Name Yahweh

The name of Almighty is being called by Muslim as Allah, by Catholic as Lord God, by Israel now in the Middle East as Adonai but the only country in the world that calls on the sacred Name Yahweh is the Philippines the Yahweh El-Shaddai group founded by famous bro. Mike Villarde. Some small group the Assembly of Yahweh in Yahshu’a Messiah, Yahweh’s New Covenant Assembly, Yahweh’s Assembly in Messiah and many more small groups calling on the name Yahweh and Yahshu’a Messiah the son of Yahweh. JeremiYah 10:25 ‘Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on your name: Isaiah 4:2 ‘In that day shall the branch of Yahweh be fruitful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are Escaped of Israel’.

Critical comments on the Origin of Filipinos

They were two big groups of belief in the Philippines, both stem from the Muslim Holy Koran and the Catholic Holy Bible. The history will prove the purpose of this group is part of the instruction coming from Yahshu’a Messiah in Matthew 10:5-6 and Acts 13:47.

The Messiah of Nazareth whose original name is Yahshu’a gave instruction to his 12 disciples in Matthew 10:5-6, These twelve Yahshu’a sent fort, and commanded them, saying, “Go not into the way of the Gentiles (uncircumcised), and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not; but go rather to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel”. In the Bible Dictionary of the Holy Bible 1864, that Disciple Tomas was in India and mentioned that King Misdeus of India speared him to death. This is an evidence that the disciples were looking for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel in India because India was mentioned in Book of Ester the farthest place in Persian Empire before then was taken by Greek and Roman Empire where believed the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel take refuges.

Way back in the 7th century when Sri-Visjaya become the greatest trade empire in Asia, the Sri-Visjaya people came from India as traces of the name “Sri” comes from Indian language means ‘Prince, Holiness and a word of praise and respect to respectable and honorable person in India’. The word “Vis” meaning ‘Spirit’ in Samsi-English Dictionary. The name YahYah is the name of one of the disciple of Yahshu’a in John 21:22-23, and letter J comes from letter Y and letter J `was invented about 371 years ago should be pronounced letter Y. Therefore, the meaning of Sri-Visjaya is Prince or Holiness-Spirit of YahYah.

In the Philippine History when Fernando Magallanes (Ferdinand Magellan) reached the isles afar-off now called Philippines, he met for blood-compact the brother of Raja Kulambo of Limasawa and that person name is “Si-Agu”. Notice also the name ‘Si-Malakas’, ‘Raja Si-Lapulapu’. This was written by Historian Teodoro A. Agoncillo 1974 Edition page 35 and 36 Filipino History. The word ‘Si’ is the same as ‘Sri’ in Sri-Visjaya is a title of honorable person which means prince or holiness. When the first European set their foot in the land of ‘Mortar’ (translated by Fernando Magallanes as Luzones means mortar), it was written by Historian Gregorio F. Zaide on page 2 and page 24 History of the Filipino People, that Padre Chirino an eminent Jesuit historian found in Tagalog language that “it has the Mystery and obscurities of the Hebrew language”, please see pages 46, 47 and 48.

Isaiah 41:25 “I have raised up one from the North, and He shall come: from the rising of the sun shall He call upon my Name; and He shall come upon Princes as upon Mortar, and as the potter treadeth clay”. This prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled as the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel the ‘Escaped Remnant’ from the rising of the sun and the only country that call on the Name of YAHWEH. The Escaped Remnant comes upon Princes (Sri-Visjaya) as upon Mortar (Luzones means mortar) and as potter treadeth clay (color of clay is the same as the skin is tan or kayumanggi, Song of Solomon 1:5).

The Messiah Yahshu’a also gave instruction in Acts 13:47 “For so hath Yahshu’a commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for Salvation unto the ‘ends of the Earth’. To Apostle Saul (called Paul) and Apostle Barabba (called Barnabas) that they should be light to the Gentiles (uncircumcised) and be the ‘Salvation’ into the ‘end of the Earth’. The Salvation is the Name Yahshu’a Messiah in Acts 4:12. That Name was corrupted into Yehsoos, into Yaysus, Issa and Iesus and become now Jesus. The instruction is to preach Yahshu’a the Messiah the salvation into the end of the Earth. They were no edges on the Earth, but this means to the end-place of where the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel the called Escaped Remnant settled is to preach the Salvation Name Yahshu’a the Messiah. The two Apostles wrote books and their books reached the end of the Earth or the end place of the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel the called Escaped Remnant settled in the Isles Afar-off now called the Philippines, Isaiah 66:19. When Muslim arrived in 1400 A.D. in the Isles Afar-off named Ophir (later called Philippines), they carry the teaching of Apostle Barabba about the birth of Yahshu’a Messiah (Yahshu’a Massi Issa bin Mirriam) called ‘Issa’ in Muslim. Later came the Spanish Roman Catholic on 1521 A.D. they brought the book of Apostle Saul in Christian Bible about the birth of Yahshu’a Messiah (Iesus Christi later become Jesus Christ)

Isaiah 66:19 “And YAHWEH set a SIGN among them, and YAHWEH send those Escaped of them unto the Nations of Tarshish, Pul and Lud that used the bow, to Tubal and JAVAN and to the ISLES AFAR-OFF that have not heard of my Glory and they will proclaim to the Gentiles on my glory”.

The SIGN is mentioned in Genesis 17:11 is circumcision, and these circumcised people from isles afar-off will hear the glory that Yahshu’a the Messiah was born in Bethlehem whom they were expecting as prophecised by Prophets before they left to escaped from Assyrians and Babylonians.

Let’s go back to the history of our Great-great grandfather Abraham when the word of YAHWEH came into Abraham in Genesis 15:13-14 “And Yahweh said unto Abraham, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in the land that is not theirs, and shall serve them, and they shall afflict them 400 years; and also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge; and afterward shall they come out with great substance”.

In Genesis 21:12-13 “Isaac shal thy seed be called and also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, BECAUSE HE IS THY SEED”. Remember both Isaac and Ismael are the SEED of Abraham and it was Ismael settled first in Egypt in Genesis 21:21 later the son of Isaac named Jacob and his sons came later in Egypt in Genesis 46:3 “I am YAHWEH, the Mighty One of thy father, fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will make thee a great nation”. Therefore the seed of Abraham by his two sons Ismael and Isaac seed become stranger in the land that is not theirs in the land of Egypt as prophesied by Yahweh in Genesis 15:13-14. the prophecy say after 400 years shall they come out of that nation whom they serve in Exodus 12:52 “that YAHWEH did bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies”.

The 12 sons of Jacob called 12 Tribes of Israel was originally 12, but when Jacob adopted the two sons of Joseph, Efraim and Manase in Genesis 48:5-6 the seat of Joseph was replaced by two of his sons and therefore the Tribe of Israel become 13 Tribes that goes out of Egypt. Later the Tribe of Levi was distributed into 12 Tribes of Israel to hold the office of Priesthood and Temple services for YAHWEH in Joshua 21:1-8 and 1Chronicles 6:63-81.

Remember that Joseph was sold to Ismaelites and brought by Egyptian to become slave but later become free in slavery and also free to choose his wife with permission from the Pharaoh and his name was change into Zaphenath-paneah. He was given in marriage to Asenath the daughter of Potiphera the Priest is a descendant of Ismael who beget 12 princes also like Jacob had 12 sons and one of them was appointed in Priesthood, Genesis 17:7, 17:23,16:12 “he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren”. When Abraham died it was Ismael and Isaac that buried him in the cave of Machpelah next to his wife Sarah in Genesis 25:9

The descendant of Ismael was brought by the two sons of Joseph and the descendant of Isaac was brought by the 12 Tribes of Jacob into Egypt and came out of Egypt by their armies in Exodus 12:52, the prophecy of Yahweh on Genesis 15:13-14 was fulfilled.

When the 12 Tribes established their King and later was divided into two groups the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Yahuwdah. King Jeroboam of Israel built temples in high places and made Priest from among the people who were not Levites and established a Feast in the eighth month instead of seventh month like the Kingdom of Yahuwdah is celebrating the Feast in 1 Kings 12:31-32. By this Yahweh allowed them to become captives and deported into Assyria and they were replaced in their land by people from Abba, Cutha, Separvaim, Hammath and Babylonians in 2 King 17:24. But Few Remnant was mentioned by Prophet Isaiah escaped from Assyrian captivity in Isaiah 11:11 and 1:9.

After 114 years when Kingdom of Israel was deported into Assyria, the people of the Kingdom of Yahuwdah was deported into the land of Babylon and only poor people left in the city of Yahrusalem in the land of the Kingdom of Yahuwdah. The king of Babylon appointed Gedaliah to rule the poor people left in Yahrusalem but Gedaliah was killed by Ismael and Ismael was killed by Johanan and all the people was afraid that they may all be killed by the king of Babylon, so they escaped into Egypt with Prophet Jeremiah and all died in Egypt but very few in numbers was able to return to Yahrusalem in Jeremiah 44:14. But Few Remnant was mentioned by Prophet Isaiah escaped from Babylonian captivity in Isaiah 66:19 and 1:9.

Those left in captivity in Assyria change their language from Ancient-Hebrew into Aramaic mentioned in 2 Kings 18:26 also those left in captivity in Babylon change their language from Ancient-Hebrew language into Chaldean-Hebrew as it was called ‘Modern-Hebrew language today. The first month of Abib in Ancient-Hebrew was change into Nissan a Chaldean-Hebrew word and many more.

To distinguished those Escaped Remnant they speaks pure Ancient-Hebrew language for they were not polluted of the captivity language while those Left in Captivity speaks the Modern Aramaic-Chaldean- Hebrew language.

History Repeat Itself

Ecclesiastes 3:15 “that which hath been is now, and that which is to be hath already been, and Yahweh requireth that which is past”.

The Sri-Visjaya is the Escaped Remnant from the House of Yahuwdah (Jews) and from the House of Yahshurun (Israel) was later called Filipinos from the name of Spanish King Felipe II. The Filipinos was under captivity by Spaniards (Gentiles) since Manila was captured by Miguel Lopez de Legaspi on June 24,1571 made Manila the Capital of the Philippines – until the Independence on June 12,1898 is a total of 327 years. But in December 10,1898 the Spaniards and American Peace Commissioned signed the Treaty of Paris that Spain did not recognized the Philippine Independence gave the Philippines to United States for the sum of 20,000 dollars as payment for the improvement that Spain had made in the Philippines. The captivity from Spain is over, but immediately in the same year Spain transfer the rule to Americans that started the Filipino-American War the following year of 1899 until the capture of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo in year 1901. The American Commonwealth and the New Republic until the end of U.S. Bases Agreement on year 1974 is significant as the end of the rule of the foreigner and a Sign of release from captivity of the Gentile uncircumcised. Total is 400 years as prophesied in Ecclesiastes 3:15 and in Genesis 15:13-14 the history repeat itself. (1974-1571=403 years). June 12,1898 Independence until the capture of Gen. Aguinaldo on 1901 end of Fil-American War is three (3) years, therefore 403 years – 3 = total 400 years.

Isaiah 14:2 “And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place, and the House of Israel shall possess them in the land of Yahweh for Servants and Handmaids, and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were, and they shall Rule over their oppressors”. The Filipino OFW “Ang Bagong Bayani” was called SERVANTS and the Filipina was called MAIDS, and wellknown today to be the servants of the world.

The present two groups of belief in the Philippines must understand that the religion that they embraced is NOT the original belief of our Great-great grandfather Abraham. They were the belief of our uncle and cousin who been in captivity, that without the latest historical findings of our bloodline, we embraced the belief of our uncle and cousin for the sake of being near to the true belief of our Great-great grandfather Abraham because both Muslim and Christian group of religion stem from Abraham instead of believing on other Pagan worship and the belief of Hinduism.
It was the Book of Apostle Barabba which carry the teaching that Yahshu’a the Messiah was born in Bethlehem but was called ‘Issa’ in Muslim and it was the same as the Book of Apostle Saul that Yahshu’a the Messiah was born in Bethlehem that made the people in the Isles far-off to embraced this belief, Acts 13:47. The Sri-Visjaya run away from the belief of Hinduism as Sailendra who become king of second Sri-Visjaya introduced this belief.

The Filipinos came from one bloodline the bloodline of Great-great grandfather Abraham. The 12 Regions in the Philippines is the 12 Tribes of Yahshurun (Israel), Matthew 10:5-6 and the Forever Covenant of Abraham is ‘the Circumcision’, is the Sign of the true descendant and the seed of Abraham.

Let us bind together the 12 Regions – the 12 Lost Tribes of the House of Israel into one belief, the original belief of our Great-great Grandfather Abraham who praise YAHWEH, who has Forever-Covenant with YAHWEH and the sign is circumcision. The 12 Disciples of Yahshu’a will be questioned whether they followed the instruction to look for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, not into uncircumcised territory or enter not the Samaritan town but go rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleans lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received, without cost you are to give. As you enter the house wish in peace.‘Shalom’ means peace, and ‘at’ (short of lahat) means ‘to all’. ‘Salamat’ means ‘peace to all’.


Ipa-aalalang muli sa mga Nalabi ang mga Utos at Palatuntunan ni Yahweh

Lukas 1:6
“Kapwa sila kalugud-lugod sa paningin ni Yahweh, namumuhay nang ayon sa mga Utos at Tuntunin mula kay Yahweh”.

Mga Utos ni Yahweh ay ang Sampung Utos na ibinigay kay Propeta Moses. Ang mga Tuntunin mula kay Yahweh ay ang mga Kapistahan ni Yahweh.

Sampung Utos ni Yahweh
Exodus 20

Ako si Yahweh ang inyong Makapangyarihan na naglabas sa inyo sa pagkaalipin sa Egypto, huwag kayong magkakaroon ng ibang Makapangyarihan maliban sa akin.

Huwag kayong gagawa ng mga imahen na kamukha ng nasa langit, nasa ilalim ng lupa, nasa tubig, huwag kayong yuyukod o maglilingkod sa mga istatwang iyon dahil ako si Yahweh ay mapanibughuing Makapangyarihan. Aking dinadalaw ang kasalanan ng mga magulang hanggang sa ika-apat na saling-lahi ng galit sa akin, at kina-aawaan ang libo-libong nagmamahal sa akin na sumusunod sa aking mga utos.

Huwag ninyong ilalagay ang pangalang Yahweh na inyong Makapangyarihan sa walang kabuluhan dahil walang pagsalang parurusahan ko ang sinuman na maglagay sa walang kabuluhan ng aking pangalan.

Alalahanin mo ang araw ng Sabbath na gawing banal, dahil anim na araw na ikaw ay gagawa at sa ika-pitong araw ay Sabbath ni Yahweh na inyong Makapangyarihan, sa araw na iyon ay huwag kayong gagawa ng kahit anong trabaho.

Igalang ang inyong Ama at Ina upang ang inyong buhay ay tumagal sa lupaing ibinigay sa inyo ni Yahweh na inyong Makapangyarihan.

Huwag kang papatay.

Huwag kang mangangalunya.

Huwag kang magnanakaw.

Huwag kang magbibintang ng mali sa inyong kapwa.

Huwag mong pag-interesan ang pag-aari ng inyong kapwa.

Palatuntunan sa Pitong Kapistahan ni Yahweh nasa Leviticus 23

Passover= ay ang ika-14 na araw sa unang buwan ng Abib. Sa paglubog ng araw ng ika-13 ay
papasok ang ika-14 na araw ay ihahandog ang tupa o kambing na susunugin para kay Yahweh.
Ang dugo nito ay ipapahid sa mga hamba ng pasukang pintuan ng tahanan, patutuluin sa lupa ang
dugo at tatabunan ng lupa. Kakainin ang handog na sinunog at walang ilalabas ng tahanan at ang
matitira ay susunugin sa susunod na araw.
Pista ng Tinapay na Walang Lebadura = ito ay isang linggong kapistahan ng tinapay na
walang lebadura. Ang unang araw ay High Sabbath na Banal na Pagpupulong kay Yahweh at
ganoon din ang ika-pitong araw. Isang linggo na walang lebadura sa tahanan at kakain ng tinapay
na walang lebadura.
Wave Sheaf-Offering = ay ang paghahandog ng unang ani kay Yahweh. Ito ay sa araw ng
Linggo tatapat sa loob ng isang linggong Kapistahan ng Tinapay na Walang Lebadura.
Pentecost = Pista ng Linggo ay sinisimulan ang pagbilang sa araw na nag-umpisa ang wave-
sheaf offering ay ang unang araw at ang ika-50 araw ay tatapat ng araw ng Linggo ang Pentecost
day. Sa araw na ito ay Banal na Pagpupulong at araw na ipinagkakaloob ang Banal na Ispiritu ni
Pista ng mga Trumpeta = ay ang unang araw ng ika-pitong buwan ay Banal na
Pagpupulong kay Yahweh.
Araw ng Atonement = ay 24 na oras na pagpapasting na magsisimula sa paglubog ng araw
ng ika-9 na araw ng ika-7 buwan at magtatapos sa paglubog ng araw sa ika-10 araw ng ika-7
Pista ng Tabernakulo = ito ay pitong araw na Kapistahan ng Tolda. Ang unang araw ay High Sabbath na Banal na Pagpupulong kay Yahweh at ganoon din ang ika-pitong araw. Nagsisimula ito sa ika-15 araw ng ika-7 buwan.
Last Great day = ay ang susunod na araw pagkatapos ng Pista ng Tabernakulo. Isang Banal na
Pagpupulong para kay Yahweh. Ito ay ginaganap sa ika-22 araw ng ika-7 buwan.

Palatuntunan sa Dapat at Hindi-Dapat Kainin ng mga Anak ni Yahweh nasa Leviticus 11

Sa mga makakaing malilinis na hayop ay ang ngumunguya at biyak ang kuko. Ang hayop na ngumunguya ngunit hindi biyak ang kuko kagaya ng kabayo ay marumi na hindi dapat kainin. Ganoon din ang biyak nga ang kuko ngunit hindi naman ngumunguya kagaya ng baboy ay marumi at hindi dapat kainin, maging ang patay na katawan nito ay hindi dapat hawakan. Sa mga gumagalaw sa tubig ay ang may kaliskis at palikpik lamang ang malinis na dapat kainin. Ang walang kaliskis at palikpik ay marumi para sa inyo at huwag kakainin. Tingnan ang Leviticus 11 upang kumpirmahin ang mga bagay na ito. Sa Markos 7:19 ay dinagdagan ng mga Tigasalin ay isinulat na pwede na raw kainin ang lahat ng hayop. Ang tinutukoy dito ay ang paghuhugas ng kamay at hindi ang marumi o malinis na hayop, dahil ang lumalabas sa tao ang nakakapagparumi sa tao ang mga kasalanan na salita na nagmumula sa kanilang puso ang nagpaparumi sa tao.
Banal na Pagtitipon

Tuwing Unang araw ng Buwan, Mga Araw ng Sabbath, Mga Araw ng Kapistahan ni Yahweh ay itinalagang Banal na Mga Araw ni Yahweh na ating gaganapin ang isang Banal na Pagtitipon at pagpuri at pagsamba sa pangalan ni Yahweh na ating Makapangyarihan.

Bilang 6:22-27

Basbasan ka ni YAHWEH ng Pagpapala at ingatan ka
Hayaan ang Mukha ni YAHWEH ay lumiwanag sa iyo at mapagpala sa iyo
Ingatan ka ni YAHWEH at bigyan ka ng Kapayapaan
(Excerpt from book “Pilipinas Ay Nasa Biblia 2004” and book “Pilipinas Ay Nasa Biblia 2005”)


“Ang isang kagila-gilalas na pinagmulan ng salitang Datu at Sultan, ito pala ay isang salitang Lumang Hebreo. Sa wikang Hebreo sa pahina 70, ang Dath ay ‘a royal edict or statute – commandment, commission, decree, law, manner’. Sa Hebreo ang Sholtan naman ay ‘ruler, empire, dominion’.”

Ating alamin ang mga lugar na tinirahan ng mga Datu at Sultan na nalimot ng mahabang panahon ngunit dahil sa nag-aalab na hangarin natin na makilala ang mga Kababayan natin na mga inapo ng mga Datu at Sultan ay I-isa-isahin natin ang mga lugar sa ating kapuluan at kung mayroon pang maibabahagi ang ilan sa ating mambabasa ay inaanyayahan ng may akda ang inyong mga naa-alalang salita ng ating mga ninuno.

Sa Candatu, Libmanan ay kasabihan na nasa kabilang ibayo nito at pinugutan ng ulo ang mga kalahi ng Datu sa lugar na iyon kaya tinawag ang lugar na Kan-Datu.

Sa lugar naman ng Mactan ay kasabihan na ang mga kalahi ni Raha Si Lapu-Lapu ay mga pinuksa ng ikalawang pagbabalik ng mga Kastila. Ang iba ay nag-iba na ng panga-pangalan at ang isa sa inapo ni Raha Si Lapu-Lapu ay ang lahi ng Agpalo (Ug-palo).

“Of all our languages, the Tagalog has been adjudged the best by scholars. “I found in this language,”
said Padre Chirino, eminent Jesuit-historian, “four qualities of the four greatest languages of the
world – Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Spanish. It has mystery and obscurities of the HEBREW..
“History of the Filipino People”, page 24, by Gregorio F. Zaide

Ano ang Ating Religion o Ano ang Ating Pananampalataya ?

Ang salitang ‘Re’ ay prefix na ibig sabihin ay ‘inulit’, samantalang ang ‘ligion’ sa Biblia ay matatagpuan sa Markos 5:9 na pangalan ng maruming-ispiritu ay ‘Legion’ dahil marami sila. Samakatwid ang ibig sabihin ng ‘religion’ ay ‘Maraming-Marumimg- Ispiritu’. Ang mas-tamang gagamitin natin ay salitang ‘Pananampalataya’ imbis na religion, samakwid, Ano ang Ating Pananampalataya ?

Ang Pananampalataya ng mga malalaking religion ay nag-ugat sa pananampalataya ni Abraham. Ang Roman Catholic Church ay binabanggit na nag-ugat kay Abraham dahil si Yahshu’a Messiah (Jesus Christ ang tawag ng mga Katoliko) ay inapo ni Abraham. Ang mga Protestante ay ganoon din dahil nag-ugat sa Katoliko kaya kay Abraham din ang pananampalataya. Ang Jewish Religion ay ganoon din kay Abrahan nag-ugat. Ganoon din ang Islam ng mga Muslim ay nag-ugat din kay Abraham (Ibrahim ang tawag ng nga Muslim). Ang Iglesia ni Kristo ay ganoon din nag-ugat din sa Katoliko at lahat ng religion na naniniwala sa Biblia at Koran at sa aklat ni Moses.

Ngunit kailan ba nag-umpisa ang mga religion na iyan ? Una ang Roman Catholic Church ay nag-umpisa nang si Emperor Constantine ay itatag ito noong 324 A..D. o 1,682 taon palang na lumilipas. Ang Islam na itinatag ni Propeta Mohammad (Peace be upon Him) noong 622 A.D. lamang o 1,384 taon palang na lumilipas at ganoon din ang Protestante at Iglesya ni Kristo na nag-ugat sa Katoliko ay mga naitatag paglipas ng mga panahong iyan. Si Abraham ay ipinanganak sa panahong 4,000 taon na ang lumilipas kaya ang mga religion na nabanggit ay wala pa at hindi pa naitatatag sa kapanahunan ni Abraham. Samakatwid ang mga religion na nabanggit ay religion ng mga apo ni Abraham ngunit hindi iyan ang religion o pananampalataya ni Abraham. Ano ba ang pananampalataya ni Abraham at ano ang pananampalataya ng mga religion na nabanggit ?

Ang Jewish Religion ay naitatag sa panahon na ang mga Israelita ay nahati sa dalawang pangkat ang (Yisraw-ale) Israel at Yahuwdah (Jew), sa panahon nang pagkaalipin ng mga taga Samaria na Yisraw-ale (Israel) sa Bansang Assyria (2 Hari 17:24-41) ay nahaluan sa kanilang pananampalataya ng mga taga Abba, Cutha, Separvaim, Hammath at Babylonia na tinawag na ‘Samaritans’, at sa pagkatapon naman ng mga Yahuwdah sa Bansang Babylonia mga 2,600 taon palang ang lumilipas. Samakatwid ang religion na nabanggit ay religion ng mga apo ni Abraham ngunit hindi iyan ang religion o pananampalataya ni Abraham. Ang sinamba ng mga Samaritans at tinatawag sa kanilang pagsamba ay ang pangalang ‘Adonai’ na siyang pangalang ipinalit sa pagbigkas sa pangalan ni Yahweh sa kapanahunan ng pagkaalipin sa Assyria at maging sa Babylonia. Ang mga Samaritans na halo ng mga taga ibang bansa ay hindi na purong Israelita, ganoon din ang mga Yahuwdah sa Babylonia, NehemiYah 7 : 61-65). Ang Roman Catholic Religion naman ang sinasamba nila at tinatawag sa kanilang pagsamba ay ang pangalang ‘Diyos’ na hango sa alamat na sinamba ng mga Griego at Romano na istatwa ni Theos. Ang Griego at Romano ay hindi mga Israelita. Ang Islam naman ng mga Arabo at Muslim ang sinasamba nila at tinatawag sa kanilang pagsamba ay ang pangalang ‘Allah’ na itinawag ng mga Egypto (Exodus 3:15) sa kanilang maraming istatwa ay Elohim (plural) at kapag isa lamang (singular) ang tawag ay ‘El’ na binibigkas na ‘Eloah’, na bigkas sa salitang Arabo ay Aloah o Allah, ang mga Arabo at Egypto ay hindi mga Israelita. Ang mga Protestante naman ang sinasamba nila at tinatawag sa kanilang pagsamba ay ang pangalang ‘LORD’ (King Ieyacoubo I Bible of A.D.1611) na siyang ipinalit sa apat na letrang Tetragrammaton na hindi mabasa ng mga taga England. Ang mga taga England ay lahing Anglo-Saxons at Normans ay hindi mga Israelita, (When the Normans invaded England in A.D.1066 they brought with them the French Language. Since neither the Anglo-Saxons nor the Normans would surrender their language to the other, the two become wedded and eventually evolved into Modern English, excerpt from ‘How Yeshu’a Become Jesus’). Ang mga pangalan na sinasamba at tinatawag ng mga Religion na iyan ay HINDI tinawag at HINDI sinamba ni Abraham at hindi rin tinawag o sinamba ni Propeta Moses. Katunayan nagbilin si Moses sa Exodus 23:13 na mag-ingat at huwag babanggitin o mamutawi sa labi ang mga pangalan ng mga sinasamba ng mga taga ibang bansa. Ang Israel na Bansa ni Moses ay ang sinasamba at tinatawag sa kanyang pananampalataya ay ang pangalang YAHWEH. Si Abraham din ay ang sinasamba at tinatawag sa kanyang pananampalataya ay ang pangalang YAHWEH. Dahil ang Bansang Israel bago pa sila masakop ng Bansang Assyria at ng Babylonia ay ang tinatawag na Makapangyarihan at sinasambang pangalan ay ang pangalang Yahweh na pinalitan ng tawag na Adonai nang masakop ang Israel ng taga ibang bansa. Ang ibang bansa na kalaban ng Isarel ang bansang Canaan na naging Palestino ay ang sinasamba at tinatawag na pangalan ay si Adonai na hango sa pangalan ng dating Hari ng Canaan na si Adonai-Bezek Judges 1:5. Ang bansang Egypto na nagpahirap sa bansang Israel ay ang sinasamba at tinatawag na pangalan ay ‘El’ o ‘Eloah’. Ang mga Arabo naman ang ‘El’ sa kanila ay katumbas ng “Al” kaya ang Eloah ay bigkas nila ay Aloah o Allah. Ang promotor ng pagkaka-imbento ng LORD ay si King Ieyacoubo I (King James I) ng England noong 1611 lamang o 395 taong lumilipas. Ang LORD ay hinango sa pangalang Adonai na tawag kay Baal na kalaban ni Yahweh, Hosea 2:16 footnotes.

Nang matagpuan ang Dead Sea Scroll sa Qumran Cave Dead Sea noong 1947 ay mababasa sa Hosea 2:16 footnotes na ang Lord ay siya rin si Adonai ay pangalan ni Baal na pangalang sinasamba ng mga Canaanites na lumang tawag sa mga Palestino na kalabang mortal ng mga Israelita. Ang DIYOS naman ay hango sa pangalan ng sinasamba ng Bansang Italy at Griyego na istatwang si Theos na pinanggalingan ng salitang Theology. Samakatwid ang mga pangalang sinasamba ng mga Religion na nabanggit ay mga pangalang sinasamba ng mga kalaban ng mga Israelita. Sa ganito ay sinasalungat ang ipinabilin ni Yahweh kay Propeta Moses sa Exodus 23:13 ‘na huwag mamutawi o babanggitin ang mga pangalan na sinasamba ng mga taga ibang Bansa’. Ang ibig sabihin ng salitang Re-Legion na ibig sabihin ay “Inulit na Maraming-Maruming-Ispiritu’ dahil ang mga kalaban ng Israel ay ang mga may ‘Maraming-Maruming Ispiritu’ na siya ngayong sinasamba ng marami na mababasa sa Mateo 7:13-14, Lukas 8:30.

Paanong nag-iba ang pangalan ng sinasamba ng mga Israelita na pangalan ni Yahweh ? Nang bago masakop ang mga Israelita ng kalaban nilang bansa ay naglabas ng Kautusan ang kanilang Sanhedrin (Supreme Court) na Pinagbawal ang pagbigkas ng pangalang Yahweh sa mga pagbasa ng Banal na Kasulatan at imbis na ang pangalang Yahweh ang babanggitin ay ang tawag na Adonai na tinatawag ng kalaban ng Israel ang ipapalit sa pagbigkas sa pangalang Yahweh. At ang sinumang bumanggit ng pangalang Yahweh ay magkakasala ng Blasphemy ngunit tanging ang High Priest lamang ang bibigkas nito ng walong beses lamang sa isang araw sa isang taon sa tanging araw ng pagpapasting ng mga Israelita lamang o ang Atonement Day, ito ay mababasa sa Jewish Encyclopedia vol. 8, page 88. Ito ang naging dahilan ng pagkalimot sa pangalang Yahweh kaya sa pagtuturo ni Yahshu’a Messiah sa lupain ng Israel mga 2,000 taon na ang nakakalipas ay ipinakilala ni Yahshu’a ang pangalan ng Ama sa Langit na pangalang Yahweh na hindi nakikilala ng marami, ito ay mababasa sa YahYah(Juan) 17:1-25-26, Gawa 17:30. Ano ang dahilan ng Sanhedrin na lumikha ng ganitong batas na Blasphemy upang maiwasan na bigkasin ang pangalang Yahweh ? Marahil ay dahil alam nila na masasakop sila ng mga kalaban nila kaya pinalitan nila ang pangalan ni Yahweh ng Adonai upang sa pagtawag ng mga kalaban nila ay maling pangalan ang matatawag na pangalan ng Maruming-Ispiritu na si Adonai na galing sa pangalan ni Baal. Ang Adonai na tawag ay naisalin naman ng mga Griego na ‘Kyrius’ at Theos sa wikang Griego, pinaghanguan naman ng mga British na isinalin na Lord sa wikang English, Deus sa Grego at Latin at Panginoon naman sa wikang Tagalog. Sa ganitong pagkakatagpo ay agad na sumulat si Jaime Cardinal Sin ng Roman Catholic Church sa “Preface” ng ‘Magandang Balita Biblia’ na nag-sasaad na ang pangalang ‘Yahweh’ ay kaiba sa ‘Panginoon’ na ang Panginoon ay katumbas ng ‘Baa’l na si ‘Adonai’. Ang Jehovan naman ay alam ng lahat na hybrid na tawag na pinaghalong vowel ng maruming tawag na ‘Adonai’ at ng Tetragrammaton na ‘JHVH’ kaya ito ay hindi rin tama. Ang God na hango sa tawag sa istatwa ni ‘Gowd’ sa Assyria ay hindi pangalan kundi ‘Titulo’. Kaya paano ang itinuro ni Yahshu’a Messiah na pamamaraan ng panalangin sa Mateo 6:9 “Ama namin na nasa langit ka , Sambahin ang pangalan mo” paanong sasambahin ang pangalan kung ang tinatawag ay ang titulo at hindi tamang pangalan. Sa ZechariYah 14:9 ay nag-iisa lamang ang pangalan na sinamba ni Abraham na si YAHWEH.

Sa Ating Kapanahunan

Sa ating panahon sa ngayon ay napakagulo na ng kaisipan ng ating mga Kababayan. Wala na tayong tyaga, wala na tayong respeto, wala na tayong tiwala, wala na tayong ginagalang, wala na tayong sinusunod, at lalong-lalo na, wala na tayo sa sarili nating orihinal na kaisipan, orihinal na kultura, orihinal na mithiin at orihinal na pagkatakot sa Lumikha. Ito ang dahilan ng ating mga kaguluhan dahil wala na sa atin ang orihinal na kaisipan at adhikain na ipinamana sa atin ng ating mga ninuno. Tingnan mo ngayon imbis na humingi ng payo ang anak sa magulang, sa mga pastor ng relihiyon magtitiwala. Ang magulang naman ay hindi kasapi ng relihiyon ng pastor, kaya ‘one-sided’ ang magigiging payo ng pastor sa bata. Ano na ang halaga ng payo ng magulang sa anak, ang magulang ay wala ng kwenta sa anak. Ito ay isang malaking kasiraan sa pundasyon na ipinamana sa atin ng ating mga ninuno na igalang ang ating mga magulang. Kanya-kanyang relihiyon na ang lumabas, kanya-kanyang grupo ng politika ang lumabas, kanya-kanyang samahan ang lumabas, kaya ang resulta nito ay kanya-kanya na tayong lahat. Ito ay isa na namang malaking kasiraan sa pundasyon na ipinamana sa atin ng ating mga ninuno na dapat tayo ay magka-isa.

Bakit Ba Hindi Tayo Magka-isa

Sa isang pamilya ay dapat ipaalam sa mga anak ang istorya ng nakalipas na mga ninuno upang mabatid ng anak ang kanyang pinanggalingang-lahi nang sa ganitong paraan ay mau-unawaan niya kung bakit ganoon ang kanyang ugali at kung bakit ganoon ang kanyang nais at mga adhikain. Sa kasalukuyan ay hindi batid ng bawat isa nating Kababayan ang orihinal na pinanggalingan ng ating lahi kaya litung-lito ang bawat isa sa paggaya sa mga gawi ng banyaga na hindi naman angkop sa ating panlasa at kapanatagan. Naniniwala ba kayo na kung orihinal kang pangkaraniwang magsasaka o manggagawa ay kahit patirahin ka sa Whitehouse ay hindi ka matutuwa, dahil hinahanap-hanap mo ang nakagawian mong orihinal na buhay. At ang iba na may dahilan ay napipilitan lamang ngunit nais din nilang bumalik sa likas nilang ginagalawan.

Ano Ba Ang Likas Natin Mga Kababayan

Likas tayong magalang sa ating magulang at sa mga matatanda, likas tayong nagtutulungan at likas tayong ma-awain sa mga banyaga. Katunayan kahit tuyo lamang ang ulam natin kapag may panauhin ay iyong alagang manok ang ipa-uulam. Ito ay siguradong minana natin sa ating ninuno at ito pala ay likas na kau-galian ni Abram sa Biblia ng paghandain niya ng pagkain si Sarai upang ihandog sa tatlo niyang panauhin, Gen 18:1-8. Si Abram ay tinawag na Abraham ay nagtuli at tinuli rin niya ang kanyang anak na si Ismael na 13 taong gulang na, at itong pagtutuli ay ‘walang-hanggang tipan’ ni Abraham sa Lumikha na hanggang sa kadulu-duluhan ng lahi ni Abraham ay tutuliin alang–alang sa ‘walang-hanggang tipan’ ni Abraham sa Lumikha. Nagkataon naman ang ating Kababayan ay mga Tuli, baka naman dahil sa pagdating ng mga Mohammedans sa ating lupain noong ika-14 na Siglo (1400 C.E) na kailangan na tuli ang mga kasapi nito. Ngunit bakit ang mga hindi kasapi nito ay mga tuli rin at ang mga Kababayan natin ay mga tuli, at katunayan kapag nabiro mo na hindi tuli ay pinaka-masamang biro na ito. Baka naman tayo iyong mga apo ni Abraham na may walang-hanggang tipan ? Tingnan nga natin baka nga ang ating Kababayan ang mga apo ni Abraham.

Noong 1998 Centennial Calendar ng Shell sa pahina 37 ay ipinakita ang larawan ng Laguna Copperplate Inscription na natagpuan noong 1987 sa Laguna na may nakasulat sa lumang wika ng ating mga Kababayan na sulat ‘Kawi’. Itong Kawi (kavi) ay nawala na (extinct), lumang wika ng mga taga Javan (Jakarta, Indonesia). Ito ay naisulat noong ika-9 na Siglo (April 21, 900 C.E.). Sa parehas na panahon ang umiiral na kaharian ay ang Sri-Visjaya Kingdom na mababasa sa pahina 29 ‘Colliers Encyclopedia’ 1991 edition, vol 3 p.50, na natagpuan kailan lang ng mga Makabagong Eskolars noon lamang ika-20 Siglo (20th century). Ayon dito ang kaharian ng orihinal na Sri-Visjaya noong ika-7 Siglo ay nasa Palembang sa Sumatra na kumokontrol ng lahat ng nabigasyon sa karagatan sa Straits of Malacca. Katunayan natagpuan ang maraming kasulatan na naka-ukit sa bato na nag-uutos ang hari ng Sri-Visjaya sa pangkalahatang katapatan sa kanyang mga taga-sunod at sa kanyang interes at kanyang mga kalakal. Ang mga dumadaang mangangalakal ay napipilitang dumaan sa Sri-Visjaya upang magbayad ng buwis sa pagdaan sa Straits of Malacca na ipinatutupad ng Hari ng Sri-Visjaya. Ang orihinal na Sri-Visjaya ng ika-7 Siglo ay nakarating sa pangangalakal hanggang sa Borneo, Cambodia, Sulu Mindanao at ang iba ay mga nanirahan na roon. Ang mga Mohammedans naman ay dumating noong ika-14 na Siglo (1400 C.E.) ay dinatnan na ang mga Sri-Visjaya sa Kabisayaan. Ang mga Sri-Visjaya na naiwan sa Silangan ng Sumatra na nasa Javan ay nasakop naman ng Kaharian ng Mataram noong ika–8 Siglo (800 C.E.). Ang lahi ng Sailendra na Mahayana Buddhist na siyang nagtatag nang Kaharian ng Mataram na nasa Javan ay tinalo naman ng mga Hindung sumasamba kay Shiva noong 856 C.E. Ang huling prinsipe ng Sailendra na isang Mahayana Buddhist sa Javan ay tumakas pumunta sa Sumatra at nanirahan doon ay siyang naging Hari ng Sri-Visjaya sa Sumatra sa hindi maipaliwanag na dahilan. Ang Sri-Visjaya na pinaghaharian ni Sailendra ay tuluyang dinurog ng mga Javanese (Hindung sumasamba kay Shiva noong ika-14 na Siglo (1400 C.E.). Ayon naman sa Maragtas na Balita sa Kabisayaan, si Datu Puti kasama sa sampung Datu ay nanirahan sa Panay. Dalawang Datu naman ang nagpunta sa Taal (Batangas) si Datu Dumangsil at Datu Balensusa na pinaniniwalaan na pinagmulan ng wikang Tagalog. Ang Sampung Datu naman sa Panay ay ang pinaniniwalaan namang pinagmulan ng wikang Bisaya ay tinawag silang Visaya na galing sa pangalang ‘Sri-Visjaya’ na lahi ng orihinal na Sri-Visjaya ng ika-7 Siglo. Ang Sri sa Sri-Visjaya ay titulo na ‘Prinsipe-Kabanalan Kagalang-galang’ kagaya ni ‘Si’-Agu at ni Raha ‘Si’-Lapu-lapu. Ayon naman sa Merriam-Webster-International Unabridged Dictionary na ang wikang Tagalog at ang wikang Bisaya ay nanggaling sa isang grupong wika na tinatawag na ‘TAGALA’ na kapatid na wika ng sina-unang Malay-Javanese na wikang ‘KAWI’. Ang salitang Tagalog at ang salitang Bisaya ay may malaking porsiento na magkatulad, na nagpapatunay na ang dalawang Datu saTaal at ang Sampung Datu sa Panay ay nagmula sa isang wika na ito ay ang lumang wikang ‘Kawi’. Sa wikang Hebreo sa pahina 74, ang ‘Higaynon’ ang ibig sabihin ay ‘Banal na tunog’, ang tawag naman sa wika ng Kabisayaan ay Hiligaynon.

Saan Nagmula Ang Salitang Datu At Sultan

Ang Datu ay ang iginagalang na taga-payo at taga-hatol sa mga alitan. Ang Datu rin ang taga-pagturo ng mga aral sa batas at mga aral sa pananampalatayang pinaniniwalaan. Ang Sultan naman ay ang namamahala sa politika, palatuntunan at batas. Ang isang kagila-gilalas na pinagmulan ng salitang Datu at Sultan, ito pala ay isang salitang Lumang Hebreo. Sa wikang Hebreo sa pahina 70, ang Dath ay ‘a royal edict or statute – commandment, commission, decree, law, manner’. Sa Hebreo ang Sholtan naman ay ‘ruler, empire, dominion’.

Isa pang kagila-gilalas na natagpuan ay ang salitang Tagalog ay Lumang Hebreo sa pahina 67. Ito ay natagpuan ni Padre Chirino na naisulat ni Gregorio F. Zaide sa aklat niyang ‘History Of The Filipino People’ pahina 24 “Of all our languages, the Tagalog has been adjudged the best by scholars. “I found in this language,” said Padre Chirino, eminent Jesuit-historian, “four qualities of the four greatest languages of the world – Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Spanish. It has MYSTERY and OBSCURITIES of the HEBREW,..”. Dahilan sa salitang ‘obscurities of the Hebrew’ ay wala na tuloy nagsaliksik dahil ‘obscure’ na nga. Iba ang patukoy na ginamit na terminong salitang “obscurities” na ibig sabihin ay “lumabo”, ang nagmula sa maliwanag na lumabo ay obscurity, ngunit kung inaasahang nagmula sa walang pinanggalingan ay madilim na nagkaroon ng liwanag ang tamang terminong ginamit. “Sa lahat ng ating wika, ang Tagalog ay ang pinakamahusay sabi ng mga eskolars. Aking natagpuan sabi ni Padre Chirino, na ang Tagalog ay may Misteryo at Pagkakahawig sa Hebreo”.

Ang orihinal na lahi ng Israel kagaya ni Haring Solomon na mababasa sa ‘Awit ni Solomon 1:5’ sa pahina 63, ang kulay ng balat ay “KAYUMANGGI”. Paglipas ng panahon ni Haring Solomon ay nasakop ang mga Istraelita ng mga taga Assyria (2Hari 17:24) at nakapag asawa sila ng mga taga ibang bansa. Ganoon din ang mga Hudyo na nasakop ng Babylonia ay nakapag asawa ng taga ibang bansa kaya ang kanilang balat ay mistiso na at hindi na kayumanggi.

Ngunit may Nalabing-Nakatakas (Escaped Remnant) mula sa Assyria at mula sa Babylonia (Isaiah 11:11 at Isaiah 66:19). Sa nabanggit na dalawang panahon na pagtakas ay parehas na ang kadulu-duluhang pinuntahan nila ay ang mga ‘pulu-pulong isla sa karagatan. Mas malinaw ang Isaiah 66:19 na bago makarating sa pulu-pulong isla sa karagatan sa Malayu ay nagmula muna sa JAVAN na inihula ni Propeta Isaiah. Ang JAVAN ay ang pinanggalingan ng ating mga Kababayan ayon sa Colliers Encyclopedia ang Sri-Vijaya Kingdom at ang wika ng JAVAN na ‘Kawi’ ang pinanggalingan ng ating wikang Tagalog at Bisaya na pinatutunayan ni Padre Chirino na wikang Hebreo.

Ang aklat ni Propeta Isaiah ay binasa ni Yahshu’a Messsiah sa Lukas 4:17-19, samakatwid, isa sa mapagkakatiwalaang aklat ang mga sulat ni Propeta Isaiah. Sa mga binanggit ni Yahshu’a ang tunay na pangalan ng Messiah, ay inaasahan ng mga nagbabasa ng Biblia at nagbabasa ng Koran na ‘Muling Babalik’ ay nabanggit sa Biblia sa Juan (YahYah) 21:21-23 na kung naisin niya na manatili si Juan hanggang datnan niya sa muling pagbabalik, ay samakatwid daratnan si Juan sa pagbabalik ni Yahshu’a Messiah. Ang pangalang Juan ay hango sa English na pangalang John na hango sa Aramaic na Yahya (pahina 32) na hango sa orihinal na salitang Hebreo na ‘YAHYAH’. Ang pangalang Yahya ay madaling mapagkakakilanlan sa ngayon na pangalan ng Muslim, ngunit bago pa makarating ang paniniwala ni Ahmud (Mohammad) (Peace be upon Him) sa mga Arabo noong 622 C.E. ay pangalan na ito noon pa ng mga Israelita o mga Hudyo. Katunayan si ZechariYah na asawa ni Elizabeth sa Lukas 1:5 ay pinangalanan niya ang kanyang anak na YAHYAH. Sa kasalukuyan sa Israel ang tawag nila kay YahYah ay Yochanan, ito ay isang pamamaraan sa pag-iwas sa pagbanggit ng Banal na pangalan ni Yahweh. Katunayan maging ang pangalan ni Yahshu’a ay ginawang Yeshu’a (Ezra 2:1-2). Kung Yochanan ay taliwas na sa nakasulat sa Lukas 1:61 na wala pang ganoong pangalan sa kanilang lahi dahil noon pa man ay mayroon ng Yochanan sa kapanahunan ni Propeta JeremiYah (JeremiYah 43:4). Samakatwid ay YAHYAH ang tama at tunay na pangalan ni Juan. Ang ‘Sri’ sa Sri-Visjaya ay isang titulo na ibig sabihin ay ‘Prinsipe’, ‘Kagalang-galang’ at ‘Kabanalan’ na hanggang sa ngayon ay ginagamit pa sa India. Ito ay isang patunay na napadaan sa India ang mga Sri-Visjaya. Ayon sa Bible Dictionary ng Holy Bible 1864 ay binanggit na sinibat ni Haring Misdeus ng India hanggang sa mamatay ang Disipolo ni Yahshu’a na si Tomas. Ang India ay nabanggit sa Ester 1:1 na dulung nasasakupan ng Kaharian ng Persia na lugar na pinuntahan ng mga Disipolo ni Yahshu’a sa paghahanap sa mga Nawawalang Tupa ng Sambahayan ng Israel sa pagsunod sa iniutos sa Mateo 10:5-6 ‘ hanapin ninyo ang nawawalang Tupa ng Sambahayan ng Israel ‘. Ang ‘Vi’ o ‘Vis’ sa Sri-Visjaya ayon naman sa Samsi English Dictionary ay ‘Spirit’. Alam naman natin na ang letrang ‘J’ ay ang orihinal na tunog nito ay letrang ‘Y’, samakatwid ang Sri-Visjaya ay ang tama ay SRI-VIS-YAHYAH na ibig sabihin ay “Prinsipe-Kabanalan-Spiritu ni YAHYAH”. Ang pagbabalik ni Yahshu’a Messiah ay inaasahan ng mga nagbabasa ng Biblia at nagbabasa ng Koran ay daratnan ni Yahshu’a Messiah si YAHYAH na nasa ngayong panahong ito ay nasa Sri-Visjaya na lahi ng mga Kababayan natin. Ang ‘ChabaYah’ (Kabayan) ang ibig sabihin sa Hebreo ay ‘itinago ni Yahweh’.

Kung tutuo man ito ay may mapagkukunan na tayo ng ideya kung bakit ang ating Kababayan ay mga Tuli, mga makabayan, mga likas na hospitable, likas na magalang, likas na masunurin, likas na mapayapa, likas na may takot sa Lumikha, kumidlat lang “Dyos ko kaagad ang banggit ng bibig.

Baka naman tutuo na tayo ang Nalabing-Nakatakas (Escaped Remnant) na binabanggit ni Propeta Isaiah sa 11:11 at Isaiah 66:19. Baka rin ang ating Kababayan ang ipinahahanap ni Yahshu’a Messiah sa Mateo 10:5-6 ‘Ang labing-dalawa ay isinugo ni Yahshu’a (Jesus) at pinagbilinan na ‘Huwag kayong gagaya sa gawi ng mga Hentil (di-tuli - Epeso 2:11) o pumasok man sa alinmang bayan ng mga Samaritano (nagkukunwaring Israelita - 2Hari17:24). Sa halip ay puntahan ninyo ang mga Nawawalang Tupa sa Sambahayan ng Israel. Ganoon din sa ibinilin kay Apostol Saul at Apostol Bar-abba (Pablo at Barnabas) sa Gawa 13:47 ‘Inilagay kita na maging ilaw sa mga Hentil (di-tuli), upang maibalita ang Kaligtasan hanggang sa dulo ng daigdig’. Mayroon bang dulo ang daigdig ? hindi kaya ang tinutukoy ay ang dulo na pinuntahan ng mga Nalabing-Nakatakas na binanggit ni Propeta Isaiah sa Mga Pulo-pulong Isla sa Karagatan na nanggaling sa JAVAN na pinapupuntahan ni Yahshu’a Messiah sa labing-dalawang Disipolo ?

Ewan ko bahala na kayo, bakit masyado tayong maka Dyos. Tingnan mo ang ibig sabihin pala ng Bahala Na ay ‘Bathala Na’, ayon sa aklat ni Ed Lapiz pahina 64 ‘Paano Maging Pilipinong Kristiano’. Talagang maka Dyos nga tayo. Sabagay sa Visaya kapag sinabi mong ‘Yawa’ ay dimonyo ito, kasi wala si ‘Yah’, kasi ang ‘wa’ ang ibig sabihin ay ‘wala’, at ang ‘Ya’ (Yah) ay ang pina-ikling pangalan na sinasamba ni Abrahan na si YAHWEH, Awit 68:4 Jah o ‘Yah’. Hallelu-Yah ibig sabihin ay ‘Purihin-ka-Yah’. Ang kabuuang pangalan na Yah ay YAHWEH ayon sa mga Hebrew Scholars sa Encyclopedia Judaica sa pahina 88 ay ang pinaka-banal na nag-iisang pangalan na sinasamba ni Abraham at ng mga orihinal na Israelita ay ang pangalang YAHWEH. Ang YA-WE naman sa Kabisayaan ay ‘Susi’. Lukas 11:52 “tinanggal ninyo ang ‘Susi’ ng karunungan”, sa Kawikaan 1:7 ‘ang pagkatakot kay YAHWEH ay pasimula ng karunungan’. Ang tinutukoy na ‘Susi’ ay si Yahweh. Sabagay relihiyon na iyan baka maka-Mike Velarde na tayo niyan, pero bakit sa buong mundo tanging ang mga Kababayan lang natin ang pinagkalooban na tumawag sa tanging banal na pangalan ng Lumikha na YAHWEH na sinasamba ni Abraham at ng mga orihinal na mga Israelita. Nakaharap ko noong 1993 ang High Priest ng Riyadh, Saudi Arabia si Profesor Doctor Sawalahadid, (sa pagpupulong sa Batha Riyadh ay inimbitahan kami ng mga Pilipinong Muslim, kaming lahat pati ang mga pastor ng Born Again at Catholic ay kinausap kami ng High Priest ng Riyadh dahil may Pilipino na nahatulang bitayin sa pagmumudmud ng mga religious tracks), matapos malaman ng High Priest na Yahweh ang sinasamba ng mga Pilipino ay sinabi ng High Priest ng Riyadh na “I wonder why you Filipinos pronounced that name and you never die, if I pronounced that name I will not wake-up tomorrow”. Dahil ang YAHWEH ay Napaka-Banal na pangalan ay walong beses lamang babanggitin ito ng High Priest sa Israel sa isang araw lamang ng Atonement na araw ng pagpa-pasting ayon sa Encyclopedia Judaica. Pagkatapos noon ay sa awa ni Yahweh ay pinakawalan na ang bibitayin sana.

Ang tawag ng mga Israelita sa ngayon na nandoon sa Jerusalem sa kanilang sinasamba at tinatawag na Dyos ay ‘Adonai’ naman sa pahina 79, ngunit sabi ng kanilang mga eskolars ang YAHWEH ang orihinal at nag-iisang pangalan na sinasamba ni Abraham at ng mga naunang mga Israelita. Hay pagod na ako, panoorin nalang natin ang ‘Passion of Christ’ ni Mel Gibson - ang tawag ni Mirriam (Maria) kay Jesus ay “YAHSHU’A”. Samakatwid ang orihinal na pangalan pala ni Jesus ay Yahshu’a. Sa Gawa 4:12 - ‘walang tanging pangalan na ibinigay sa silong ng langit na sukat nating ikaligtas kundi sa pangalang Yahshu’a pala. Hay, lalo akong napagod, bakit ba ibang-iba ang itinuturo ng mga Hentil (Epeso 2:11-di-tuli) sa ating mga Kababayan. Alam naman natin na ang mga relihiyong iyan ay ang mga nagturo sa ating Kababayan ay mga hindi-tuli (Pareng Espanyol o Pastor na Amerkano) kaya pala ang natutuhan natin ay ang kanilang gawi, ang gawi ng mga hindi-tuli (supot), kaya ang resulta kanya-kanya tayo upang bumagsak (Divided we fall).

Ang turo ng mga hindi-tuli ay tinanggal naraw ang pagtutuli na “Walang-Hanggang Tipan ni Abraham kay Yahweh. Ang ibig sabihin ng ‘walang-hanggang tipan’ ay ‘Forever Contract’ na hindi pwedeng palitan kahit-kailan at hindi pwedeng palitan ng kahit na sino pang Apostol o si Pablo man. Dahil sa hindi naraw umiiral ang ‘walang-hanggang tipan’ na pagtutuli ay pwede na ngayon ang mga hindi-tuli (supot). Sa ganitong aral ay binale-wala na nila ang Walang-Hanggang Tipan ni Abraham kay Yahweh (Genesis 17:7-10). Kasi nalito sila sa nabasa nila sa Gawa 15:1-2 na tinutulan ni Apostol Saul (Pablo) at Apostol Barabba ang mga Hudyo na nagsasabi na ‘kailangang magpatuli sa pamamaraan ni Moses kung hindi ay hindi kayo maliligtas’. Ang pamamaraan ni Abraham ang dapat ipatupad kaya tinutulan ni Apostol Saul (Pablo) at Apostol Barabba ang mga Hudyong nagtuturo sa pagtutuli sa pamamaraan ni Moses. Katunayan hindi tutol si Apostol Saul (Pablo) sa Pagtutuli sa pamamaraan ni Abraham. Pagkagaling ni Apostol Saul sa pakikipag-usap sa mga Matatanda sa Jerusalem tungkol sa suliranin ng pagtutuli ay tinuli ni Apostol Saul (Pablo) si Timoteo sa Gawa 16:3-4 at ibinalita pa sa lahat ng lugar na pinuntahan nila ang naging desisyon ng mga Matatanda sa Jerusalem tungkol sa pagtutuli. Ang naging dahilan ng kalituhan ay ang pagtutol ni Apostol Saul (Pablo) at Apostol Barabba sa pagtutuli sa pamamaraan ni Moses at hindi sa pamamaraan ni Abraham na orihinal na pamamaraan ng pagtutuli. Pagkatapos na makunsulta ang mga Matatanda sa Jerusalem na huwag ng gambalain ang mga Hentil (di-tuli) na mananampalataya dahil binabasa naman tuwing Sabbath ang mga batas sa aklat ni Moses, samakatwid ay matututuhan din nila iyon, ay tumuloy na ng lakad si Apostol Saul (Pablo) kasama si Silas tumungo sa Syria at Cilicia at tumuloy sa Derbe at Lystra na nadatnan nila si Timoteo na mananampalataya kaya tinuli ni Apostol Saul si Timoteo. Isa pang kalituhan ay ang pagkakalagay ng chapter sa Gawa 15 ay inihiwalay ang chapter 16 ni Padre Hugo noong ika-12 Siglo ng pairalin at lagyan na ng Chapter at Verses ang Biblia. Paanong masasabi ng mga Hindi-Tuli (supot) na pwede na sila na makasama sa Tamang Pananampalataya na may Walang–hanggang Tipan ni Abraham kay Yahweh kung hindi sila magpapatuli ? Sa Genesis 17:14 ay sinabi ni Yahweh na ‘hindi kasama’ ang mga di-tuli (supot) dahil sinira nila ang kontrata o tipan ni Abraham kay Yahweh. Ngunit sa I Corinto 7:18-19 at sa Galatia 5:2 at sa Galatia 6:13 ang konklusyon ni Apostol Saul ay “dahil ang mga taong ‘tuli’ (masasamang Hudyo) na hindi naman sumusunod sa mga utos ni Yahweh ay hinihimuk pa silang mga (Hintil) hindi tuli na magpatuli upang magaya sa kanilang mga tuli (masasamang Hudyo) na hindi sumusunod sa mga utos ni Yahweh”. Nasasainyo na iyan kung gusto ninyong sumunod kay Apostol Saul ay Pauline belief kayo o gusto ninyong sumunod kay Yahweh na sinasamba ni Abraham ay Abrahamic belief kayo. Ngunit ang sinulat ni Apostol Saul ay malalalim kaya nagbilin ang Disipolo ni Yahshu’a na si Pedro sa 2 Pedro 3:15-16. Basta ang sabi ni YAHWEH ang Pinakamakapangyarihan sa lahat at sinasamba ni Abraham na ‘hindi kasama’ ang mga di-tuli (supot) dahil sinira nila ang kontrata o tipan ni Abraham kay Yahweh.

Kanser sabi ni Jose Rizal noon, pero ngayon ay may natagpuan ng pamamaraan sa pag-pigil sa kanser, nandiyan ang chemo-theraphy, operasyon at maraming gamot na herbal. Ganoon din ang binanggit ni Jose Rizal na kanser noon ay pwede ng gamutin ngayon at ang kagamutan ay ang totoo at tama na kaalaman sa ating pinanggalingang-lahi upang mabakas natin ang ating pangkalahatang naisin, hindi iyong pangsarili lamang na naisin. Ops, pasensya na kayo di ako marunong mag-english kasi baka maging malansang isda ang amoy sabi ni Rizal, at hindi naman para sa mga English ito kundi para sa mga Kababayan natin, baka dayain ng mga English ito at gumawa na naman sila ng History ng mga Kababayan natin na diktado at made in the West. Pero, ngunit, datapwat, subalit, pwede naman ang salita ay may halong Espanyol, halong English, halong Intsik basta nagkakaintindihan tayo. Hoy, iyong isinasaing mo nangangamoy sunog na. Ganyan tayo Kabayan kaya nating gumawa ng dalawa, tatlo at higit pa sa isang pagkakataon, habang nagbabasa ka nito - nagsasaing ka at nag-aalaga pa at namamalantsa, may yosi pa at tagay sa tabi, ok ka talaga para kang driber ng dyip binabantayan ang bayad, nag-kukwenta at nagsusukli, binibilang ang pasahero tinatandaan ang nagbayad at di pa nagbayad, naka-abang sa pulis, alalay sa pasahero at nagmamaneho na may yosi at kakwentuhan pa sa tabi. Samakatwid kung kaugalian pala natin na kayang gumawa ng higit pa sa dalawang gawa sa isang pagkakataon, kaya nating i-short cut ang pagbalik sa dati nating kaugalian na magalang, matulungin, makabayan, mapagtiis, mapagmahal, maawain, masunurin at may takot sa Lumikha na ang pangalan ay YAHWEH.

Natirang-Nakatakas (Escaped-Remnant)

Ano ba ang naging buhay ng mga Natirang-Nakatakas sa panahon na sila ay madaan sa ibat-ibang lugar hanggang makarating sa dulong destinasyon na mga pulu-pulong isla sa karagatan na inihula ni Propeta Isaiah. Una ay napanatili nila ang kanilang orihinal na lahi dahil hindi sila nakapag-asawa ng mga taga-ibang bansa, hindi kagaya ng mga naiwan sa lupain ng Israel na mababasa sa Nehemiah 13:23-27. Samakatwid napanatili nila ang kulay ng kanilang balat na ‘Kayumanggi’ na mababasa sa Magandang Balita Biblia ‘Mga Awit ni Solomon 1:5’. Ang orihinal nilang wika ay ang Lumang-Hebreo dahil sila ay hindi nahawa sa salita ng mga sumakop na mga Assyrian at mga Babylonian. Ang wika nila ay kagaya ng sinasalita ni Haring Solomon, ni Haring David, ni Moses, ni Yahcoob, Isaac at Abraham. Sa pagdaan nila sa mga lugar na naihula ni Propeta Isaiah, sila ay nanirahan doon ng ilang panahon, samakatwid sila ay nahawa ng pamamaraan ng pagsulat ng wika ayon sa lugar na kanilang tinitirhan, ngunit ang salita nila ay napanatili ang tunog na Lumang-Hebreo ngunit sa pagsulat ay nagaya sa pagsulat sa mga taga roon na tinirahan nila. (Kagaya ng Tagalog na salita ay isinusulat sa sulat na letrang Kawi noon, ngunit ang tunog o pagsasalita ay ang lumang-Hebreo). Mapapansin na ang ‘stroke’ ng pagsulat ng ‘Kawi’ ay halos kagaya ng lumang pagsusulat na matatagpuan sa India, na nagpapatunay na napadaan sila sa India. Sa Sri-Visjaya ang ‘Sri’ ay galing sa India na ibig sabihin ay ‘Prinsipe-Kabanalan-Kagalang–galang’. Ang mga dinatnan ng mga Kastila ay sina ‘Si’-Agu, Datu ‘Si’-Lapu-lapu, ‘Si’-Maganda, ‘Si’-Malakas, iyan ay nagpapatunay na ang ‘Sri’ ay ang ‘Si’ na idinudugtong sa pangalan ng mga kagalang-galang na mga tao noong panahon iyon.

Ang Orihinal Nating Mga Datu

Mababasa natin na ang Kaharian ng Sri-Visjaya ay tuluyan ng nadurog ng mga Javanese noong ika-14 na Siglo (1400 C.E.). Ito ang naging sanhi ng pagkawala at pagkalimut sa kahariang ito, pati ang kanilang Sholtan ng Sri-Visjaya ay kinalimutan na, ito ay naging tawag nalang sa mga lugar kagaya ng Sultan Kudarat, at ala-ala na lang kay Raha Sulayman ng Tundun (Tondo, Manila), Raha UrduYah ng Kabalonan (Pangasinan), pati ang mga Datu ng Sri-Visjaya ay mga nagkubli na at tinawag na sila sa titulong nagmula sa mga Hindung tumalo sa mga Sri-Visjaya sa Javan. Ito ay ang mga titulo na dinatnan ng mga Kastila noong 1521 na may titulo na Raha ‘Si’-Lapu-lapu, ‘Si’-Agu. Lalo itong pinatindi ng tinalo ni Raha ‘Si’ Lapu-lapu ang pangkat ng Kastilang pinamumunuan ni Fernando Magallanes (Ferdinand Magellan) sa Mactan na kinamatay ni Magellan. Sa pagbabalik ng mga Kastila, lahat ng may pangalang Lapu-lapu ay pinag-uusig at pinag-hahanap kaya napilitang mag-ibang pangalan at ibang titulo ang maraming Raha at Datu. Ang ibang Datu naman na sumang-ayon sa palatuntunan ng mga banyagang hindi-tuling Kastila ay napanatili ang kanilang katayuan. Samakatwid ang mga orihinal na mga Datu at Sholtan ay nagtago sa ibang lugar na hindi sila kakilala kaya nanatili silang mahirap upang huwag mapapansin ng mga humahanap sa kanila. Ngunit ano ang palatandaan na sila ay ang mga anak at apo ng mga Datu na nagsitakas at nag-iba ng pagkakakilanlan. Una ang kanilang pananampalataya ay mainit at taos-puso sa Lumikha sa kahit ano pa mang napasukan nilang pananampalataya na may relasyon sa ninunong Abraham na dala ng mga dayuhan na sumakop sa kanila, ngunit sila ay mahihirap lamang upang huwag silang mapansin, ngunit ang kanilang kaisipan ay mapapansin na malusog at ka-iba at higit sa mga pangkaraniwang mamamayan, at ang pag-big at malasakit nila sa kanilang kapwa Kababayan ay matindi at higit sa pangkaraniwan. Ang kanilang mga sinasabi ay nagkakatutuo at may lumabas na mga manghuhula, at may lumabas na manggagamot, may lumabas na mga manghihilot, may lumabas na gumagawa ng mga kababalaghan, may lumabas na may anting-anting, at may lumabas din naman na mga matatalino sa paggawa ng kabutihan sa kapwa at mangmang sa paggawa ng kasamaan, lalong lalo na may malaking takot sa sinasambang Lumikha kahit hindi pa nila kilala o alam ang pangalan ng Lumikha na si Yahweh at ang darating na Tagapagligtas na si Yahshu’a Messiah.

Ano ang mga Datu

Sa kasaysayan ng mga Israelita sa kapanahunan bago sila masakop ng mga banyagang Assyria at Babylonia, sila ay may mga Pari (Dath sa lumang-Hebreo) na mga lahing Levita at mga Propeta ni Yahweh at ang iba ay namamahala sa tabernakulong sambahan. Ang mga namamahala sa tabernakulong sambahan ay mga lahing Levita ayon sa aklat ni Moses ngunit ng nahati ang kaharian pagkamatay ni Haring Solomon sa dalawang Kahariang Israel at Kahariang Yahuwdah, ang hari ng Israel na si Jeroboam ay nagtalaga ng mga Pari na hindi nanggaling sa lahi ng Levita (1Hari 12:31). Sa ganitong masamang gawain (1Hari 13:33) ni Haring Jeroboam ay nagalit si Yahweh at ipinasakop sila at ipinatapon sa banyagang bansang Assyria (2 Hari 17:24). Ang mga hindi tunay na mga Levita na nagsisilbi sa tabernakulong sambahan ay nakarating hangang sa kapanahunan ni NehemiYah sa Nehemiah 7: 61-65. Sa kapanahunan naman ni Yahshu’a ay ang High Priest na si Caipas ay hindi Levita bagkus ang tama at ang tunay na High Priest ni Yahweh ay si ZechariYah na asawa ni Elizabeth na ama ni YahYah the Baptist na tyuhin naman sa pinsan ni Yahshu’a Messiah. (Lukas 1:5, 1:36). Ang mga kamag-anak ng Dath o ng mga Levitang Pari na kasama sa mga Nalabing-Nakatakas ay mga pangkaraniwang Levita lamang, kaya ang kaalaman sa kabuuan ng pananampalataya ay mga pangkaraniwan gawa (basic) lamang. Sa ganitong dahilan kaya nawala ang pagbigkas nila sa pangalan ni Yahweh dahil wala silang High Priest na babanggit ng pangalang Yahweh sa araw ng Atonement o araw ng pag-aayuno o pagpapasting. Ang naiwan sa kanilang pangkaraniwang aral na bawal banggitin ang banal na pangalang YAHWEH at ito ay pinalitaw na ‘susi’ ang ibig sabihin, na pinatutunayan sa Lukas 11:52. Ang ‘Susi’ ay si Yawe na dala nila hanggang sa makarating sila sa dulo ng pulu-pulong isla sa karagatan at tinawag silang Bisaya at Tagalog. Sa kanila ang ‘wa’ ay ‘wala’ kaya kapag ‘wala si Yah’ (Yahweh) ay demonyo, kaya ang YA-WA ay demonyo ang ibig sabihin. Ang pinakamahalaga ay hindi nawala ang pagkatakot nila sa Lumikha kahit na nagdatingan ang ibat-ibang pananampalataya ng Mahayana-Buddhist, Hindu, at dumating ang Mohammedans at ang pananampalataya ng Kastilang Romano-Katoliko at Protestante at iba pa. Sa ibinilin kay Apostol Barabba at Apostol Saul (Apostol Barnabas at Pablo) sa Gawa 13:47 na aralan ang mga Hintil (hindi-Tuli) upang paratingin ang “KALIGTASAN” na si Yahshu’a Messiah sa dulo ng daigdig na pinuntahan ng mga Nawawalang Tupa ng Israel na pinahahanap sa labing-dalawang Disipolo ni Yahshu’a Messiah (Mateo 10:5-6). Ngunit pinalitan ng mga Hentil (di-tuli) na Translators ang pangalan ng Kaligtasan (Gawa 4:12) na si Yahshu’a ay ginawang Issa, Iesus, Jesus. Dahil ngayon ay nasa panahon na upang makilala ang darating na Messiah ay lumabas na ang Catholic Digest vol.32 no.6 noong January 1992 (How Yeshua become Jesus), ‘Passion of Christ’ ni Mel Gibson noong 2004, ang pagkatagpo ng Laguna Copperplate Inscription noong 1987 na sulat Kawi na tunog lumang Hebreo na pinatunayan ng Historiang si Gregorio F. Zaide na ang Tagalog ay may ‘Mystery at obscurities ng Hebreo’ at ang Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Hebrew Dictionary, Ang Magandang Balita Biblia sa Awit ni Solomon 1:5, na “kayumanggi” ang kulay ng orihinal na lahi at apo ni Abraham. Ang pagkakatagpo ng mga Modern Scholars sa Sri-Visjaya Kingdom noong ika 20 Siglo (20th century), ang pagpapatunay ng Merriam-Webster International Unabridged Dictionary na malaking porsiento na magkatulad ang Tagalog at ang Bisayang Hiligaynon (Banal na Tunog). Ang balita na Maragtas sa Kabisayaan at ang tawag na Bisaya ay galing sa Sri-Visjaya.

Ang Binabanggit ng Biblia

Sa aklat ni Gregorio F. Zaide “History of the Filipino People”sa pahina 2, ang mga manunulat na mga taga Kanluran ay tinawag ang ating lupain sa pangalang Maniolas, Ophir, Islas del Oriente, Islas del Poniente, Archipelago de San Lazaro, Islas de Luzones (Isla ng Mortars), Archipelago de Magallanes at Archipelago de Legaspi. Tinawag ang ating lupain na Ophir na nakasulat sa Biblia 1 Hari 22:48, 9:28 at 22:49, Awit 45:9, Isaiah 13:12, Job 22:24, 28:16, 1Chron. 24:4, 1:23, Genesis 10:25-26.

Sa Genesis 10:25-30 “ Si Heber ay nagkaanak ng dalawang lalaki: ang pangalan ng isa ay Peleg, dahil sa araw na iyon ay nagkaiba-iba ang wika sa daigdig at ang kanyang kapatid ay tinawag sa pangalang Joktan. Si Joktan ay nagkaanak, sina Almodad, at Sheleph, at Hazarmaveth, at Jerah, at Hadoram, at Uzal, at Diklah, at Obal, at Abimael, at Sheba, at Ophir, at Havilah, at Jobab. Lahat ng mga ito ay anak ni Joktan at sila ay nanirahan mula sa Mesha, na patungo sa Sephar na kabundukan sa Silangan”.

Ang wika ni Heber ay kagaya ng wikang ginamit ng ninuno niyang si Adam at si Noah, at nang ang wika ng mga Anak ng Tao ay nagkaiba-iba, tanging si Heber lamang ang nakapag-ingat ng wika ng kanyang ninunong sina Noah at Adan at ito ay tinawag na Hebreo, hango sa pangalang Heber. Samakatwid ang naging wika ng kanyang mga anak na sina Peleg at Joktan ay kagaya ng wika niya na Hebreo at ang naging wika ni Ophir na anak ni Joktan ay Hebreo rin.

Ang wika ni Heber ay ang Lumang-Hebreo (pagsulat ay paleo-Hebrew) at nang lumipas na panahon ang naging wika ng mga naging lahi ni Heber kay Peleg na tinawag na Israelita ay nahawa sa wika ng mga bansang nakasakop sa kanila ang bansang Assyria na wikang Aramaic at bansang Babylonian na wikang Chaldean. Katunayan noong bago sila masakop ng mga Babylonia ang unang buwan sa lumang-Hebreo ay tinatawag na ‘Abib’ ay napalitan ng wikang Chaldean-Hebrew naging ‘Nissan’ nang nasakop na sila ng mga Babylonia at ganoon parin hanggang sa ngayon. Ang ‘stroke’ ng pagsulat ay nabago mula sa Paleo-Hebrew ay isinusulat na sa tinatawag na Chaldean-Hebrew o Makabagong Hebreo sa ngayon.

Kung ang mga inapo ni Ophir ay ang mga Pilipino, dapat ang salita ay ang wikang Lumang-Hebreo hindi ang Makabagong-Hebreo. Ito ay pinatunayan ni Padre Chirino na naisulat ni Gregorio F. Zaide ‘History Of The Filipino People’ pahina 24 “Of all our languages, the Tagalog has been adjudged the best by scholars. “I found in this language,” said Padre Chirino, eminent Jesuit-historian, “four qualities of the four greatest languages of the world – Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Spanish. It has MYSTERY and OBSCURITIES of the HEBREW,..”, ang wikang Tagalog ay may misteryo at pagkakahawig sa wikang Hebreo.


Tungkol sa Yahuwdah (Hudyo) sa Jerusalem, si Propeta Isaiah ay nagkaroon ng pangitain sa panahon ni Uzziah, Jotham at Hezekiah ang Hari ng Yahuwdah na ang Yisraw-ale (Israel) ay hindi kinikilala at hindi pinapansin si Yahweh, sila ay naging makasalanang bansa. Malibang mag-tira si Yahweh ng kakaunting Natira (Isaiah 1:9) ang Israel ay magagaya katulad ng Sodom at Gomorrah.

Sa panahon ang Yisraw-ale (Israelites) ay ipatapon sa Assyria, si Propeta Isaiah ay humula na may Natirang-Makakatakas mula sa Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hammath, at Isla sa karagatan, Isaiah 11:11. At sa iba pang panahon na may mga Natirang-Nakatakas mula naman sa Babylonia ay naihula ni Propeta Isaiah na magmumula sa Tarshish, Pul, Lud, Tubal, JAVAN, mga pulu-pulong isla sa malayu, Isaiah 66:19. mapapansin na ang pangalawa sa huling lugar ay ang JAVAN. Itong Javan
ay ang Matandang Kaharian sa Javan ng Mataram ay nasa Indonesia lugar ng mga Sri-Visjaya. Mula doon sa Javan ay lumakbay sila patungo sa pulu-pulong isla sa malayu (kilalang-kilala ng mga Nabigador sa tawag na Ophir) na ngayon ay tinatawag na Pilipinas. Sa Istorya ng Pilipinas ay may binanggit na may dalawang panahon ng Malay immigration sa Pilipinas.

Ang Messiah na si Yahshu’a ay nag-utos sa labing-dalawang Disipolo niya sa Mateo 10:5-6 ‘Ang labing-dalawa ay isinugo ni Yahshu’a (Jesus) at pinagbilinan na ‘Huwag kayong gagaya sa gawi ng mga Hentil (hindi tuli) o pumasok man sa alinmang bayan ng mga Samaritano (nagkukunwaring Israelita). Sa halip ay hanapin ninyo ang mga Nawawalang Tupa sa Sambahayan ng Israel. Ganoon din sa ibinilin kay Apostol Saul at Apostol Barabba (Pablo at Barnabas) sa Gawa 13:47 ‘Inilagay kita na maging ilaw sa mga Hentil (hindi tuli), upang maibalita mo ang Kaligtasan hanggang sa dulo ng daigdig’. Mayroon bang dulo ang daigdig ? hindi kaya ang tinutukoy ay ang dulo na pinuntahan ng mga Nalabing-Nakatakas na binanggit ni Propeta Isaiah sa Mga Pulo-pulong Isla sa Karagatan na nanggaling sa JAVAN, na kailangang ibalita si YAHSHU’A ay ang Kaligtasan ?

Sa Bible Dictionary of the Holy Bible of 1864 ay nabanggit na ang Disipolo ni Yahshu’a na si Tomas ay nasa India ay sinibat hanggang sa mamatay ng Hari ng India na si Misdeus. Ang mga Disipolo ay naghahanap sa Nawawalang tupa ng Sambahayan ng Israel sa India dahil ang India ay nabanggit sa Ester 1:1 na dulong sakop ng Persia bago dumating ang mga Romano.

Sa Gawa 4:12 ay walang tanging pangalan na sukat nating ikaligtas kundi sa nag-iisang pangalan ni Yahshu’a, ngunit ang Yahshu’a ay pinalitan ng mga Translators naging Yehsoos, naging Yaysus, naging Issa at Iesus at naging Jesus. Ang utos ni Yahshu’a ay ituro ang kaligtasan na pangalan ni Yahshu’a hanggang sa dulu ng daigdig sa dulong pinuntahan ng mga Natirang-Nakatakas. Ang balita sa aklat ng dalawang Apostoles ay nakarating sa pulu-pulong isla sa karagatan sa pamamagitan ng Mohammedans na dala ang balita na si Yahshu’a (Issa) ay dumating na sa Jerusalem, at ganoon din ang aklat ni Apostol Saul (Pablo) sa Katoliko na si Yahshu’a (Iesus) ay dumating na sa Jerusalem.

Ang Ophir ay kilala na sa matagal na panahon ng mga nabigador ay tinawag ni Ruy Lopez de Villalobos na Pilipinas para sa karangalan ni Prinsipe Felipe II ng Espanya na naging hari ng Espanya. Ang pangalang Felipe ay hinango sa pangalan ng isa sa mga Disipolo ni Yahshu’a Messiah na si Felipe. At sa kasalukuyan sa buong mundo ay tanging ang Pilipinas lamang ang pangalan ng bansa na hango sa pangalan ng Disipolo ng Messiah na lumakad sa mundong ito 2,000 taon na ang nakakaraan. Ang mga Israelita ay may 12 tribo, kagaya ng Pilipinas na may 12 region at ang ika-13 ay ang NCR (National Capital Region ang Metro Manila). Lahat ng Israelita ay mga Tuli, kagaya rin ng mga Pilipino na mga Tuli, at ito ay isang malaking kahihiyan sa isang Pilipino na tawaging hindi-tuli (supot). Sa Isaiah 14:2 “At ang bayan ay dadalhin sa kanilang lugar at ang Sambahayan ng Israel ay aariin sila sa lupain ni Yahweh bilang tagapaglingkod at katulong, at sila ay masasakop, na sa pagkasakop nila ay sila ang mamumuno sa mapang-api”. Ang OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers) ay tinatawag na tagapaglingkod at katulong at kilalang-kilala sa ngayon na tagapaglingkod sa buong mundo.

Ang mga Israelita ay ginawang sundalo ng Assyria sa panahon ng pagkakatapon nila sa Assyria (2 Hari 18:26) ay kagaya rin sa panahon ng una at ikalawang digmaang pandaigdig ang mga Pilipino ay ginawang sundalo ng mga Amerkano. Katunayan ang magiting na General Douglas McArthur ay nabanggit niya sa Digmaan sa Korea noong 1951 na “bigyan mo ako ng 30,000 sundalong Pilipino at aking sasakupin ang buong mundo”. Isa pang kagila-gilalas na pangyayari sa Labanan sa Bataan na tumagal ng apat na buwan bago isuko sa mga lumulusob na mga sundalong Hapon. Ang mga sundalong Hapon ay patuloy na umaabante sa Timog-Silangang Asia ay nasa Singapore at Indonesia na, ngunit ang Bataan ay hindi pa napapabagsak. Ayon sa mga nakatira sa Bataan na maraming opisyal ng Hapon ang nag-hara-kiri dahil sa hindi nila magapi ang mga Pilipino at Amerkanong sundalo sa Bataan sa kaniyang itinakdang araw. Ang kahalagahan ng Bataan ay ang umaabanteng mga sundalong Hapon ay naantala sa pag-abante patungong Australia na kung saan nagsasagawa ng pagsasanay ang mga sundalong Amerkano at Pilipino na siya ring mga sanay na sundalong iyon ang tumalo sa mga Hapon sa Pacific sa pamumuno ni General Douglas McArthur. Sa tagumpay na ito ng mga sundalong Pilipino at Amerkano ay natapos ang ikalawang digmaang pandaigdig. Sa unang digmaang pandaigdig pa lamang ay maraming Pilipino ang naging sundalo ng Amerika, ngunit ang ibang sundalong Pilipino ay nagpalit ng kanilang pangalan na tunog Kanluranin kaya hindi na masundan ang kanilang kasaysayan. Sa ngayon ang sundalo ng Amerika ay may mga Pilipino na kasama sa Digmaan sa Gulpo at Digmaan sa Iraq, kagaya ni General Taguba at marami pang dugong Pilipino na tinatayang 30 porsiento sa mga sundalo ng Amerika ay mga kababayan nating Pinoy.

Tanging Bansa Na Tumatawag sa Pangalan ni YAHWEH

Ang pangalan ng Lumikha ay tinatawag ng mga Muslim na Allah, ang Romano-Katoliko naman ay Lord, God, Dyos, ang mga taga Israel naman ay Adonai, ngunit sa tanging Bansang Pilipinas lamang si YAHWEH ay ang pinupuri at sinasamba (nag-iisa at pinaka-banal na pangalang sinasamba ni Abraham, Isaac, at Jacob) ng grupo ng Yahweh El-Shaddai na pinamumunuan ni bro. Mike Villarde. May maliliit na grupo kagaya ng Assembly of Yahweh sa Medalla building sa Cubao, Assembly of Yahweh in Yahshu’a Messiah, Yahweh’s New Covenant Assembly sa Girlscout Novaliches, Yahweh’s Assembly in Messiah at marami pa ang tumatawag at sinasamba ang pangalang Yahweh at ang tunay na pangalan ng Messiah na Yahshu’a ay nagpupulong sa pagsamba kay Yahweh tuwing araw ng Sabbath (Sabado) na iniutos ni Yahweh na palatandaan sa lahat ng inyong henerasyon, Exodus 31:13. Sa JeremiYah 10:25 ‘Ibuhos mo ang iyong galit sa mga tao na hindi nakikilala ang iyong pangalan at sa mga pamilya na hindi tumatawag sa iyong pangalan’: Sa Isaiah 4:2 ‘Sa araw na iyon ang Sanga ni Yahweh ay magigiging hitik sa bunga sa pagpapala, at ang bunga ng daigdig ay magigiging masagana na darating sa kanila na mga Natirang–Nakatakas ng Israel’. Ang mga propetang sumulat nito ay mga pinagkakatiwalaan ni Yahshu’a dahil binanggit ni Yahshu’a ang kanilang mga sinulat noong nagtuturo siya sa mundong ito 2,000 taon na ang nakakalipas, kaya mapagkakatiwalaan natin na mangyayari ang mga hula ng mga propetang ito.

Maselang Komentaryo sa Pinagmulan ng mga Pilipino

Mayroong dalawang banal na aklat ng dalawang malalaking grupo ng pananampalataya sa ating bansa na parehas ang pananampalataya na nagmula kay Abraham at naniniwala sa Muling Pagbabalik ng Messiah ay ang Muslim Holy Koran at ang Catholic Holy Bible. Parehas naman sa dalawang aklat na ito ay binanggit na ang pangalan ng Messiah ay Yahshu’a (Sura :xix,Gawa 7:45, Hebrew 4:8). Ang kasaysayan ay magpapatunay na ang dalawang grupo ng pananampalatayang ito ay ang kumatawan sa adhikain na iniutos ni Yahshu’a Messiah sa Matthew 10:5-6 at Gawa 13:47. Sila ang nagparating sa mga Tuli nating Kababayan sa pulu-pulong isla sa karagatan na dumating na ang Messiah sa Jerusalem at nagbigay pag-asa sa mga apo ni Abraham sa muling pagbabalik ng Messiah na ang tunay na pangalan ay YAHSHU’A. Ito ay inilihis sa mga di-karapat-dapat na nagkukunwari at sa mga hindi matinding nagsasaliksik sa katotohanan. Upang tangi at ang karapat-dapat lamang na apo ni Abraham ang makakilala at maka-alam na si YAHWEH ang sinasamba ni Abraham at si YAHSHU’A ang inaasahang muling babalik at daratnan si YahYah sa dulong pinuntahan ng mga Natirang-Nakatakas sa sambahayan ng Israel na pinapupuntahan sa mga Disipolo ni Yahshu’a ay ang mga tuli nating Kababayan.

Ang Messiah ng Nazareth na ang orihinal na pangalan ay Yahshu’a ay nag-utos sa kanyang labing-dalawang Disipolo sa Mateo 10:5-6, ang labing-dalawang Disipolo ni Yahshu’a ay inutusan na “huwag tumulad sa mga gawi ng mga Hentil (di-tuli), at huwag papasok sa bayan ng mga Samaritano (nagkukunwaring Israelita), ngunit tumungo sa mga Nawawalang Sambahayan ng Israel”. Sa Bible Dictionary of the Holy Bible 1864, ang Disipolong si Tomas ay nabanggit na sinibat hanggang sa mamatay ni Haring Misdeus ng India. Ito ay isang patunay na ang mga Disipolo ni Yahshu’a ay hinahanap ang mga Nawawalang Sambahayan ng Israel sa India dahil nabanggit sa aklat ni Ester sa 1:1 ang bansang India na sakop ng Persian Empire na nasakop ng Greek at Roman Empire na pinaniniwalaan na pinuntahan ng mga Nawawalang Sambahayan ng Israel.

Ang natagpuang Laguna Copperplate Inscription noong 1987 ay may nakaukit na letra na kahawig ng sulat ng mga taga India. Ito ay ang wikang ‘Kawi’ na sulat ng mga taga Javan noong panahong ika-9 na Siglo. Pinaniniwalaan din na ito ang wika ng mga Sri-Visjaya na nakatira sa Javan. Ang ‘Sri’ ng Sri-Visjaya ay nanggaling sa India na ibig sabihin ay ‘Prinsipe-Kagalang-galang-Kabanalan. Ang ‘’Vi’ o ‘Vis’ naman ayon sa Samsi-English Dictionary ay Espiritu. Ang pangalang YahYah ay ang Disipolo ni Yahshu’a na binanggit na daratnan ni Yahshu’a sa kanyang muling pagbabalik sa Juan 21:22-23, at alam natin na ang letrang ‘J’ ay naimbento noong 1633 C.E. na galing sa letrang ‘Y’. Ang ibig sabihin ng Sri-Vis-Jaya ay Prinsipe-Kagalang-galang-Kabanalan-Espiritu–ni YahYah.

Sa Philippine History ang nabigador na si Fernando Magallanes (Ferdinand Magellan) ay makarating sa pulu-pulong isla na tinawag niyang Luzones (Mortar) at tinawag naman ni Ruy Lopez de Villalobos na Pilipinas hango sa pangalan ng Prinsipe na naging hari ng Espanya si Haring Felipe. Si Magellan ay naki-pag ‘blood-compact’ sa kapatid ni Raja Si-Kulambo ng Limasawa na pangalan ay “Si-Agu”. Mapapansin din ang pangalang Si-Malakas’, ‘Raja Si-Lapulapu’, na naisulat ni Teodoro A. Agoncillo 1974 Edition pahina 35 at 36 Filipino History pahina 68. Ang ‘Si’ ay kahalintulad ng ‘Sri’ sa Sri-Visjaya na titulo ng mga magigiting at iginagalang na tao.

Ang kauna-unahang taga- Europa na nakarating sa mga pulu-pulong isla na kilalang-kilala na noon pa ng maraming nabigador sa tawag na Ophir ay itong si Magellan ay tinawag niya ang mga pulu-pulong isla na ‘Luzones’ (mortar) na mababasa sa sinulat ni Gregorio F. Zaide sa pahina 2 ‘History of the Filipino People’. Ito namang si Padre Chirino na Jesuit historian ay natagpuan na ang Tagalog na wika ay may misteryo at kahawig ng Hebreo sa aklat ni Zaide sa pahina 24.

Sa hula ni Propeta Isaiah sa 41:25 “I have raised up one from the North, and He shall come: from the rising of the sun shall He call upon my Name; and He shall come upon Princes as upon Mortar, and as the potter treadeth clay”. Ang hula ni Propeta Isaiah ay natupad na sa Nawawalang Sambahayan ng Israel ang Natirang-Nakatakas na nasa Silanganan ng Araw na tanging bansa na tumatawag sa pinakabanal na pangalang YAHWEH. Ang Natirang-Nakatakas ay nanggaling sa mga Prinsipe (Sri-Visjaya) na gaya ng nasa Mortar (Luzones) at gaya ng lumilikha ng clay na banga (kulay ng balat ay kagaya ng banga na kulay ay Kayumanggi), (Awit ni Solomon 1:5).

Ang Messiah Yahshu’a ay nag-utos sa Gawa 13:47 ‘Itinalaga kita na maging ilaw sa mga Hentil (hindi tuli), upang maibalita mo ang Kaligtasan hanggang sa dulo ng daigdig’. Mayroon bang dulo ang daigdig? hindi kaya ang tinutukoy ay ang dulo na pinuntahan ng mga Nalabing-Nakatakas na binanggit ni Propeta Isaiah na Mga Pulo-pulong Isla sa Karagatan na nanggaling sa JAVAN, upang ibalita ang Kaligtasan na si Yahshu’a. Ang ibig sabihin ng Yah-Shu’a ay ‘Yahweh-Kaligtasan’. Ang dalawang Apostol ay sumulat ng kanilang mga aklat upang makarating sa dulu ng daigdig sa mga pulu-pulong isla sa karagatan sa Silanganan ng araw na pinuntahan ng mga Nalabing-Nakatakas sa Sambahayan ng Israel. Nang ang Mohammedans (Muslim) ay dumating sa Ophir na Pulu-pulong isla sa karagatan sa Silanganan noong ika-14 na Siglo (1400 C.E.) ay ibinalita nila ang aklat ni Apostol Barabba na binanggit sa Holy Koran na lumabas sa Jerusalem at nagturo ang Messiah na si Yahshu’a Massi Issa bin Mirriam na itinago sa pangalang ‘Issa’. Tanging mga masugid at mga nagsasaliksik ang tanging naka-alam ng tunay na pangalang Yahshu’a, ngunit sa mga pangkaraniwang mananampalataya ng Holy Koran ay nakilala nila ang Messiah sa tawag na ‘Issa’. Sumunod naman kaagad ang mga aral ni Apostol Saul (Pablo) na dala ng mga Kastilang Romano-Katoliko ay ipinilit sa mga nakatira sa Ophir sa pulu-pulong isla sa karagatan na nasa Silanganan noong ika-15 Siglo (1521 C.E.) ay ibinalita nila ang sulat ni Apostol Saul na binanggit sa Holy Bible na ipinanganak na ang Messiah na si Yahshu’a na itinago sa pangalang ‘Iesus’, (mapapansin na ang ‘Issa’ at ang ‘Iesus’ ay magkatunog dahil ang pangkalahatang pagkakakilala sa lumabas na Messiah ay ‘Iesus’ sa Latin at Griegong pagbigkas na umiiral noong panahong isinusulat ang Holy Koran, kaya ang ‘Issa’ ay galing sa ‘Iesus’ na (common) pangkaraniwan sa pangkalahatang pagkakakilala). Kaya nakilala ang Iesus (Issus) at Issa na ang siyang Messiah, at ng maimbento ang Letrang J ay naging Jesus na.

Sa Isaiah 66:19 “At si YAHWEH ay nagtalaga ng Senyales sa kanila, at si Yahweh ay ipinadala silang Natirang-Nakatakas sa mga bansa sa Tarshish, Pul at Lud na gumagamit ng busog at pana, sa Tubal at JAVAN at sa Mga Pulu-pulong Isla sa Malayu
na hindi nakarinig ng aking Kaluwalhatian, at sila ang maghahayag sa mga Hintil (di-tuli) ng aking kaluwalhatian”.

Ang Senyales ay binanggit na sa Genesis 17:11 ay Pagtutuli, at itong mga tuli sa Mga Pulu-pulong Isla sa Malayu ay makakarinig ng balita ng Kaluwalhatian na ang Messiah na ang tunay na Pangalan ay Yahshu’a ay lumabas na sa Israel ayon sa hula ng mga Propeta na kanilang narinig noon pa bago pa sila magsitakas sa Assyria at Babylonia na kanilang inaasahang magaganap. Ngunit inilihis ang pagkakakilala sa mga Tuli sa mga pulu-pulong Isla sa Malayu sa tunay na pangalan at ang itinuro ay ang maling pangalang ‘Issa’ at ‘Iesus’. Ngunit dahil sa malaking pag-ibig ni Yahweh sa mga Natirang-Nakatakas ay ipinarating ang Tunay na Magandang Balita na ang Yahshu’a ang tunay na pangalan ng Messiah na lumabas sa Israel 2,000 taon na ang lumilipas upang maganap ang hula ni Propeta Isaiah sa 66:19.

Tayo ay bumalik sa naging buhay ng ating ninunong si Abraham nang dumating ang salita ni YAHWEH sa kanya sa Genesis 15:13-14 “At sinabi ni Yahweh kay Abraham, dapat mong malaman na ang lalabas na mga lahi mo ay mangangalat sa lupain na hindi kanila na kanilang pagsisilbihan at sila ay pahihirapan sa loob ng 400 taon; at ang bansang iyon, na kanilang pinagsilbihan, ay aking hahatulan, at pagkatapos ay silang lahat ay lalabas na may malaking kayamanan”.

Sa Genesis 21:12-13 “Si Isaac ay tatawaging iyong binhi at ganoon din ang anak mo sa katulong ay aking din gagawing bansa, “dahil sila ay iyong mga anak”. Alalahanin nating si Isaac at Ismael ay mga anak ni Abraham at itong si Ismael ang unang nanirahan sa Egypto (Mysrayim) sa Genesis 21:21, at sumunod na panahon ang naging anak at lahi ni Isaac na si Jacob na tinawag na Yahshurun at mga anak nito ay dumating din sa Egypto. Genesis 46:3 “Ako ay si YAHWEH, ang makapangyarihan ng iyong mga magulang, huwag kang matakot na pumunta sa Egypto, dahil gagawin kitang kagila-gilalas na nasyon”. Samakatwid ang lahi ni Abraham sa kanyang dalawang anak na si Ismael at Isaac ay nangalat sa lupain na hindi kanila na kanilang pagsisilbihan at sila ay pahihirapan sa loob ng 400 taon; at ang bansang iyon, na kanilang pinagsilbihan, ay hahatulan, at pagkatapos ay silang lahat ay lalabas na may malaking kayamanan na binanggit ni Yahweh sa Genesis 15:13-14. Ang binanggit ay paglipas ng 400 taon sila ay lalabas sa bansang pinagsilbihan nila na naisulat sa Exodus 12:52 “Inilabas ni YAHWEH ang mga Israelita sa lupain ng Egypto”.

Ang 12 anak ni Jacob tinawag na 12 Tribo ni Yahshurun ay orihinal na 12, ngunit ng ibilang ni Jacob ang dalawang anak ni Joseph si Efraim at Manase sa Genesis 48:5-6 ang upuan ni Joseph ay pinalitan ng dalawa niyang anak, samakatwid ay naging 13 Tribo ang lumabas sa Egypto. Ginawa naman ang Tribo ni Levi na mamahala sa Templo at ang Pagpapari ay inihalo sa 12 Tribo ng Israel. Kaya sa bawat isang Tribo ay mayroong Levitang kahalo, Hukom 17:7, Joshua 21:1-8 at 1Chronicles 6:63-81.

Alalahanin natin na si Joseph ay ipinagbili sa mga dumaraang Ismaelita at dinala sa Egypto bilang alipin, ngunit naging malaya at malaya ring pumili ng mapapangasawa sa pahintulot ng Pharaoh. Napangasawa niya ay si Asenath na anak ni Potiphera na Pari ay lahi ni Ismael. Si Ismael na nagka-anak din ng 12 prinsipe kagaya ni Jacob na 12 anak na lalaki at si Levi ang naitalagang pari sa Genesis 17:7, 17:23,16:12 “siya ay maninirahan na kasama ang kanyang lahat na mga kapatid”. Nang namatay si Abraham ay si Ismael at Isaac ang naglibing sa kweba ng Machpelah katabi ng asawa niyang si Sarah sa Genesis 25:9.

Ang lahi ni Ismael ay nadala ng dalawang anak ni Joseph sina Efraim at Manase, at ang lahi ni Isaac ay nadala ng 12 Tribo ni Jacob sa Egypto ay lumabas silang lahat sa Egypto sa Exodus 12:52, ang sinabi ni Yahweh sa Genesis 15:13-14 ay naganap.

Ang 12 Tribo kahalo ang Levita ay nagtatag ng Hari at lumipas ang panahon ay nahati ang Kaharian ng Israel at Kaharian ng Yahuwdah. Si Haring Jeroboam ng Israel ay gumawa ng templo sa matataas na lugar at naglagay ng Pari na galing sa lahi ng ordinaryong tao lamang na hindi lahing Levita. Inilipat din niya ang kapistahan ni Yahweh mula sa ika-7 buwan ay inilipat niya sa ika-8 buwan na hindi katulad ng Kaharian ng Yahuwdah sa ika-7 buwan nagdidiwang ng kapistahan ni Yahweh,1 Hari 12:31-32. Sa ganitong masamang gawa ni Jeroboam ay hinayaan ni Yahweh na masakop ang Kaharian ng Israel ng mga taga Assyria at ang Hari ng Assyria ay ipinatapon ang mga Israelita sa Assyria at pinalitan sa kanilang lupain ng Samaria ng mga taga-ibang bansa mula sa bansang Abba, Cutha, Separvaim, Hammath at Babylonia, 2 Hari 17:24. Ngunit may Kakaunting-Natira na binanggit ni Propeta Isaiah na nakatakas sa Assyria sa Isaiah 11:11 at 1:9.

Paglipas ng 114 taon nang ang Kaharian ng Israel ay ipatapon sa Assyria at palitan sila ng taga ibang bansa sa kanilang lupain sa Samaria ay ang Kaharian naman ng Yahuwdah sa Jerusalem ay ipatapon sa lupain ng Babylonia, at tanging mahihirap lamang ang natira sa Jerusalem. Ang Hari ng Babylonia ay itinalaga si Gedaliah upang mamuno sa mga mahihirap na tao na naiwan sa Jerusalem, ngunit si Gedaliah ay pinatay ni Ismael at si Ismael ay pinatay ni Johanan, dahil dito ang mga tao ay natakot na pagpapatayin sila kaya sila ay tumakas patungong Egypto kasama si Propeta JeremiYah at halos lahat ay nangamatay doon, ngunit kakaunti lamang ang nakabalik sa Jerusalem, Jeremiah 44:14, ganoon din may kakaunting-nakatakas mula sa pagkaka-alipin sa Babylonia sa Isaiah 66:19 at 1:9.

Ang mga naiwan sa pagkakaalipin sa Assyria ay napalitan ang kanilang wika mula sa Lumang-Hebreo ay naging Aramaic sa 2 Hari 18:26, ganoon din ang naging alipin sa Babylonia ay napalitan din ang wika mula sa Lumang-Hebreo ay naging Chaldean-Hebreo at katunayan ang unang buwan na tinatawag na ‘Abib’ sa Lumang-Hebreo ay naging ‘Nissan’ sa Chaldean-Hebreo.

Upang makilala ang mga Natirang-Nakatakas sa pagkaka-iba sa mga Naiwang-Alipin sa Assyria at Babylonia, ang Natirang-Nakatakas ay nagsasalita ng wikang Lumang-Hebreo, samantalang ang mga Naiwang-Alipin sa Assyria at Babylonia ay nagsasalita ng halong wika ng Assyria na Aramaic at wika ng Babylonia na Chaldean.

Paulit-ulit Lamang Ang Pangyayari

Ecclesiastes 3:15 “ang mga nagyayari sa ngayon ay nakalipas ng nangyari noon pa, paulit-ulit lamang itong nagaganap”.

Ang Sri-Visjaya ay ang lahi ng mga Natirang-Nakatakas mula sa Sambahayan ni Jacob (tinawag ni Yahweh na Yahshurun) ay nahati sa dalawang Kaharian ang Kaharian ng Yahuwdah (Hudyo) at ng Kaharian ng Yisraw-ale (Israel) na inihula ni Propeta Isaiah na makakarating sa Pulo-pulong Isla sa Malayu na tinawag na Ophir, na tinawag ni Fernando Magallanes na Luzones at pinangalanan ni Ruy Lopez de Villalobos na Felipinas hango sa pangalan ng prinsipe ng Espanya na naging hari si Haring Felipe. Ang Maynila ay masakop ng Espanya sa pamamagitan ni Miguel Lopez de Legaspi noong June 24,1571, at ang Maynila ang ginawang Kapitolyo ng Pilipinas – hanggang sa Kalayaan noong June 12,1898 ay binubuo ng 327 taon. Ngunit noong December 10,1898 ang Espanya ay hindi kinilala ang Kalayaan ng Pilipinas at bagkus pinabayaran sa mga Amerkano ang Pilipinas sa halagang 20,000 dollar bilang kabayaran sa mga kaunlarang nagawa ng Espanya sa Pilipinas. Ang Pagka-alipin sa bansang Hintil (di-tuli) na Espanya ay natapos na, ngunit kaagad sa taon ding iyon ay inilipat ng Espanya sa bansang Amerkanong Hentil (di-tuli) ang pamamahala sa pag-alipin sa Pilipinas at ito ang simula ng Filipino-American War noong 1899 hanggang sa mahuli si Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo noong 1901. Ang American Commonwealth at ang New Republic hanggang sa matapos ang U.S. Bases Agreement noong 1974 ay isang palatandaan ng katapusan ng pagka-alipin ng mga Kababayan nating Pilipino sa mga bansang Hentil (di-tuli). Ito rin ang Senyales ng paglaya mula sa Pagka-alipin sa mga Hentil (di-tuli). Ang kabuuan ay 400 taon na inihula sa Ecclesiastes 3:15 at sa Genesis 15:13-14 “ang mga nagyayari sa ngayon ay nakalipas ng nangyari noon pa, paulit-ulit lamang itong nagaganap (history repeat itself). (1974-1571=403 taon). June 12,1898 Independence day hanggang sa pagkahuli kay Gen. Aguinaldo noong 1901 ay katapusan ng Filipino-American War ay tatlong (3) taon, samakatwid ay 403 taon bawasin ang tatlong taon – 3 = ang kabuuuan ay 400 taon.

Isaiah 14:2 “At ang bayan ay kukunin sila, at dadalhin sa kanilang lugar, at ang Sambahayan ng Israel ay aariin sila sa lupain ni Yahweh bilang Tagapaglingkod at Katulong, at sila ay magigiging alipin, na ang kanilang pagkaalipin ay sila ang mamamahala sa kanilang umaalipin”. Ang mga Pilipino OFW “Ang Bagong Bayani” sa Middle East ay tinatawag na Tagapaglingkod at Katulong, at ang Filipina ay kilalang mga Katulong sa panahong ito na tagapagsilbi sa buong mundo.

Ang kasalukuyang dalawang grupo ng relihiyon na nasa Pilipinas ay sana mabuksan na, na hindi orihinal na pananampalataya ng ninunong Abraham ang kanilang inaakap na pananampalataya, kundi ang pananampalataya ng kanilang mga Tyuhin at mga Pinsan na nasa pagkaalipin, dahil sa kawalan ng pagsasaliksik sa lahi nating pinagmulan ay inakap na ang dumating na pananampalataya dahil malapit naman at nag-ugat din sa pananampalataya ng ninunong Abraham kung ihahambing naman sa Hindu na paganong pananampalataya.

Ang aklat ng Apostoles na si Barabba ang nagdala ng balita na ang Messiah ay lumabas na sa Jerusalem ngunit tinawag na ‘Issa’. At ang aklat din ng Apostoles na si Saul (Pablo) ang nagdala ng balita na ang Messiah ay lumabas na sa Jerusalem ngunit tinawag na ‘Iesus’. Gawa 13:47. Ang naging Pilipinong mga Sri-Visjaya ay tumakas sa pananampalataya ni Sailendra na Buddhist at pananampalatayang Hindu ng naiwang Sri-Visjaya sa Javan.

Ang mga Pilipino ay nanggaling sa isang dugo at lahi, ang dugo ng ating ninunong si Abraham. Ang orihinal na 12 Region sa Plipinas ay ang patunay na 12 Tribo ni Yahshurun (Jacob), Matthew 10:5-6 at ang Walang-Hanggang Kontrata ni Abraham ay ang ‘Pagtutuli’, ay palatandaan ng Tunay na Lahi at binhi at apo ni Abraham. Ating pagkaisahin ang 12 Region – ang 12 Nawawalang Tribo ng Sambahayan ni Yahshurun sa isang pananampalataya, ang orihinal na pananampalataya ng ating ninunong si Abraham na pumupuri at sinasamba si YAHWEH, na Walang-Hanggang – Kontrata kay YAHWEH at ang Senyales ay ang Pagtutuli. Ang 12 Disipolo ni Yahshu’a ay tatanungin kung sumunod sila sa iniutos na Hanapin ang Nawawalang Sambahayan ng Israel, hindi sa lugar ng mga Hintil (di-tuli), at hindi sa bayan ng Samaritano (nagkukunwaring Israelita) Kundi sa Pulu-pulong Isla sa Malayu na huling pinuntahan ng mga Nawawalang Sambahayan ng Israel na Natirang-Nakatakas. Mateo 10:8-13 “Pagalingin ang mga maysakit, ibangon ang mga patay, linisin ang may ketong, palayasin ang dyablo. Walang bayad na inyong natanggap, at walang bayad din kayong magbibigay”. Sa pagpasok ninyo sa bawat tahanan ay hilingin ang kapayapaan. Ang salitang ‘Shalom’ ay kapayapaan sa Hebreo kagaya ng ‘Salam’ at ang ‘at’ mula sa ‘lahat’ na ibig sabihin ng Salam-at ay “Kapayapaaan sa lahat”. Ang ‘ChabaYah’ (Kabayan) ang ibig sabihin sa Lumang-Hebreo ay ‘itinago ni Yahweh’.

Ipa-aalalang muli sa mga Nalabi ang mga Utos at Palatuntunan ni Yahweh
Lukas 1:6
“Kapwa sila kalugud-lugod sa paningin ni Yahweh, namumuhay nang ayon sa mga Utos at Tuntunin mula kay Yahweh”.
Mga Utos ni Yahweh ay ang Sampung Utos na ibinigay kay Propeta Moses. Ang
mga Tuntunin mula kay Yahweh ay ang mga Kapistahan ni Yahweh.
Sampung Utos ni Yahweh
Exodus 20
11. Ako si Yahweh ang inyong Makapangyarihan na naglabas sa inyo sa pagkaalipin sa Egypto, huwag kayong magkakaroon ng ibang Makapangyarihan maliban sa akin.

12. Huwag kayong gagawa ng mga imahen na kamukha ng nasa langit, nasa ilalim ng lupa, nasa tubig, huwag kayong yuyukod o maglilingkod sa mga istatwang iyon dahil ako si Yahweh ay mapanibughuing Makapangyarihan. Aking dinadalaw ang kasalanan ng mga magulang hanggang sa ika-apat na saling-lahi ng galit sa akin, at kina-aawaan ang libo-libong nagmamahal sa akin na sumusunod sa aking mga utos.

13. Huwag ninyong ilalagay ang pangalang Yahweh na inyong Makapangyarihan sa walang kabuluhan dahil walang pagsalang parurusahan ko ang sinuman na maglagay sa walang kabuluhan ng aking pangalan.

14. Alalahanin mo ang araw ng Sabbath na gawing banal, dahil anim na araw na ikaw ay gagawa at sa ika-pitong araw ay Sabbath ni Yahweh na inyong Makapangyarihan, sa araw na iyon ay huwag kayong gagawa ng kahit anong trabaho.

15. Igalang ang inyong Ama at Ina upang ang inyong buhay ay tumagal sa lupaing ibinigay sa inyo ni Yahweh na inyong Makapangyarihan.

16. Huwag kang papatay.

17. Huwag kang mangangalunya.

18. Huwag kang magnanakaw.

19. Huwag kang magbibintang ng mali sa inyong kapwa.

20. Huwag mong pag-interesan ang pag-aari ng inyong kapwa.
Palatuntunan sa Pitong Kapistahan ni Yahweh nasa Leviticus 23

Passover = ay ang ika-14 na araw sa unang buwan ng Abib. Sa paglubog ng araw ng ika-13 ay papasok ang ika-14 na araw ay ihahandog ang tupa o kambing na susunugin para kay Yahweh. Ang dugo nito ay ipapahid sa mga hamba ng pasukang pintuan ng tahanan, patutuluin sa lupa ang dugo at tatabunan ng lupa. Kakainin ang handog na sinunog at walang ilalabas ng tahanan at ang matitira ay susunugin sa susunod na araw.
Pista ng Tinapay na Walang Lebadura = ito ay isang linggong kapistahan ng tinapay na walang lebadura. Ang unang araw ay High Sabbath na Banal na Pagpupulong kay Yahweh at ganoon din ang ika-pitong araw. Isang linggo na walang lebadura sa tahanan at kakain ng tinapay na walang lebadura.
Wave Sheaf-Offering = ay ang paghahandog ng unang ani kay Yahweh. Ito ay
sa araw ng Linggo tatapat sa loob ng isang linggong Kapistahan ng Tinapay na
Walang Lebadura.
Pentecost = Pista ng Linggo ay sinisimulan ang pagbilang sa araw na nag-umpisa ang wave-sheaf offering ay ang unang araw at ang ika-50 araw ay tatapat ng araw ng Linggo ang Pentecost day. Sa araw na ito ay Banal na Pagpupulong at araw na ipinagkakaloob ang Banal na Ispiritu ni Yahweh.
Pista ng mga Trumpeta = ay ang unang araw ng ika-pitong buwan ay Banal na
Pagpupulong kay Yahweh.
Araw ng Atonement = ay 24 na oras na pagpapasting na magsisimula sa paglubog ng araw ng ika-9 na araw ng ika-7 buwan at magtatapos sa paglubog ng araw sa ika-10 araw ng ika-7 buwan.
Pista ng Tabernakulo = ito ay pitong araw na Kapistahan ng Tolda. Ang unang araw ay High Sabbath na Banal na Pagpupulong kay Yahweh at ganoon din ang ika-pitong araw. Nagsisimula ito sa ika-15 araw ng ika-7 buwan.
Last Great day = ay ang susunod na araw pagkatapos ng Pista ng Tabernakulo. Isang Banal na Pagpupulong para kay Yahweh. Ito ay ginaganap sa ika-22 araw ng ika-7 buwan.

Palatuntunan sa Dapat at Hindi-Dapat Kainin ng mga Anak ni Yahweh
Leviticus 11

Sa mga makakaing malilinis na hayop ay ang ngumunguya at biyak ang kuko. Ang hayop na ngumunguya ngunit hindi biyak ang kuko kagaya ng kabayo ay marumi na hindi dapat kainin. Ganoon din ang biyak nga ang kuko ngunit hindi naman ngumunguya kagaya ng baboy ay marumi at hindi dapat kainin, maging ang patay na katawan nito ay hindi dapat hawakan. Sa mga gumagalaw sa tubig ay ang may kaliskis at palikpik lamang ang malinis na dapat kainin. Ang walang kaliskis at palikpik ay marumi para sa inyo at huwag kakainin. Tingnan ang Leviticus 11 upang kumpirmahin ang mga bagay na ito. Sa Markos 7:19 ay dinagdagan ng mga Tigasalin ay isinulat na pwede na raw kainin ang lahat ng hayop. Ang tinutukoy dito ay ang paghuhugas ng kamay at hindi ang marumi o malinis na hayop, dahil ang lumalabas sa tao ang nakakapagparumi sa tao ang mga kasalanan na salita na nagmumula sa kanilang puso ang nagpaparumi sa tao. Sa Gawa 11:18 ang tinutukoy na karumal-dumal na hayop ay sinisimbulo ng mga Hentil, na niloob na aralan din ng kaligtasan, iaral si Yahshu’a Messiah ay ang kaligtasan, hindi karumal-dumal na hayop na pwede ng kainin.

Banal na Pagtitipon

Tuwing Unang araw ng Buwan, Mga Araw ng Sabbath, Mga Araw ng Kapistahan ni Yahweh ay itinalagang Banal na Mga Araw ni Yahweh na ating gaganapin ang isang Banal na Pagtitipon at pagpuri at pagsamba sa pangalan ni Yahweh na ating Makapangyarihan.

Bilang 6:22-27

Basbasan ka ni YAHWEH ng Pagpapala at ingatan ka
Hayaan ang Mukha ni YAHWEH ay lumiwanag sa iyo at mapagpala sa iyo
Ingatan ka ni YAHWEH at bigyan ka ng Kapayapaan.



Daniel 12:3 ‘and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever’.
(Authorized King James Version)

Not only many but all the teachings and doctrines of church pastors, priests and ministers, they were all teaching the doctrine of adversary. Their teachings even from the start of the Bible when Adam ate the forbidden fruit they teach Adam did not die, their reasoning in fact after eating the forbidden fruit Adam got children, making the word of adversary correct than the word of Yahweh. These are the teachings of all the pastors, ministers and priests of all churches denominations around the world. When Yahweh told Adam in Gen. 2:17 ‘but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shall surely die’. The adversary is always opposite and contradict the instructions of Yahweh to Adam. In Gen. 3:4-5 ‘and the serpent said unto the woman, ‘Ye shall not surely die: for Yahweh doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil’. The woman ate it and gave some to her husband and he did eat it. This happened in the Garden of Eden, then drove them out of the Garden and placed on the ground from which he was taken. Adam lives for 930 years and died, Gen. 5:1-5. But on 2 Peter 3:8 ‘but, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with Yahweh as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day’. Adam died on the same day he ate the forbidden fruit because Adam did not complete one day in Yahweh for he live only for 930 years and died. The word of Yahweh is correct ‘thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shall surely die’. The word of adversary are all lies for he is a liar from the beginning and the father of lies, YahYah 8:44.

In better understanding of using the name YahYah instead of Yochanan for John. We all know that there is no letter ‘J’ when the time of ministerial of Yahshu’a Messiah and therefore the name ‘J’ohn is not acceptable. In Israel today they are using the name ‘Yochanan’ for ‘John’ but ‘Yochanan’ name has no power to make a mute to speak in Luke 1:22, Luke 1:59-64 and Luke 1:62-64 and YeremiYah 43 :4, but only the Sacred name of Yahweh has the power to do this. The name of ‘John’ is ‘Yahya’ in Arabic originated on Semetic language of ancient Hebrew ‘YahYah’. The name Yochanan is one way of avoiding to pronounced the Sacred Name ‘Yah’ like in Ezra 2:2 they write Yahshu’a as Yeshu’a.

Why these pastors, ministers, priests of churches was deceived and never come to the truth just right on the beginning of the Bible? Because they did not read the Bible? I don’t agree, although in Churches they are oblige to read the cathetism but in their private lives I believed they read the Bible from the beginning of Genesis to the last verse of Revelations. But is that enough to understand the secret of the Bible? In YahYah 14:26 ‘but the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you’. This means that the Holy Spirit will teach us and remind us of everything Messiah had said. and that Holy Spirit will be send by the Father Yahweh in the name of Messiah who is speaking. Therefore what is the name of Messiah that the Holy Spirit will be send to teach and remind us everything Messiah had said. These pastors, ministers, priests of churches of all denominations will claim that the name of the Messiah is ‘JESUS’. We cannot agree to the name ‘Jesus’ because the letter ‘J’ was invented 373 years ago, while the Messiah walk on this earth 2,000 years ago, therefore there is no letter ‘J’ and it is not ‘Jesus’ his name. In many dictionaries and encyclopedias and even in ‘The Passion of Christ’ movie the name of Messiah was called Yahshu’a. Therefore only on the name Yahshu’a the Holy Spirit will be send by the Father Yahweh, not on any other name, not of course in the name Jesus. In the name Yahshu’a the Holy Spirit will be send and that Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of everything the Messiah had said. In 2 Peter 1:21 ‘for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of Yahweh spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit’.

All the teachings and doctrines of church pastors, priests and ministers, they were all teaching the doctrines that will end to death. In Proverb 14:12 ‘there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death’. The right and correct way of teaching the doctrines that will lead to Eternal Life can be found in YahYah 17:3 ‘and this is Life Eternal, that they might know thee the only true God (Yahweh), and Jesus Christ (Yahshu’a Messiah), whom thou hast send’. Did these church pastors, priests and ministers teaches this doctrine that the members should know the true only one God which is Yahweh and Yahshu’a Messiah whom was sent?

Let us look at the ‘Jesus believers’ in different denominations. Others they have conflict that the Messiah is the ‘Son of Man’, or the ‘Son of Dyos’ (God). But both of them was wrong, because they don’t have the Holy Spirit that was send in the name Yahshu’a Messiah, they have the spirit of Jesus but not the Holy Spirit that was send by the Father Yahweh in the name Yahshu’a.

Son of Man or Son of Dyos (Theos, God)

You can find two different views about the Messiah whether Messiah is the ‘Son of Man’ or The ‘Son of Dyos’ (God). In Luke 3:38 ‘Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the ‘Son of Yahweh’. In continuation of the geneology from Adam generation to his descendants until to the generation of Yahshu’a, they were all called Son of Yahweh not Son of Man. And not Son of ‘Dyos’ because ‘Dyos’ originated in the name ‘Theos’ is the deity of Greek people not of the descendants of Abraham, and not ‘Son of God’ because the word God originated in Assyrian deity name ‘Gad’.
The prophet Isaiah excoriated Israel for their abominations in serving pagan idols. One of the most prominent was the Syrian god of fate or luck, otherwise known as Gad: “But you are they that forsake Yahweh, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number” (Isa. 65:11). “Troop” is translated from the Hebrew Gad, pronounced “God”(see Strong’s Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary, No. 1409 and note the phonetic Gawd in this reference.).
The word “God” and its Germanic roots “Gott” and “Gut” are connected to the ancient Syrian idol “Baal Gad,” which Yahweh judged Israel for worshiping. The New Bible Dictionary says of Gad, “A pagan deity worshiped by the Canaanites as the God of Fortune for whom they ‘prepare a table’” (Isa. 65:11)
The Anchor Bible Dictionary says about “Gad”: “A Deity (or spirit) of fortune mentioned in Isa. 65:11 as being worshiped, along with Meni (a god of fate or destiny), by apostate Jews, probably in postexilic Judah,” Vol. II, p. 863. Further, this resource tells us, “The place name Baal-gad (Josh. 11:17) could be interpreted as ‘Lord Gad’ or as involving an epithet (gad) joined to the divine name Baal” (Ibid.)
The heathen nations that Yahshu’a (Joshua) was directed to destroy had a place called Baal-gad, which is none other than “Lord-God,” a reference to Isaiah 65:11 and the worship of this “deity” by those who forsake Yahweh! As the Anchor Bible Dictionary affirms: “The apostates of Isa. 65:11 were looking to Gad [God], not Yahweh, as the source of well-being and prosperity” (Vol. II, p. 864).
In Hastings’ A Dictionary of the Bible, we find that the word Gad or God was “originally an appellative” and used as a divine name in pagan worship (see Gad, p. 76).
Theosophy (Greek, theos, ”god”; sophos, “wise”), designation for any religious philosophical system purporting to furnish knowledge of God, and of the universe in relation to God, by means of direct mystical intuition, philosophical inquiry, or both.

Yahshu’a Messiah is Son of Yahweh Not Son of Man

Angel Gabriel said:

Luke 1:32 ‘he shall be great and shall be called the Son of The Highest (Yahweh)’

Luke 1:35 ‘therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of Yahweh’.

Luke said:

In Luke 3:23 ‘and Yahshu’a himself began to be about thirty years of age, being the son of Yoseph, which was the son of Heli’ and continue to Luke 3:38 ‘Adam which was the Son of Yahweh’.

Yahshu’a said:

In YahYah 10:36 ‘because I said I am the Son of Yahweh’.

And also in YahYah 12:32 ‘and if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me’. In 12:34 ‘the people answer him, ‘we have heard out of the law that the Messiah abideth forever; and how say thou, the Son of Man must be lifted up, who is this Son of Man? Yahshu’a actually say the ‘Son of Man be lifted up’, because of the replied of the people “who is this Son of Man?”, but the very common interpretation of translators that Yahshu’a is a Son of Man.

“Flesh and blood had not revealed it unto him, but the Father which is in heaven”

Only are those chosen by Father Yahweh to reveal but not the wicked people will understand and only the Father Yahweh will reveal. In Daniel 12:10 ‘many shall be purified, and made white, and tried, but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand’.

In Matthew 16:17 ‘blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Yonah; for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven’.

This revelation to Simon Bar-Yonah, that flesh and blood had not revealed it unto him, but the Father Yahweh which is in heaven.

Let us read the whole text: Matthew16:13-17 ‘When Yahshu’a came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that the Son of Man is? And they said, some say that thou art YahYah the Baptist: some, EliYah, and others, YeremiYah, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the MESSIAH, THE SON OF THE LIVING YAHWEH’. And Yahshu’a answered and said unto him, ‘Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Yonah, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven’. In continuation on Matthew 16:20-23 ‘then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Yahshu’a the Messiah (the Son of Yahweh). From that time forth began Yahshu’a to shew unto his disciples, how that (he) (the Son of Man) must go unto Yahrusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again in the third day’, is the same as it was written in Mark 10:33-34 ‘behold, we go up to Yahrusalem and the SON OF MAN shall be delivered unto the chief priest, and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles, and they shall mock him, and scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him, and the third day he shall rise again’. Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, ‘Be it far from thee, Master (Yahshu’a): this shall not be unto thee’. But he (Yahshu’a) turned and said unto Peter, ‘Get thee behind me Satan: thou art an offence unto me; for thou savourest not the things that be of Yahweh (SON OF YAHWEH), but those that be of Men (SON OF MAN)’.

Only a few minutes ago Peter Simon Bar-Yonah was blessed by the Father Yahweh which is in heaven’ by the revelations to know that Yahshu’a is the SON OF YAHWEH. But Yahshu’a is telling that the SON OF MAN shall be delivered unto the chief priest, and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death. The SON OF MAN shall be condemn to death NOT the SON OF YAHWEH. ‘for thou savourest not the things that be of Yahweh (SON OF YAHWEH), but those that be of Men (SON OF MAN)’. Peter is thinking about the Son of Man is the Messish, but a while ago it was revealed by the Father Yahweh in heaven that Yahshu’a is the SON OF YAHWEH, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven’.

I pray to Father Yahweh that you were be able to understand this, like Simon Bar-Yonah was blessed by the Father Yahweh which is in heaven by the revelations to know that Yahshu’a is the SON OF YAHWEH.

Therefore from the generation of Adam to Yahshu’a were all Son of Yahweh. In Genesis 6:2-3 ‘that the SON OF YAHWEH saw the DAUGHTERS OF MEN that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And Yahweh said, My Spirit shall not always strive with MAN. For that he also is flesh; yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years’.

This hundred and twenty (120) years does not apply to the ‘SON OF YAHWEH’ , from Adam down to the 22nd generations of Yahcoob all of them died more than 130 years of ages. So therefore who are those SON OF MAN?

In Genesis 6:4 ‘there were GIANTS in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the SON OF YAHWEH came in unto the DAUGHTERS OF MEN, and they bare children to them, the same become mighty men which were of old, men of renown’.

Those GIANTS are not SON OF MEN or SON OF YAHWEH it was only mentioned the event of time when there were giants when the SON OF YAHWEH came in into the DAUGHTERS OF MEN.

Lets go back to the topic who is the SON OF MAN? Those Son of Yahweh who took wives from the Daughters of Men they become one flesh, their days was shortened to hundred and twenty years.

When the descendants of Yahcoob were in bondage in Mizraim (Egypt), they were intermarriages to pagans and influenced by pagan belief, see whole chapter of Exodus 32, from then those Son of Yahweh who took wives from the Daughters of Men whom they become one flesh and they bare children, their days was shortened to hundred and twenty years.

Why those Pastors, Ministers, Priests of Churches Who Read the Whole of the Bible Was Deceived and Never Come to the Truth?

In YahYah 5:39-40 ‘they search the scriptures, for in them they think they have Eternal Life, and they are they which testify about the Messiah. And they did not come to Messiah, that they might have life’. They come not to Yahshu’a the real and true Messiah but they come to falsified name ‘Jesus’ that never existed on that ministerial time of Yahshu’a Messiah 2,000 years ago because their was no letter ‘J’ at that time.

How can this church pastors, priests and ministers understand if they have no correct holy Spirit that will be send by the Father Yahweh through the name of Yahshu’a the Messiah in YahYah 14:26‘but the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you’. In 2 Peter 1:20-21 ‘knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation, for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of Yahweh spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit’.

Let Us Avoid Misconception or the Carry Over from Jesus Teaching

1. Sunday worship and the Seventh-day Adventist: This Sunday worship is not found in
the Bible only the Pentecost Day was being held on the First day of the Week which is
Sunday, but the Sabbath is the only day sanctified by Yahweh to be Holy. The Seventh
day Adventist is performing the Sabbath day worship but neglected the other Sabbaths
in the Feast of Yahweh in Leviticus chapter 23 and the Sabbathical Year.

2. Jesus doctrine that Jesus died in cross on Friday: The Prophet Daniel (Dan.9:27)
prophesied that on the middle of the week the Messiah shall cause the sacrifice and
oblation to cease’, and that middle of the week is Wednesday.

3. Jesus doctrine that Jesus died in cross with two other criminals.: Yahshu’a the Messiah
said from his mouth on Luke 13:33 ‘nevertheless I must walk today, and tomorrow, and the
day following : for it cannot be that a Prophet perish out of Yahrusalem’.

In Deuteronomy 18:15 ‘Yahweh your Mighty One will raise a PROPHET from the midst of
thee, of thy brethren, like unto me (Levites also),unto him ye shall hearken’. (Yahshu’a is a Levite ,
his genealogical mother (Marriam) is a cousin of a Levite Elizabeth , Luke 1:5,1:36)

4. Jesus died. In Daniel 9:26 ‘and after three score and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but
not for himself’: Yes the Messiah was cut-off but it does not mean was killed.

5. Jesus was cut off from the land of the living: The Prophet Isaiah prophesied on Isa.
53:8 ‘he was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? For
he was cut-off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken’.

Prophet Isaiah wrote a challenging question that ‘Who among in his generation that
can declare that he was cut off out of the land of the living? Stricken means he was
only deeply or badly affected by something such as grief.

In Dictionary:
stricken [stríkən]
(archaic) Past participle of strike
deeply or badly affected by something: deeply or very badly affected by something such as grief, misfortune, or trouble
affected by illness: experiencing severe physical symptoms caused by illness or injury

6. Jesus dying word is Eli, Eli Lama Sabachtani was heard by witnesses. This Greek word
Eli Lama Sabachtani has equivalent word in Hebrew as ‘Mah Yad Shebaq’. In Strong’s
Exhaustive Concordance Hebrew-Greek Dictionary no. 2241, no.1682, no.2982, no.
4100, no.3027, no.4518, no.7662. The witness should hear ‘Mah Yad Shebaq’
because Yahshu’a is a Hebrew man and speaking in Hebrew language not in Greek
language (Acts 10:28). If Eli, Eli Lama Sabachtani is translation, then the witnesses
will say he is waiting for ‘Mah Yad’ not for Prophet EliYah.

In Matthew 27:46-49. if that man in the cross is Yahshu’a speaks “my Eli, my Eli, why
has you forsaken me” will make Yob (Job) is better than this man because Yob did not
charged or blamed Yahweh in Job 1:22.

7. Jesus was nailed to cross: Simon of Cyrene (now Libya) speak Greek and until now in
Susa, Shihat and Beda in Libya these Greek descendant resides. Never in the scriptures
that Simon of Cyrene returned the cross.

8. Jesus is three days and three nights in the grave: the teachings and doctrines of church
pastors, priests and ministers, they were all teachings the doctrine of wicked and
adulterous generations teaching that Jesus died on Friday and rise on early Sunday
morning which is less than two days. Remember that Yahshu’a reminds the wicked
and adulterous generation in Matthew 16:4 ‘a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh
after a sign, and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Yonah’ .That
three days and three night is for wicked and adulterous generation.

False Prophet Prophesied that Yahshu’a should die

In Deuteronomy 18:22 ‘when a prophet speaketh in the name of YAHWEH, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which YAHWEH hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shall not be afraid of him’.

The High Priest at the time of ministerial of Yahshu’a is ‘Caipas’ who does not belong to Aaron descendants, whom the true lineage of forever high priest belongs written in Exodus chapter 29. But Caipas prophesied that Yahshu’a will die in YahYah 11:51 ‘and this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Yahshu’a should die for that nation’. This prophesies of false prophet as reminded in Deuteronomy 18:22 that we should not believe and should not be afraid of it. The teachings and doctrines of Jesus church pastors, priests and ministers rely on the prophesies of false prophet Caipas.

Yahhshu’a is The Son of Yahweh not Son of Man

Remember that Father Yahweh revealed to Simon Bar Yonah that Yahshu’a is the Son of Yahweh. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the MESSIAH, THE SON OF THE LIVING YAHWEH’. And Yahshu’a answered and said unto him, ‘Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Yonah, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven’.

In continuation on Matthew 16:20-23 ‘then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Yahshu’a the Messiah (the Son of Yahweh).

Yahshu’a said that the Son of Man will be killed Not the Son of Yahweh

Luke 9:22 ‘the Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day’.

Mark 8:31 ‘the Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again’.

Luke 9:44 ‘let these saying sink down into your ears, for the Son of Man shall be delivered into the hands of men’.

Mark 9:31 ‘the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him, and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day’.

Matthew 17:22-23 ‘the Son of Man shall be betrayed into the hands of Man, and they shall kill him, and the third day he shall be raised again’.

Mark 10:33-34 ‘the son of Man shall be delivered unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles. And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him, and the third day he shall rise again’.

Matthew 20:18 ‘the Son of Man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death’.

Luke 18:31-33 ‘behold, we go up to Yahrusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man shall be accomplished. For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on, and they shall scourge him, and put him to death, and the third day he shall rise again’.

Those Who Search the Scriptures

YahYah 5:39-40 ‘search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life’.

Yes, people search the scriptures thinking they might find eternal life, but they did not come to Yahshu’a Messiah, but instead they come to false prophets of falsified name Jesus and believed on the doctrines of church pastors, priests and ministers teaching the prophecy of false prophet Caipas, YahYah 11:51 ‘and this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Yahshu’a should die for that nation’.

Matthew 13:17 ‘that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them, and to hear those things which ye hear, and not heard them’.

Daniel 12:10 ‘many shall be purified, and made white, and tried, but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand’.

YahYah 7:16 ‘if any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of Yahweh, or whether I speak of myself’.

Matthew 16:17 ‘And Yahshu’a answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Yonah, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven’.

I pray again to Almighty Father Yahweh through the name of Yahshu’a the Messiah that you received the Holy Spirit of Yahweh, that you were be blessed like Simon Bar-Yonah for flesh and blood had not revealed it unto you, but my Father Yahweh which is in heaven, that you were able to understand this revelations of Almighty Father Yahweh in heaven to understand that Yahshu’a is the SON OF YAHWEH.



YahYah 11:45-54 ‘marami sa mga Hudyong dumalaw kay Maria ang nakakita sa ginawa ni Yahshu’a at nanalig sa kanya. Ngunit ang ilan sa kanila’y pumunta sa mga Pariseo at ibinalita ang ginawa ni Yahshu’a, kaya’t tinipon ng mga punong Seserdote at ng mga Pariseo ang mga Kagawad ng Sanhedrin. ‘Ano ang gagawin natin’? Wika nila, gumagawa ng maraming kababalaghan ang taong iyon, kung siya’y pababayaan natin mananampalataya sa kanya ang lahat, paparito ang mga Romano at wawasakin ang Templo at ang ating bansa. Ngunit ang isa sa kanila si Caipas ang pinaka-punong Seserdote noon ay nagsabi ng ganito, ‘Ano ba kayo, hindi ba ninyo naiisip na mas mabuti para sa atin na isang tao lamang ang mamatay alang-alang sa bayan, sa halip na mapahamak ang buong bansa. (sinabi niya ito hindi sa ganang kanyang sarili lamang bilang punong-Seserdote sa panahong iyon – hinulaan niya na mamamatay si Yahshu’a dahil sa bansa – at hindi lamang sa bansang iyon lamang kundi upang tipunin ang nagkawatak-watak na mga Anak ng Maykapal). Mula noon ay binalangkas na nila kung paano ipapapatay si Yahshu’a. Kaya’t siya’y hindi na hayagang naglakad sa Hudea. Sa halip, siya’y nagpunta sa Efraim, isang bayang malapit sa ilang at doon siya nanirahan kasama ng kanyang mga alagad’.


YahYah 12:10-11 ‘Binalak ng mga punong Seserdote na ipapatay din si Lazaro, sapagkat dahilan sa kanya’y maraming Hudyong humihiwalay na sa kanila at nananalig na kay Yahshu’a’.


Lukas 13:31 ‘Dumating noon ang ilang Pariseo, sinabi nila kay Yahshu’a, ‘umalis ka rito, sapagkat ibig kang ipapatay ni Herodes’.

Lukas 3:6 ‘umalis ang mga Pariseo at nakipagsabwatan sa mga kampon ni Herodes upang ipapatay si Yahshu’a’.


Markos 8:31 ‘mula noon ay ipinahayag na ni Yahshu’a sa kanyang mga alagad na ang ‘Anak ng Tao’ ay dapat magbata ng maraming hirap, siya ay itatakwil ng Matatanda ng Bayan, ng mga punong Seserdote at ng mga Eskriba at ipapapatay. Ngunit sa ikatlong araw ay muli siyang mabubuhay’.

Lukas 9:21-22 ‘ipinahayag ni Yahshu’a sa kanyang mga alagad na huwag nilang sasabihin ito kaninuman, at sinabi pa niya sa kanila na ang ‘Anak ng Tao’ ay dapat magbata ng maraming hirap at itatakwil ng Matatanda ng Bayan, ng mga punong Seserdote at ng mga Eskriba, ipapapatay nila siya, ngunit sa ikatlong araw siya ay muling mabubuhay’.


Lukas 9:44-45 ‘tandaan ninyo itong sasabihin ko, ‘ipagkakanulo ang Anak ng Tao’, ngunit ito’y hindi nila maunawaan sapagkat inilihim ito sa kanila’.

Markos 9:31 ‘sapagkat tinuturuan niya ang kanyang mga alagad, sinabi niya, ‘Ang Anak ng Tao ay ipagkakanulo at papatayin, ngunit muling mabubuhay sa ikatlong araw’.

Mateo 17:22-23 ‘nang nagkakatipon sa Galilea ang mga alagad, sinabi sa kanila ni Yahshu’a na ang Anak ng Tao ay ipagkakanulo at papatayin, ngunit muling mabubuhay sa ikatlong araw’.


Markos 10:33-34 ‘wika niya, ‘ngayon ay paahon tayo sa Yahrusalem, ang ‘Anak ng Tao’ ay ipagkakanulo sa mga punong Seserdote at sa mga Eskriba, siya’y kanilang hahatulan ng kamatayan at ibibigay sa mga Gentil, siya’y tutuyain nila, luluraan, hahagupitin at papatayin, ngunit muli siyang mabubuhay pagkaraan ng tatlong araw’.

Mateo 20:18 ‘aakyat tayo sa Yahrusalem. Doo’y ipagkakanulo sa mga punong Seserdote at sa mga Eskriba ang Anak ng Tao, hahatulan siya ng kamatayan at ibibigay sa mga Gentil. Siya’y tutuyain, hahagupitin at ipapako sa krus, ngunit muli siyang bubuhayin sa ikatlong araw’.

Lukas 18:31-34 ‘tandaan ninyo ito pupunta tayo sa Yahrusalem at doo’y matutupad ang lahat ng sinulat ng mga propeta tungkol sa ‘ Anak ng Ta’o. Ipagkakanulo siya sa mga Gentil, tutuyain, dudustain at luluraan siya ng mga ito. Siya’y hahagupitin at papatayin nila, ngunit sa ikatlong araw ay muling mabubuhay. Subalit wala silang maunawaan sa kanilang narinig, hindi nila nakuha ang kahulugan niyon, at hindi man lamang nalaman kung ano ang sinabi ni Yahshu’a’.


Genesis 6:2 ‘ang mga Anak ni Yahweh ay nakita ang mga babaeng ‘Anak ng Tao’ na magaganda, kaya pumili sila ng kani-kanilang mapapangasawa’


Genesis 11:5 ‘bumaba si Yahweh upang tingnan ang lungsod at ang toreng itinatayo ng mga Anak ng Tao’.


Lukas 3: 23 – 38 ‘ si Yahshu’a ay mag-tatatlumpung taon na ng magsimulang magturo, na anak ni Yahseph, na anak ni Heli,……… anak ni Enos, na anak ni Seth, na anak ni Adan na Anak ni Yahweh’.


Mateo 16:13-17 ‘Nang dumating si Yahshu’a sa lupain ng Caesaria ng Filipos, tinanong niya ang kanyang mga alagad, ‘sino raw ang ‘Anak ng Tao’, ayon sa mga tao? At sumagot sila, ang sabi po ng ilan ay si YahYah Bautista, sabi naman ng iba ay si EliYah, at may nagsabi pang si YeremiYah o isa sa mga propeta. Kayo naman, ano ang sabi ninyo sino ako? Tanong niya sa kanila. Sumagot si Simon Pedro, ‘kayo po ang Messiah ang Anak ni Yahweh na buhay’, sinabi sa kanya ni Yahshu’a, mapalad ka Simon na anak ni Yonas, sapagkat ang katotohanang ito’y hindi inihayag sa iyo ng sinumang tao kundi ng aking Ama na nasa langit’.


YahYah 12:32-34 ‘at kung ako’y maitaas na, ilalapit ko sa akin ang lahat ng tao’, sumagot ang mga tao, ‘sinasabi sa Kasulatan na ang Messiah ay mananatili Magpakailanman, sino ba itong Anak ng Tao?’

Samakatwid, ang binanggit ni Yahshu’a ‘at kung ako’y maitaas na’ ay ang tamang pagkakasulat ay ‘at kung ang ‘Anak ng Tao’ ay maitaas na’. Ito’y mapapansin sa kasagutan ng mga tao sa pagtatanong ng ‘sino ba itong Anak ng Tao?’


YahYah 10:36 ‘ako’y hinirang at sinugo ng Ama, paano ninyong masasabi ngayon na nilalapastangan ko si Yahweh sa sinabi ko na Ako ay Anak ni Yahweh’.


Mateo 3:17 ‘ito ang minamahal kong Anak na lubos kong kinalulugdan’.


Atin pong balikan ang nasa itaas na mga talata:

Markos 8:31 ‘Anak ng Tao’ ay dapat magbata ng maraming hirap, siya ay itatakwil ng Matatanda ng Bayan, ng mga punong Seserdote at ng mga Eskriba at ipapapatay. Ngunit sa ikatlong araw muli siyang mabubuhay’.

Lukas 9:21-22 ‘Anak ng Tao’ ay dapat magbata ng maraming hirap at itatakwil ng Matatanda ng Bayan, ng mga punong Seserdote at ng mga Eskriba, ipapapatay nila siya, ngunit sa ikatlong araw siya ay muling mabubuhay’.

Lukas 9:44-45 ‘ipagkakanulo ang Anak ng Tao’, ngunit ito’y hindi nila maunawaan sapagkat inilihim ito sa kanila’.

Markos 9:31 ‘Ang Anak ng Tao ay ipagkakanulo at papatayin, ngunit muling mabubuhay sa ikatlong araw’.

Mateo 17:22-23 ‘sinabi sa kanila ni Yahshu’a na ang Anak ng Tao ay ipagkakanulo at papatayin, ngunit muling mabubuhay sa ikatlong araw’.

Markos 10:33-34 ‘ang Anak ng Tao ay ipagkakanulo sa mga punong Seserdote at sa mga Eskriba, siya’y kanilang hahatulan ng kamatayan at ibibigay sa mga Gentil, siya’y tutuyain nila, luluraan, hahagupitin at papatayin, ngunit muli siyang mabubuhay pagkaraan ng tatlong araw’.

Mateo 20:18 ‘aakyat tayo sa Yahrusalem. Doo’y ipagkakanulo sa mga punong Seserdote at sa mga Eskriba ang Anak ng Tao, hahatulan siya ng kamatayan at ibibigay sa mga Gentil. Siya’y tutuyain, hahagupitin at ipapako sa krus, ngunit muli siyang bubuhayin sa ikatlong araw’.

Lukas 18:31-34 ‘tandaan ninyo ito pupunta tayo sa Yahrusalem at doo’y matutupad ang lahat ng sinulat ng mga propeta tungkol sa ‘Anak ng Tao’. Ipagkakanulo siya sa mga Gentil, tutuyain, dudustain at luluraan siya ng mga ito. Siya’y hahagupitin at papatayin nila, ngunit sa ikatlong araw ay muling mabubuhay. Subalit wala silang maunawaan sa kanilang narinig, hindi nila nakuha ang kahulugan niyon, at hindi man lamang nalaman kung ano ang sinabi ni Yahshu’a’.

Samakatwid ay tinutukoy ni Yahshu’a ay ang ‘Anak ng Tao’ ay dapat magbata ng maraming hirap, siya ay itatakwil ng Matatanda ng Bayan, ng mga punong Seserdote at ng mga Eskriba at ipapapatay. Ngunit sa ikatlong araw muling mabubuhay’. Si Yahshu’a ay ‘Anak ni Yahweh’ na inihayag kay Simon Pedro na anak ni Yonas, ito ay hindi inihayag ng tao kundi tanging si Amang Yahweh lamang ang naghayag nito.


Gawa 9:20 ‘Una niyang itinuro sa mga sinagoga na si Messiah Yahshu’a ay siya’ng Anak ni Yahweh


Gawa 8:37 ‘at si Felipe ay nagsabi ‘kung ikaw ay naniniwala ng buong puso, maniwala ka’, at siya’y sumagot, ‘naniniwala ako na si Yahshu’a ay Anak ni Yahweh’.


YahYah 11:51 ‘sinabi niya ito hindi sa ganang kanyang sarili lamang, bilang punong Seserdote ng panahong iyon, hinulaan niyang mamamatay si Yahshu’a dahil sa bayan’.

YeremiYah 23:31-32 ‘ako’y laban sa mga propetang kumakatha ng sariling pangitain saka sasabihing iyon ay ang sabi ni Yahweh. Ako’y laban sa propetang nagsasalaysay ng kasinungalingan upang dayain ang aking bayan, hindi ko sila sinugo at wala silang kabuluhang idudulot sa bayang ito’.

Deuteronomo 18:21-22 ‘upang matiyak ninyo kung ano ang sinasabi ng propeta ay kung galing kay Yahweh o hindi, ito ang palatandaan: kapag hindi nagyari o hindi nagkatutoo ang sinabi niya, yaon ay hindi mula kay Yahweh, sariling katha niya iyon, huwag ninyo siyang paniwalaan’.

Si Caipas ay isang bulaang Propeta at hindi karapat-dapat na maging punong Seserdote dahil hindi siya nanggaling sa lahi ni Aaron na Levita. Samakatwid hindi mula kay Yahweh ang kanyang inihula. Bakit ang mga tigapagturo ng Jesús ay naniniwala sa hula ng bulaang propetang si Caipas, at pati na ang mga naniniwala sa tunay na pangalan ni Amang Yahweh at Yahshu’a Messiah ay pinaniwalaan din ang hula ng bulaang propetang si Caipas at naniniwala sa Hindi Seserdote ni Amang Yahweh.


1 Hari 12:31 ‘nagtayo pa sila ng mga sambahan sa burol at naglagay ng mga Seserdote na hindi mula sa lipi ng Levita, kundi pangkaraniwang tao lamang (NehemiYah 7:63-65)’.

1 Hari 13:33 ‘sa ginawang kasamaang ito ni Yeroboam, hindi siya tumigil sa paggawa ng kasamaan, patuloy parin siyang nagtatalaga ng mga Seserdote na hindi lahing Levita kundi pangkaraniwang tao lamang’.

Si Caipas ay hindi nanggaling sa lahi ni Aaron na Levita, samakatwid si Caipas ay hindi tamang Seserdote.


Lukas 1:5 ‘Nang si Herodes ang har i ng Judea, may isang Seserdote na ang pangalan ay ZechariYah sa pangkat ni Abias, at mula rin sa lipi ni Aaron ang kanyang asawa na si Elizabeth’.

NehemiYah 12:4 ‘mga Seserdote’ na Levita, ‘Iddo, Ginetoi, Abias’.

Exodus 29:1 ‘Ganito ang gagawin mo sa pagtatalaga kay Aaron at sa kanyang mga anak na lalaki bilang Seserdote’.


Si Nimrod II ay tinawag naTammuz ng mga Babylonia, Azur naman ang tawag ng mga Asyrian, at Osiris naman ang tawag ng mga Egyptian. Si Nimrod II ay napatay at ang kanyang asawa ay nagbuntis sa ibang lalaki at pinalabas na ang bata ay si Nimrod II na ‘NABUHAY NA MULI’.Mula noon ang Alamat na ito ay naging bantog sa mga Alamat ng Griyego at Romano kahanay nila Jupiter at Zeus.

Mapapansin na ang mga unang nagsalin (translators) ng Biblia ay nanggaling sa bansang naimpluwensyahan ng mga Alamat ni Tammuz na ‘NABUHAY NA MULI’.


Lukas 15:32 ‘ngunit dapat tayong magsaya at magalak, sapagkat ‘NAMATAY NA’ ang kapatid mo, ngunit –‘MULING NABUHAY’, ‘NAWALA’ ngunit muling nasumpungan’

Epeso 2:5 ‘tayo’y ‘BINUHAY’ niya kay Messiah kahit noong tayo’y mga patay pa dahil sa ating mga pagsuway’.

Lukas 9:60 ‘ipaubaya mo sa mga patay ang paglilibing ng kanilang mga patay’.

Marcos 4:11 ‘sa inyo’y ipinagkaloob na malaman ang lihim tungkol sa paghahari ni Yahweh, ngunit sa iba ay ang lahat ng bagay ay itinuturo sa pamamagitan ng talinghaga’.


Markos 6:14-16, Mateo 14:1-22 ‘nakarating kay Haring Herodes ang balita tungkol kay Yahshu’a, sapagkat bantog na ang pangalan nito. May nagsabi, siya’y si YahYah Bautista na muling nabuhay, kaya nakakagawa siya ng mga himala. May nagsabi naman na siya’y si EliYah, siya’y propeta, katulad ng mga propeta noong una anang iba. Sinabi naman ni Herodes nang mabalitaan niya ito, ‘NABUHAY NA MULI’ si YahYah Bautista na pinapugutan ko’.

Mapapansin na dati nang pinaniniwalaang ‘NABUHAY NA MULI’ ay si Tammuz dahil kilalang-kilala ng lahat ang Alamat ni Tammuz na nabuhay na muli.


Lukas 22:42 ‘Ama’, wika niya, ‘kung maaari’y ilayo mo sa akin ang sarong ito, gayunma’y huwag ang kalooban ko ang masunod kundi ang kalooban mo’.


Hebreo 5:7-8 ‘Noong si Yahshu’a ay namumuhay rito sa lupa, siya’y nanalangin at lumuluhang sumamo kay Amang Yahweh na makapagliligtas sa kanya sa kamatayan, at DININIG SIYA dahil sa lubusan siyang nagpakumbaba’.


Awit 31:12 ‘ako ay kinalimutan nila t inilagay sa kanilang isip na ako ay patay’
Awit 118:17-22 ‘hindi ako mamamatay kundi mabubuhay, ihahayag ang kagila-gilalas na ginawa ni Yahweh. Kinastigo ako ni Yahweh, ngunit hindi ako ibinigay sa kamatayan’. 118:22 ‘ang batong inayawan ay siyang naging pinaka-saligang bato’

Ito ay naisalin sa Gawa 4:11-12 ‘ang batong inayawan ay naging pinaka-saligang bato, walang kaligtasan sa kaninuman, dahil walang tanging pangalan sa silong ng langit na ipinagkaloob sa mga tao kundi sa pangalan ni Yahshu’a Messiah’.

Lukas 24:44 ‘ito ang tinutukoy ko ng sabihin ko sa inyo noong kasama-sama pa ninyo ako, ‘dapat matupad ang lahat ng nakasulat tungkol sa akin sa Kasulatan ni Moses, sa Aklat ng mga Propeta, at sa mga Aklat ng Awit ni David’.


Deuteronomo 18:15 ‘si Yahweh ay magtatalaga ng Propeta sa kalagitnaan ninyo, na kalahi ninyo, na kagaya ko (si Moses ay Levita rin), sa kanya kayo dapat makinig’.

Awit 118:17-22 ‘hindi ako mamamatay kundi mabubuhay, ihahayag ang kagila-gilalas na ginawa ni Yahweh. Kinastigo ako ni Yahweh, ngunit hindi ako ibinigay sa kamatayan’. 118:22 ‘ang batong inayawan ay siyang naging pinaka-saligang bato’

Daniel 9:26 ‘at paglipas ng animnapu at dalawang linggo ang Messiah ay mapuputol, ngunit hindi para sa kanyang sarili’: Mapuputol ngunit hindi sinabing mamamatay.

Isaiah 53:8 ‘siya ay inilabas sa kulungan at sa paghatol: at sino ang makakapagsabi sa kasama niya sa kanyang henerasyon na siya ay pinutol sa lupain ng mga buhay? Dahil sa kasalanan ng kanyang bayan siya ay nagdalamhati’.

Si Propeta Isaiah ay sumulat ng pangsubok na katanungan na sino sa kanyang kapanahunang ka-henerasyon na makakapagsabi na siya ay naputol sa lupain ng mga buhay. Dahil sa kasalanan ng kanyang bayan siya ay nagdalamhati (stricken).


Mateo 26:27-28 ‘NAGPASALAMAT’. Tingnan ang Mateo 15:36 ‘ibinigay niya sa kanila – LAHAT KAYO, kagaya sa Markos 14:23-24, sa sunud-sunod na ulat ni Markos ang mga Disipolo ay UMINOM at pagkatapos ay sinabi ni Yahshu’a ang salitang ito. Sa Mateo ay PINALITAN ITO at ginawang pautos na INUMIN NINYO sinundan ng salitang ‘AKING DUGO’, tingnan ang Leviticus 17:11 dahil ang dumanak na dugo ang dahilan ng buhay at kung ilalagay ito sa altar ay MAKAKAPAGPATAWAD ng mga KASALANAN na may relasyon sa Huling Hapunan. Sa mga salita na nasalin sa Griyego, tingnan ang Markos 14:24 ‘MARAMI’, tingnan ang Mateo 20:28, dahil sa ‘KAPATAWARAN NG KASALANAN’ AY IDINUGTUNG SA AKLAT NI MATEO. Parehas na salita ang nasa Markos 1:4 sa pagbabautismo ni YahYah Bautista ngunit sa Mateo ay INIWASAN ITO (Mateo 3:11). Ginawa ito maari dahil ‘NAIS NIYANG IPALAGAY NA ANG PAGSASAKRIPISYO NG MESSIAH SA KAMATAYAN AY ANG MAGBIBIGAY NG KAPATAWARAN NG MGA KASALANAN’.

Maliwanan na IDINAGDAG lamang sa Mateo na ang ‘KAPATAWARAN NG MGA KASALANAN AY ANG KAMATAYAN NG MESSIAH’. Ano ba ang KAPATAWARAN ng mga kasalanan?

JUBILEE YEAR Ang Kapatawaran sa Mga Kasalanan

Leviticus 25:8-55, ang Jubilee Year ay ang KAPATAWARAN sa mga materyal na mga pagkakautang, ngunit ang espiritual na utang ay mga kasalanan na katulad sa Jubilee Year na PINATATAWAD ang materyal na utang ay ganoon din PINATATAWAD ang espiritual na utang na mga kasalanan.

Lukas 4:19 ‘upang ituro ang Katanggap-tanggap na Taon ni Yahweh’. Ang tinutukoy na Katanggap-tanggap na Taon ni Yahweh ay ang Jubilee Year. Lahat ng mga Escolar ay naniniwala na ang Katanggap-tanggap na Taon ni Yahweh ay ang Jubilee Year.

Lukas 7:36-50 ‘si Yahshu’a ay inimbitahan ni Simon na isang Pariseo upang kumain sa kanyang tahanan, at ang isang masamang babae ay hinugasan sa luha at pinunasan ng kanyang buhok, nilagyan ng pabango at hinalikan ang mga paa ni Yahshu’a. Ang mga nanduroong Pariseo ay nagsabi na kung talagang Propeta si Yahshu’a ay makikilala niya agad ito na isang masamang babae. Ngunit tinanong ni Yahshu’a si Simon (na Pariseo) tungkol sa dalawang tao na may pagkakautang na 500 Dinaryo at 50 Dinaryo, Nang hindi parehong makapagbayad ay agad na pinatawad sa pagkakautang ang dalawa. Ngayon sino sa kanila ang higit na magmamahal sa nagpatawad sa utang? Sumagot si Simon na ang mas Malaki ang pagkakautang ang mas higit na magmamahal. Sa ganitong sagot ni Simon ay itinuro ni Yahshu’a ang makasalanang babae (Lukas 7:47) at sinabi na kahit Marami o Malaki ang kasalanan ng babae ay PINATAWAD NA dahil Malaki rin ang isinukli niyang pagmamahal. At sinabi ni Yahshu’a sa babae ‘Ang iyong mga kasalanan ay PINATAWAD NA’ (Lukas 7:48). At ang mga kasalo sa pagkain ay nagsimulang magtanong sa sarili, ‘sino ba ito na pati pagpapatawad ng kasalanan ay pinanga-ngahasan? Ngunit sinabi ni Yahshu’a sa babae ‘INILIGTAS KA NG IYONG PANANALIG, YUMAON KA NA AT IPANATAG MO ANG IYONG KALOOBAN’.

Samakatwid ang may malaking pagkakautang na pinatawad ay kagaya noong babae na may malaking kasalanan, ito ay ang ibig sabihin ng Jubilee Year, na mas-Malaki ang halaga na maisasanla ang ari-arian kung Malaki pa ang panahon bago dumating ang Jubilee Year, at mas-Maliit naman ang halaga kung maliit na ang panahon bago dumating ang Jubilee Year. Ang Jubilee Year ay nagpapatawad sa mga utang na materyal, samantala ang utang na espiritual ay ang mga kasalanan ay ganoon din ay PINATATAWAD sa Taon na Katanggap-tanggap kay Yahweh . Ang pananampalataya ng babae ang nagligtas sa kanya, ito ang pananampalataya sa itinuro ni Yahshu’a sa Lukas 4:19 na Jubilee Year. Kung ang pananampalataya sa Taon na Katanggap-tanggap kay Yahweh (Jubilee Year) ay isang daan sa IKAPAPATAWAD sa mga utang na kasalanan, Bakit kailangan pang mamatay ang Messiah sa ikapapatawad ng ating mga kasalanan?



YahYah 11:45-54 ‘marami sa mga Hudyong dumalaw kay Maria ang nakakita sa ginawa ni Yahshu’a at nanalig sa kanya. Ngunit ang ilan sa kanila’y pumunta sa mga Pariseo at ibinalita ang ginawa ni Yahshu’a, kaya’t tinipon ng mga punong Seserdote at ng mga Pariseo ang mga Kagawad ng Sanhedrin. ‘Ano ang gagawin natin? Wika nila, ‘gumagawa ng maraming kababalaghan ang taong iyon, kung siya’y pababayaan natin mananampalataya sa kanya ang lahat, paparito ang mga Romano at wawasakin ang Templo at ang ating bansa. Ngunit ang isa sa kanila si Caipas ang pinaka-punong Seserdote noon ay nagsabi ng ganito, ‘Ano ba kayo, hindi ba ninyo naiisip na mas mabuti para sa atin na isang tao lamang ang mamatay alang-alang sa bayan, sa halip na mapahamak ang buong bansa. ( sinabi niya ito hindi sa ganang kanyang sarili lamang bilang punong-Seserdote sa panahong iyon – hinulaan niya na mamamatay si Yahshu’a dahil sa bansa – at hindi lamang sa bansang iyon lamang kundi upang tipunin ang nagkawatak-watak na mga Anak ng Maykapal). Mula noon ay binalangkas na nila kung paano ipapapatay si Yahshu’a. Kaya’t siya’y hindi na hayagang naglakad sa Hudea. Sa halip, siya’y nagpunta sa Efraim, isang bayang malapit sa ilang at doon siya nanirahan kasama ng kanyang mga alagad’.


Lukas 13:31 ‘Dumating noon ang ilang Pariseo, sinabi nila kay Yahshu’a, ‘umalis ka rito, sapagkat ibig kang ipapatay ni Herodes’.

Lukas 3:6 ‘umalis ang mga Pariseo at nakipagsabwatan sa mga kampon ni Herodes upang ipapatay si Yahshu’a’.


Noong kapanahunan nang ang Israel ay masasakop na ng Bansang Assyria ay naglabas ng Batas ang Sanhedrin, sa sinumang bumanggit ng Banal na pangalang Yahweh ay magkakasala ng ‘Pamumusong’ (Blasphemy). Ito ay mababasa sa Encyclopedia Judaica sa Titulong ‘YHWH”. Kahit na ang pinaikling tawag kay Yahweh na ‘Yah’ ay binibigkas na ng ‘Ye’ (Ezra 2:2) sa pag-iwas sa pagbanggit ng pangalang Yahweh. Sa kapanahunan ni Yahshu’a Messiah ay pinatawan siya ng pagkakasala ng Blasphemy.
Mateo 26: 64-65 ‘sinasabi ko s a inyo na ang ‘Anak ng Tao’ ay uupo sa kanan ng ‘Makapangyarihan’ at darating sa mga alapaap ng kalangitan’ sa ganoon ay pinunit ng
punong Seserdote ang sariling kasuutan at pinatawan ng kasalanang ‘Kapusungan’ (Blasphemy)
si Yahshu’a. Ang ‘Blasphemy’ ay pagkakasala sa pagbigkas ng Banal na pangalang Yahweh, kaya hindi ‘Makapangyarihan’ ang binanggit ni Yahshu’a kundi ang pangalang Yahweh kaya siya ay pinatawan ng pagkakasala ng “Pamumusong’ (Blasphemy).

Si Yahshu’a ay dinala ng mga tauhan ng punong seserdote kay Gobernador Pilato at ipinadala naman ni Pilato si Yahshu’a kay Tetraikang Herodes, ngunit hindi hinatulan ng Kamatayan ni Herodes si Yahshu’a, at si Yahshu’a ay ibinalik kay Gobernador Pilato. Naging magkaibigan tuloy sila na dati’y magkagalit. Sa ganiton g pananaw ay hindi sasalungatin ni Pilato ang naging desisyon ni Herodes na kabago-bago palang niyang kaibigan, (Lukas 23:13-15).

Si Gobernador Pilato naman ay pinagsabihan ng kanyang asawa na huwag pakialaman si Yahshu’a dahil pinahirapan siya sa panaginip sa nakaraang gabi. Sa ganito ay hindi nanaisin ni Pilato na hindi pagbigyan ang kahilingan ng kanyang asawa, (Mateo 27:19).

Dahil lamang sa pangangailanagng pagbigyan ang mga tao na alam ni Pilato na sinuhulan ng mga punong Seserdote ay kinailangang baguhin ang una niyang desisyon na ‘walang kasalanan si Yahshu’a at kanyang palalayain, (YahYah 18:38, Luke 23:4, Luke 23:13-16, Luke 23:20).


Paanong maging sunod-sunuran si Pilato sa kagustuhan ng mga tao lamang, kung ang ugali niya ay ganito, ‘ ang naisulat na niya’y hindi na pwedeng baguhin? Samakatwid, ang unang desisyon ni Pilato na si Yahshu’a ay walang kasalanan at palalayain ay hindi pwedeng magbago. Ngunit dahil sa pagnanais ng mga punong Seserdote (na mas mababa ang kapangyarihan kaysa kay Gobernador Pilato) na maipapatay si Yahshu’a, kinakailangan pulungin ni Pilato ang lahat ng kanyang batalyon. Pinapasok niya ang mga ito sa kanyang palasyo at doon ay sila-sila lamang ang nag-usap na paanong ipatupad ang kagustuhan ng mga tao na sinuhulan ng mga punong Seserdote at ang pagsunod sa unang desisyon ni Pilato na palayain si Yahshu’a. (Hindi nakapasok sa Palasyo ang mga Hudyo dahil maituturing silang marumi at hindi karapat-dapat sa Hapunang pang-Paskua, (YahYah 18:28, YahYah 19:19-22).

Lumabas ang Batalyon na kasama si Yahshu’a na may buhat na kahoy (krus). Nang makita nila si Simon na taga-Cyrene (Libya sa ngayon), kanilang ipina buhat kay Simon ang kahoy na buhat ni Yahshu’a at si Yahshu’a ay inilagay sa likuran. Ang kanilang dinaanan ay pasilyong makitid na daanan lamang, kaya sa susunod na pagliko ay ang nakita na ng mga tao na may buhat ng kahoy ay si Simon na. Mapapansin na sa ika-labingdala ng tanghali hanggang sa ikatlo ng hapon ay nagdilim sa kapaligiran. Mapapansin din na walang nakasulat sa Bagong Tipan na ‘isinauli ni Simon kay Yahshu’a ang kahoy kaya ng siya ay sumigay ng ‘Ama, patawarin mo sila dahil hindi nila alam ang kanilang ginagawa’. Si Simon na taga Cyrene ay nagsasalita ng Griyegong wika. Sa Cyrene hanggang sa ngayon ay marami pang lahi ng mga Griyego sa Susa, sa Shihat, sa Beda at sa iba pang lugar sa Libya.

YahYah 8:29 ‘at kasama ko ang nagsugo sa akin, hindi niya ako iniiwan sapagkat lagi kong ginagawa ang nakalulugod sa kanya’. Paanong si Yahshu’a ay magsasalita ng ‘Ama, Ama bakit mo ako pinabayaan? o ang ‘Eli, Eli lama Sabacthani’ kung hindi naman siya iniiwan ng nagsugo sa kanya?

Ayon sa Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Hebrew Bible Chaldean Hebrew at Greek Dictionary:

Greek Dictionary:

2241 (Greek) ELI = my God – in Hebrew (EL) ‘Ale’ = mighty, Almighty
1682 (Greek) ELOI = my God
2982 (Greek) LAMA = why – in Hebrew 4100 MAH = why
In Hebrew 3027 YAD = Thou
4518 (Greek) SABACTHANI = thou has left me – in Hebrew 7662
In Hebrew 7662 SHEBAQ = allow to remain

‘Ama, Ama, Bakit Mo Ako Pinabayaan’ ay salitang sumisisi sa Ama .

Yob (Job) 1:22 ‘sa kabila ng mga pangyayaring ito ay hindi nagkasala si Yob, hindi niya sinisi si Yahweh’.

Hindi maaring sisihin ni Yahshu’a ang Ama sa Langit dahil ito ay kasalanan. Si Yob ay hindi nagkasala dahil hindi niya sinisi ang Ama sa Langit.


May mga saksi na ang taong nakabayubay sa kahoy (krus) ay sumigaw ng Eli, Eli Lama Sabacthani na isang salitang Griego. Hinintay ng mga saksi na baka dumating si Propeta EliYah na tinawag ng nakabayubay sa kahoy.


Gawa 10:28, Gawa 26:14 ‘alam ninyo na ang isang Hudyo ay pinagbabawalan ng kanyang pananampalataya na makisama o dumalaw sa isang hindi Hudyo’.

‘ Nakarinig ako na nagsasalita sa wikang Hebreo’


Markos 15:44 ‘hindi magugulat si Gobernador Pilato at magtatanong pa, ‘kung may napatay’ at kung tutuo na desisyon ni Pilato na ipapatay si Yahshu’a.


YahYah 19:39 ‘sumama sa kanya si Nicodemus, may dalang pabango, mga 100 libra ng pinaghalong mira at aloe (si Nicodemus ang nagsadya kay Yahshu’a isang gabi).

Mateo 27:62-65‘kinabukasan, pagkatapos ng Araw ng paghahanda, sama-samang nagpunta kay Pilato ang mga punong Seserdote at mga Pariseo. Sinabi nila ‘Naaalala po namin na sinabi ng mapagpanggap na iyon noong nabubuhay pa na siya’s muling mabubuhay pagkaraan ng tatlong araw. Baka pumaroon ang kanyang mga alagad at nakawin ang bangkay at sabihin nila sa mga tao na siya’y muling nabuhay. At ang pandarayang ito ay magiging ‘MASAHOL PA SA NAUNA’

Mateo 28:65 ‘ dahil sa ang napatay ay nagsasalita ng Griyego na Eli, Eli Lama Sabacthani ay pinuntahan kaagad ng mga punong seserdote si Gobernador Pilato upang matiyak nila kung sino ang talagang napatay. Nagdahilan pa sila na baka mabuhay muli ang napatay ayon sa sinabi nito ng nabubuhay pa at baka nakawin ng kanyang alagad at palabasing nabuhay na muli. Ito ay mababaw na dahilan dahil kakailanganing maipakita ang taong napatay na ito ay buhay.

Kaya sinabi sa kanila ni Gobernador Pilato na mayroon silang sariling kawal (kawal ng punong Seserdote na dumakip kay Yahshu’a) kaya sinabihan sila ni Pilato na ‘bantayan nila ang libingan’ (Mateo 27:65)

Mateo 28:14-15 ‘bukas na ang libingan ng datnan ng mga kawal at ipinakita sa mga punong Seserdote. Inakala naman nila na makakarating sa Gobernador na pinakialaman nila ang libingan na buksan upang masiguro kung sino ang nailibing doon, ngunit wala silang natagpuang bangkay, kaya nagkatha sila ng salita at sinuhulan ang mga kawal ng punong Seserdote na palabasin na kinuha ang bangkay ng mga alagad ni Yahshu’a.. ‘Sinabi ng mga Seserdote na ‘huwag kayong mag-alala, makarating man ito sa Gobernador ‘KAMI ANG BAHALA’.Tinanggap ng mga bantay ang salapi at ginawa ang bilin sa kanila – hanggang sa ngayon ito parin ang sabi ng mga Hudyo’.


Si Gobernador Festo at Si Apostol Saul

Gawa 25:19 ‘ ang pinagtatalunan lamang nila ay tungkol sa kanilang pananampalataya at sa isang tao na ang pangalan ay Yahshu’a, patay na ang taong ito ngunit ipinipilit naman ni Saul (Pablo) na siya’y SIGURADONG BUHAY. Si Gobernador Festo ang pumalit kay Gobernador Felix at nang dumating si Haring Agrippa upang bumati kay Festo, inilahad ni Festo kay Haring Agrippa ang tungkol kay Pablo, at sa kanyang salita sa Hari a y nabanggit niya na ipinipilit ni Saul na SIGURADONG BUHAY si Yahshu’a. Sa pagsasalita sa kagalang-galang na Hari, ang isang Gobernador ay magsasalita ng tamang salita, at si Gobernador Festo ay nakapag-aral na tao at alam niya ang salitang ‘RESURRECTION’ o nabuhay na muli, ngunit bakit hindi niya ginamit ang salitang ‘NABUHAY NA MULI’ kundi ang kanyang tinuran ay ‘ipinipilit ni Saul na si Yahshu’a ay SIGURADONG BUHAY’.

Anghel ni Yahweh

Lukas 24:5 ‘bakit ninyo hinahanap ang BUHAY sa gitna ng mga patay? Ito ang tinuran ng Anghel ni Yahweh na sinabing si Yahshu’a ay ‘BUHAY’ at hindi ang ‘Resurrection o Nabuhay na Muli’. Ang isang Anghel ni Yahweh ay hindi magsasalita ng mali, sa Lukas 24:23 ‘mga Angel na nagsabing ‘BUHAY SI YAHSHU’A’.

Si Yahshu’a na mismo ang Saksi

Lukas 13:31-33 ‘dumating doon ang ilang Pariseo, sinabi nila kay Yahshu’a na ‘umalis ka dito sapagkat ibig kang ipapatay ni Herodes’. At sumagot si Yahshu’a, ‘sabihin mo sa kanya na nagpapalayas pa ako ngayon ng mga demonyo at nagpapagaling, bukas ay ganoon din, at sa ikatlong araw tatapusin ko ang aking gawain. Ngunit dapat akong magpatuloy sa lakad ngayon, bukas at sa makalawa sapagkat ‘IMPOSIBLENG MAMATAY ANG ISANG PROPETA SA LABAS NG YAHRUSALEM’. (Hosea 6:2). Si Yahshu’a narin ang nagsabi na imposibleng mamatay ang propeta na tinutukoy niya ang sarili niya (Deoteronomo 18:15).

Sa Awit ni Haring David

Awit 118:17-22 ‘hindi ako mamamatay kundi mabubuhay, ihahayag ang kagila-gilalas na ginawa ni Yahweh. Kinastigo ako ni Yahweh, ngunit hindi ako ibinigay sa kamatayan’. 118:22 ‘ang batong inayawan ay siyang naging pinaka-saligang bato’

Sa Isinulat ni Lukas

Ito ay naisalin sa Gawa 4:11-12 ‘ang batong inayawan ay naging pinaka-saligang bato, walang kaligtasan sa kaninuman, dahil walang tanging pangalan sa silong ng langit na ipinagkaloob sa mga tao kundi sa pangalan ni Yahshu’a Messiah’.

Natagpuang aklat ni Pedro sa isang Libingan sa Egypto
Bible Dictionary of the Holy Bible

Natagpuan sa isang libingan sa Egypto noong 1886 A.D. ang ‘THE GOSPEL OF PETER’ at nailathala noong 1892 A.D. ay maaaring DOCETIC GOSPEL at mahalang katibayan sa istorya na CRUCIFIXION at RESURRECTION kahit na ito ay may halatang BINAGO sa pag-pabor sa mga HERESY na iyan.

1 comment:


Kabayan Alfonso Datu-Aca Tabilog
The challenge of globalization will overtake the sacredness of all organized religions due
to the facts that religions in Asia and around the World does not hold a firm ideas and realities of
what they were teaching and believing, uncertain people will turn away from the True Faith as
prophesied in Matthew 24:10-14 “at that time many will turn away from the Faith and will betray
and hate each other and many false prophets will appear and deceived many people, because of
increased in wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will
be saved”.
The influenced of earlier religious belief with paganistic practices, humanistic
philosophies, Hellenistic and adaptation of mythologies, caused a great misunderstanding the
Messiah of Nazareth whose name was called YAHSHU’A that walked on this earth 2,000 years
ago. Religious men and women knew that the letter J was newly invented about 375 years ago
but still insist on calling the Latinized Greek name and title Jesus Christ that the Messiah of
Nazareth was not called and never been called in his lifetime when he walk on this earth 2,000
years ago.
For the past 2,000 years churchianity has been constructing another building, which rests
upon another cornerstone cut from a quarry of Greco-Roman teachings. These beliefs are
cemented with false teaching and paganistic practices and humanistic philosophies and include a
Savior bearing a Latinized Greek name. This spiritual building does not rest upon the foundation
of the true Redeemer of Israel. Our Bible is HEBREW and main performers were Hebrew
people, not Greek or Roman.
The false foundation of Churchianity later influenced the next to be born religions, the
Islam, Protestants and the present organized religions. This false foundation will caused the
uncertain people to prioritize the Secular Globalization that will overtake the religious belief and
fulfilled the prophecy in Matthew 24:10-14.
How Religion Interact with Regionalism and Globalization
The foundation of belief of most of the religions of the world is the Bible. The Bible is
the compilation of writings of ancient Hebrew people about the Almighty One, the Creator of
Heavens and Earth and everything on it, the Universe and Mankind. Also we believed the Bible
is the Manual of Mankind. Do you agree that the Bible is the Manual of Mankind? Therefore we
all believed that the Bible is the Manual of Mankind.
I remember my elder sister was a salutatorian in Don Alejandro Roces High School in
Quezon City almost 40 years ago. I ask her if she read the manual of her car, and she says of
course how I can operate my car in correct and proper operations if I will not read and
understand the manual of my car. I ask again, How about the manual of your television, she
answered, yes how can I operate all the features of the television if I will not read and understand
the manual. I told her if I will file up all books and magazine you read, it will be taller than you?
Of course she answered. The last question I ask is How about the Manual of Mankind has you
read it? What is that Manual of Mankind she asked me? As we all agreed earlier that the Bible is
the Manual of Mankind. If you did not read the Manual of Mankind you cannot operate all the
features of mankind and you cannot operate yourself in correct and proper ways. In that logic do
you agree? So therefore no one can give advice or correct someone if he or she has not read and
understand the manual of Mankind. If that so happened that a man or a woman who does not
read and understand the Manual of Mankind give advices to someone, do you think it will be
correct advice? Of course not a good advise.
I was at home when a Religious Pastor approaches me and told me ‘Brother I want to
save your soul’. I asked the Pastor, how can you saved my soul? He answered, by means of this
Bible. I asked again the Pastor, You will save my soul by means of that Bible? ‘Yes’ the Pastor
answered and uttered verses in the Bible that ‘God has love the world that he gave his only
begotten son Jesus Christ to save us’. I asked again the Pastor, ‘are you really a Pastor?, He
answered me ‘Yes’, I asked again, ‘As a Pastor you want to save my soul by means of the Bible
but did you read the whole of the Bible? The Pastor answered ‘Yes’, I asked again the Pastor the
second time and the Pastor swear, he did not read the whole of the Bible but repeated again the
verse “God has love the world that he gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ to save us”. Then I
told the Pastor that I am a Surgical Doctor and I have operated many cases of Appendicitis in our
place but the only problem is I did not read the whole of the manuals and books of being a
Surgical Doctor. Then I asked the Pastor ‘will you allow me to make operations on your
appendicitis? Immediately the Pastor refused to be operated, he told me that because I did not
read the manuals and books of being a Surgical Doctor, this might caused death to my patients
by tetanus. I told him also how much more you (Pastor) did not read the whole of the Bible and
you will make operations on my Soul to save me, my soul might likewise get tetanus that will
caused death.
In Saudi Arabia I was invited on Islam Conversion Lectures at Batha Muslim Center
Riyadh. The Lecturer is a Filipino claimed he was formerly a Jehovah’s Witnesses Lecturer
before he was converted into Islam belief. The Lecturer told us that to be a Muslim you need to
follow the five pillars, the Shahadah or twin testimonies, Salah the five times prayer, Zakat the
alms giving, Sawm is fasting during Ramadan month, Hajj is pilgrimage to city of Mecca. Every
able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so is obliged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in
his or her lifetime. The Lecturer also claimed that from Adam to Noah to Jesus all of the prophets and
patriarch in the scriptures are all Muslim. And the last thing he claimed that all of this was written and
everything not written we must not believed and accept. Then the Lecturer allows me to raise questions.
‘Mr. Lecturer you claimed that everything written only we will believed and accept but not written we
must not believed. To be a Muslim is to follow the five pillars you mentioned, and also that from Adam to
Noah to Jesus all of them were Muslim as you claimed. Now my question is Adam, Noah to Jesus all of
them Muslim and therefore they followed the five pillars and the same time they practice Hajj pilgrimage
to Mecca, my question is where it was written that Adam, Noah to Jesus that they performed Hajj in
Mecca? The Lecturer was not able to answer. That moment I continue asking the Lecturer
questions, “when you were Lecturer in Jehovah’s belief had you read the whole of the Bible?
The Lecturer answered that no need to read the Bible since he was converted to Islam but I asked
again if he read the whole of the Bible during the time when he was the lecturer of Jehovah’s
Witnesses. He insist that no need to read since he was converted into Muslim and at the time he
was Lecturer in Jehovah’s Witnesses he did not read the whole of the Bible. Then I asked the
Lecturer, “how about now, had you read completely the Holy Koran”? In this moment other
members interrupt and intervene in the discussion. I keep on praying to Yahweh of my safety
and I was saved and was able to exit alive thru the help of their high priest named Professor
Sawalahadid that I had a healthy conversation a month ago. The point here I want to reiterate that
those lecturers, teachers, and pastors of the Bible they did not read the whole contents of the
Bible but only they relied on the Dogmas and Doctrines of their affiliated religion.
In Yemen I was invited in their church by a Filipino OFW turned Pastor. Immediately the
Pastor told me that Yahweh is only found in Old Testament but now we are in the New
Testament era and no more in the Old Testament. At that point of conversation, I took his Bible
and try to separate the Old Testament from the New Testament. The Pastor asked me why I am
trying to torn the Bible. I told him “As what you said no more Old Testament so I am removing
the Old Testament in your Bible, and immediately the Pastor took his Bible. I told the Pastor that
my father in the Philippines send me five (5) pages letter but my colleagues distributed the five
pages letter into my five site offices, the page five (5) I received first and read the last page of the
letter of my father. The following week I arrived in my second site office I found page four (4) of
my father’s letter, I asked the Pastor do you think I already understood the will of my father? The
pastor answered “No, because you read only the last two pages of the letter”. After another week
I found page three (3) on the third site office and page two (2) in my fourth site office and page
one (1) in my fifth site office. I asked again the Pastor “do you think I understood now the will of
my father after reading the letter from page 6 down to page 1? The pastor answered “No, because
you need to read the letter in correct sequence to understand the will of your father. Then I asked
the Pastor “whose will to write this Bible? The Pastor answered “The will of the Father in
Heaven”. Therefore if you read only New Testament it was like you read only page 5 and 4 of
the letter of my father and you told me that still you will not understand the will of your father,
how much more you did not read the old testament is like you did not read page 1 to 3 of the
letter of my father that you said still I will not understand because I need to read the letter in
correct sequence to understand the will of your father. If you did not read the Bible in correct
sequence you will not understand the will of the Father in Heaven. I told the Pastor why are you
teaching? In your teaching you will bring your student to falsehood understandings. Then
commotion again happened and I was saved again by Yahweh from troubles.
The fiction or non-fiction pocket book which is much more thicker than the Bible we can
read completely and discussed diligently with our friends of the whole contents of the pocket
book, but the smaller than the pocket book the Bible we cannot read and we have no knowledge
about it but we only rely our understanding on those Pastors and Priest who did not also read the
Bible in whole. It’s not fair; we don’t give importance to the most important of all, the Manual of
Mankind. In our houses we make the Bible as a Display only, the Bible is still new and unopened,
We walk on Sunday holding the Bible on the street going to our church but we did not
read it, we only hold the Bible as a display to say that we are good or religious. Better are those
that show they were not religious but read the whole of the Manual of Mankind. Do you know
that before, only Kings and rich people can afford to own a Bible and they are very few who has
the opportunity to read the Bible. How much more this time we have all the opportunities to read
and understand the contents of the Bible. But, why I will read the whole contents of the Bible if
whatever I read in the Bible is not being practiced and followed in Churchianity that I belong to.
What we noticed was being practiced and followed now on our generation were the teachings of
man. Let’s see some of this teaching of man that were fooling our society and we continue to
agree and be part of the lies and falsehood in our societies belief, or else we will be considered
Example is the word Dece means ten, Septe means Seven. Septe in our society that we
agreed is September is nine, October is ten, November is eleven, Dece is twelve, but Dece means
ten, therefore December is the tenth month and on the last day the 31st is the last day of the year
making the 11th month the First month and start of the new year. Will you start your New Year
on March 1st and greet everybody Happy New Year on March 1st. You will be called fool,
insane, it is not even Chinese New Year, and people will laugh at you.
The next day will start at 12:01 midnight and end on 12:00 midnight also this was
introduced by Pope Gregory X on 13th century about 700 years ago. The original start of day on
the time of the Messiah 2,000 years ago is the day start after the sunset and end on sunset of the
next day. We can say today the time is 7:00 p.m. is (Friday) no it was already (Saturday the
Sabbath day) because sunset already passed; it is not (Friday) anymore. So we are weird.
The Seventh day was made Holy and to make Holy convocation but the Seventh day
become the First day the Sunday where Holy convocation is held on Sunday not on Sabbath day
which is Saturday. And many more as prophesied in Daniel 7:25 “He will speak against the Most
High and oppress his Saints and try to change the set times and laws”.
Greatest Mistake
But one of the Greatest Mistake in our present time is calling the wrong and different name for the
Messiah of Nazareth. The only name to be saved according to Acts of the Apostles 4:12 is in the name
JESUS (Acts 4:12 there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved”). The name
JESUS was never and never been used to call the Messiah of Nazareth when Messiah walked on this earth
2,000 years ago.
It was published in Catholic Digest on January 1992 vol.32, no.6 How Yeshu’a become
Jesus by JOSEPH STALLINGS. The Messiah’s name is Yeshu’a in Aramaic pronounced
‘yahshua’ was translated Iesous in Greek pronounced as ‘yeh-soos’ and translated Iesus in Latin
pronounced ‘yay-soos’. When Letter J was invented by German-Dutch printer on year 1633
about 375 years ago the Latin name Iesus become JESUS pronounced dyezuz. The Latin name
Iesus was translated to Arabic as Issa, well known to Islam. So the mistakes of churchianity were
brought to another belief. The Reformation and the present well organized religious groups
followed the same mistake in calling on the wrong and mistaken name for the Messiah of
Other will say ‘You know when translated into another language the name also change.
Let’s translate into Tagalog “President of America Bill Clinton visited the Philippines”. In
Tagalog language ‘Pangulo ng Amerika si Batingting (Bell) Malinis (Clin) Tonelada (Ton) ay
dumalaw sa Pilipinas’. The name now become famous is Beel-Clean-Ton (Batingting-Malinis-
Tonelada) is the president of America that visited the Philippines it was no longer Bill Clinton. If
you say the correct name is Bill Clinton people will laugh at you because the one become famous
is Beel-Clean-Ton . The same as in the only name given among us to be saved is in the name
YAHSHU’A not Beel-Clean-Ton or Batingting Malinis Tonelada or Jesus. So if you say
Yahshu’a is the name of Messiah people will laugh at you. Try to tell this name Yahshu’a in
your home when you go home today, they will laugh at you. How much more it was prophesied
that “you will be hated by all nation for my name sake” for the sake of the name Yahshu’a you
will be hated by all in Matthew 24:9.
Do you got my point? The personal name cannot be translated but transliterated meaning
transferring the name by sound, like name Mao-Tse-Tung is ‘mao-tse-tung’ also in any language.
What we want to reiterate the correctness should start on our self on our personal faith; next
correctness will follows like a domino effect in our family, to our friend, in our society, in the
politics, in economy, in regionalization understanding and in globalization policies.
We were taught by unlearned teacher in the past and the continuation of their teachings,
still indoctrinating the mind and belief of our society especially of our youth. What will be the
result? The continuations of indoctrination of wrong and false teaching into our youth will result
to our future leaders and people will depend and relies on the falsehood and will no longer accept
the truth as what is going on now.
As I remember my poem when I was in my grade schools, I will recite for all of us “We
are what we are today, because You our Elders have made us this way, We are what we are,
because we had become a victim, an endless victim of your bungler and smugness, your
incompetence …” Now this time the elders I am talking is I myself and you my dear
intellectuals, will we not stand to correct the wrong, will we not move our hands to change the
falsehood into truth? When I will start to move, this is the same question I asked myself when I
found the falsehood, maybe I will move if I am now old, yes I will move when I am no longer
active in my organization, or I will move to correct the falsehood when I am no longer here in
this world. Remember our life is so short, how many more years I will live, how many more
years you will live? Lets move now and correct the falsehood in our society and specially in our
belief and everything will follows, our family and relatives will follow, our friends will follow,
our society will follow, our politics of course will follow, our life style or way of life will be
corrected and the economy will follow, regional and global understanding will based on our
basic foundation that is the TRUE and CORRECT FOUNDATION that can only be found in the
How the Falsehood in Religion Interact with Regionalism and Globalization
Because of very fast communication and bulks of information in the internet, this
falsehood will be revealed and those hiding in white garments will be unmasked and people will
no longer believe in their teaching that will turn away from the Faith and will betray and hate
each other, and because of increased in wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. There will
be no more Good Samaritans in the road, their will be no more alms-givers, their will be no more
philanthropies, everything will be with price, there will be no more free in this world even the
basic needs, as we are experiencing now. You have to pay when you use the comfort room, you
have to pay when you enter the park to relax your eyes, and time will come that we need to pay
to have fresh air to breath.
As what is going on now in Europe, church-goers are becoming lesser and lesser and
priesthood is no longer popular professions. Churchianity in particular will loose their grab to
their members and loose their importance to the society. There will be tremendous effect in our
politics. The lawmakers will no longer be influenced by Churchianity and the laws will favor the
fast growth of globalization in expense of the basic human right needs. Because of the
revelations of falsehood, many will turn away from Churchianity and will betray and hate each
other, and because of increased in wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. This is because
there are no teachers of the TRUTH, there are no GOOD Examples, and there is no TRUE and
CORRECT FOUNDATION. Teachers of the TRUTH, how can you teach the TRUTH if you did
not study and learned what you are teaching? Teachers based their teaching in the teaching of
Man. Teachers teaching Darwin’s theory of Evolution, “You know students MAN came from
Monkey”. Evolution is a continuous process, but can we find a man now saying his father is a
monkey? But most of our Elders now knew more on Monkey business. There are no GOOD
examples, as a leader you must be a good example. But leaders is the one who were corrupt,
leaders were the one doing vises, leaders were the one showing wrong is correct and correct is
wrong. The leaders is not limited to government officials only but also in show business and also
those famous. Being famous you must show the correctness in you into our society. They
married and divorced and married and divorced, having children with different partners, are they
good example to our society? Why this is happening, because we have no law that restricts this
wrong attitude of our society? We have law that restricts Jaywalkers but we cannot restrict
Famous People. Yes we have many laws to restrict them but it was not applied for them.
The leaders are not only limited to famous and government official but also all matured
individual father or mother or brother or sister of individual family and organizations. As a
leader we have to show GOOD Examples to others, but what is the good example? This is the
problem, we don’t know the good example to others because we been incorrectly doctrinated by
the movies we idolized. As an example when I was in my youth, I was punched in my face and
what comes immediately into my mind, I remember the movie I saw when the actor was
punched, the actor immediately retaliated with a fist to show that he is a tough guy. But this is
wrong; correcting the wrong by applying wrong action is not the solution. If they throw you
stone throw them bread as written in the Manual of Mankind the Bible.
All seven of the great religions of the world have Golden Rules:
The Hindu: "The true rule is to guard and do by the things of others as you do by your own."
The Buddhist: "One should see for others the happiness one desires for oneself."
The Zoroastrian: "Do as you would be done to you."
The Confucian: What you do not wish done to yourself do not do to others."
The Mohammedan: "Let none of you treat your brother in a way he would dislike to be treated."
The Jew: "Whatever you do not wish your neighbor to do to you, do not unto him."
The Christian: "All things whatsoever ye would that men do unto you, do you even so to them."
All of this golden rules are good to the sight of men but Without TRUE and CORRECT
Foundation, in Proverbs 14:12, it is good to the sight of man but will lead to death” How can
we have foundation if no one knows what is right or wrong. No one read the correct foundation
that only can be found in the Manual of Mankind the Bible. Now I challenges every one of us
here as a pilot project, all of us read the Bible and we come back and meet again, there will be
big difference in you, each and everyone of us here will have different understanding from the
present, in opinion and in deeds. But how we read the Bible? In John his name is YahYah not
John because there was no letter J in his life time. YahYah 14:26 of the New testament ‘ The
Holy Spirit will be send by the Father in my Name, and that Holy Spirit will be the one to
teach you all things and remind you of everything the Messiah thought”. Our teacher is the Holy
Spirit and that Holy Spirit will be send by the Father Yahweh in Heaven thru the name
YAHSHU’A only, not on Jesus name of any other name. Therefore when we read the Bible we
have to restore the correct name of Yahshu’a whenever we find in the Bible the name Jesus we
have to restore the correct name Yahshu’a. Also in Old Testament and in New Testament
whenever we find God or LORD we have to replace it by the correct name of the Father in
Heaven which is YAHWEH. In doing this the Holy Spirit will come to us to teach you of all and
everything’s Yahshu’a thought. Bare in mind the reminder in Revelation 22:18 “………” we will
not be included in the plagues and curses because we restore the correct name of Yahweh and
Yahshu’a. Remember we are nor removing anything from the Bible, we are only restoring the
correct name that the writers removed from the original copy.
I thank the presence of all of individuals, the intellectuals, men and women of our society,
parents and children.
I thank the presence of the Dean of this school, the doctors in philosophy, the masters and
graduates. I also thanks the officials that invited me to this very healthy and mind opener
conference and I hope and pray that continuation of such will move forward the goal of each one
of us for the good of our society and for better regional and globalization understanding, and in
particular I pray for each and everyone of us to be a good example to others as we follow what
was written correctly in the Manual of Mankind the Bible. The Almighty Father Yahweh be with
us thru the correct name of our savior Yahshu’a Messiah, halleluYah
If any one interested in my book Pilipinas Ay Nasa Biblia 2004/ 2005, this is regarding the former name
of the Philippines is ‘Ophir’ that you can find in Grade 4 books of author Cynthia Danao. Ophir is in the
Bible and according to Historian Gregorio F. Zaide on his book Philippine History that Padre Chirino a
historian found that Tagalog has mystery and obscurities of Hebrew language, we have original 12
regions as 12 tribes of Yisrawale, we are kayumanggi or tan the color of skin of King Solomon the ruler
before the captivity of Yisrawale happened. The Sri-Visjaya and Datu and Sholtan are ancient Hebrew
words. Thank you very much.